Yay! I just got email confirmation that they are ready to ship my big box of anime to me. Unfortunately someone there decided to ship it to by billing address instead of my desired mailing address. I had asked to have it mailed to my workplace so that I knew someone would be there to accept it. Now it is coming to my home address. I called to get it changed but they physically shipped it last night. Its somewhere between Indiana and Florida now. Sigh! Hopefully my wife or I will be home to accept it. I don't like leaving big boxes of anime on my doorstep where they can be stolen, rained on, get covered by spiders, eaten by deer, abducted by aliens and just generally mistreated.
Mean time, till it gets here I will satisfy myself with free anime from comcast. We are currently watching:
Revolutionary Girl Utena
The World of Narue
Black Jack
and are about to start watching:
Hell Girl
Darkside Blues
Descendants of Darkness
Gin Rei
BTW, if you are on comcast you can check out the free on demand anime here: