CNN got it wrong!

Jun 20, 2008 20:38

I just finished emailing CNN's editorial correction department. I was surprised with a link I found on a page about possible terrorism targets. Under the "don't miss" section there was a link entitled "Former FSU student pleads guilty to terrorism charge". Well I followed the link and read the article it goes to. The only problem is it was about a USF (University of South Florida) student and had nothing to do with FSU (Florida State University). Easy enough to mistype but really easy to bad mouth a school.

I fired off the email pretty quick and thought about emailing someone at FSU. Guess it got my school pride up. My wife and I are both alumni of FSU and she is currently getting her masters there. We live in Tallahassee where FSU is located. Funny how little slanders get you pissed off. Unfortunately the reality of it really being USF means it's about the university a lot of my friends attended (including the wife at one point). Oh well! You just can't win some days.

Here is the link about the student: Former Florida student pleads guilty to terrorism charge


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