Jun 20, 2008 21:05
PiQ Magazine Reaches Its Peak
AD Vision's PiQ Magazine has formally announced that its current fourth issue, cover dated July 2008, will be the publication's final issue. Continued production of the magazine has been canceled due to, "a combination of low advertising revenue, poor business management and a lack of proper marketing and promotion." The entertainment culture magazine launched in March as a successor to the discontinued Newtype USA anime magazine.
The formal announcement begins with the statement, "It's unfortunate that we'll never get a chance to see how successful PiQ could have been." But doesn't the very fact that the statement is being made demonstrate PiQ's relative success?
Source: Anime News Network
Note: I really loved Newtype USA. PiQ was okay, but I kind of thought it was way too broad and didn't fill any one need as well as other vendors already in the market place. Still sad to see them go under so quickly.