Ohhhh hi everyone. In case you missed it we had a discussion on what we're doing for round three.
Polls are here, etc. I'll announce the results sometime soon, so keep voting! :D I'll close the polls soon.
The reason I'm here is to pimp as a favor. :D
raiindust asked if I could pimp
2011 Icon Appreciation Month Awards to you guys so a variety of icons (yes, animanga included) could be nominated! So if you have some time go nominate icons, people, etc. They want a variety of icons nominated so it's up to you guys to represent the animanga fandom! SHOW THEM WE'RE HARDCORE. HARD. CORE. If you do nom, tell me k? :3 DO YOUR PART, MAKE PAMMA PROUD, ETC.
JOIN THE FUNLawl I'm slowly getting through the cats, so many icons I want to nom. ;A;
* Oh before anyone asks don't worry it won't interfere with the thing we're doing in Jan @
animubest. That's still going on as planned.
You know what though? I'm pimping the whole week be cause I feel like it's fun & it's still not too late for you guys to participate!
wonderous_stuff is hosting an ~Icon Appreciation Month~ to celebrate the awesomeness that is icons. :D (Fab comm is fab btw, please watch it if you want. Amazing iconmakers. ♥)
Hosted @
So far a variety of activities have been posted, go join them if you can!
2011 Icon Appreciation Month Awards-
Icon Appreciation Month Icon Battle-
I'm In With the In Crowd: Friending Meme-
Keeping Up with the Critique: Concrit Meme
Tutorage for Tutors: Tutorial Sharing Meme
Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned [Icon Confessions Booth]
Under-the-Radar Icon Maker Appreciation GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! :D Be sure to tell me if you participate! :D
Also here's a little promo for new comm started by the awesome
CALENDARSQUARES Okay gonna pimp @
absolucion nao. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!