#657 -
nfgs - Turkish Van
When I first saw the recommendations I received for my Animagus application I quickly clicked on each of the links supplied in order to read about the different animals my peers felt would suit me. I was quick to narrow my choices to two: the Turkish Van and the Marine Otter. I was especially intrigued with the characteristics given in the vote by one of my peers for the Marine Otter, so I wanted to read as much as I could about that animal. In the end, though, I know where my heart lies. I was able to make connections between myself and the Marine Otter, but it is clear that I can make even more with the Turkish Van. This cat is described as being intelligent and a fast learner, which are characteristics that I pride myself on. The Turkish Van’s affinity to diving into water on occasion for what seems to be a recreational swim is very amusing, and I find a connection with that feeling.
I stand by what I said in my application, I feel a peace and enjoyment in a body of water, but I know that I also enjoy my time spent on land, so in that respect, I think I can find a wonderful compromise for those two things with this animagus form. This breed is also described as one that loves to be around people and one that enjoys “teaching” their owners and bringing them in on fetching games.
As far as appearances, I wouldn’t necessarily say that appearances would have been incredibly important in selecting (or discovering) my animagus form. Overall, I think that the form should first and foremost reflect the human personality (and vice versa). With that being said, the physical attributes I mentioned in my application can certainly be reflected within the form of the Turkish Van. I did state my hope that I would prefer to stand out or be considered “unique” as opposed to blending in with a crowd. The Turkish Van is known for having a very unique coat pattern - and it can even have multi-colored eyes, on occasion. Those are, indeed, some unique traits.
On the whole, I believe that this form would certainly suit me.
Claire, Hufflepuff
#659 -
nicevenn - Ferret
My primary reason for choosing the ferret as my animagus form is the animal’s “weasel war dance.” As soon as I read about this behavior, I thought, “Ooh, that’s so me.” The weasel war dance consists of a series of frenzied hops. It is speculated that, in nature, the war dance might be used to confuse and disorient prey, but among pets it seems to mean that the ferret is pleased with itself, usually after capturing or stealing something. This resembles something I do. My parents say that when I was little and said or did something I was pleased with, I would do a subtle little dance or shake my foot excitedly. Nowadays, if I’m in a supremely good mood (and not around strangers), I might have an outburst where I burst into a silly dance or series of movement.
Another reason why I chose the ferret is because they are mischievous creatures, and that resembles me as well. I’ve always enjoyed causing a bit of harmless chaos. I can also be very resourceful if I really want something. I don’t steal it, like a ferret would, but I might resort to sneakiness and manipulation.
Lastly, ferrets are generally nocturnal. I greatly enjoy nighttime and usually save the stuff I most enjoy doing for evenings or ridiculously early in the morning.
Bella, Slytherin
#660 -
lilacmermaid - Western Painted Turtle
I was really pleased with all of the choices given to me, but after researching them a bit more, I decided to go with the Western Painted Turtle. We do not have this kind of turtle in the province where I live, but their habitat does cover an area of the country where I love to spend my time. The WPT is non-migratory, though females may travel some distance to lay its eggs; similarly, I I tend not to stray too far from home on my own, but I can be persuaded if my friends and family are with me.
My dark hair is similar in colouring to the olive-brown of the WPT, but I love to wear bright colours, similar to the red and yellow markings on the turtle's shell and body. I enjoy the diet of an omnivore, and am very comfortable in and around the kinds of freshwater lakes and rivers that make up the WPT's habitat. Though I live in Canada, I rarely go out in the winter, so I can relate to how the WPT hibernates in the wintertime, though it has been known to survive far colder temperatures than many other reptiles.
I spent the better part of my childhood summers in and out of the water at our cottage, swimming with my friends and family until it got too cold and then basking in the sun and quietly taking in my surroundings. This seems to be how the WPT spends most of its day. I am a pretty quiet person, but, like the WPT, I enjoy spending part of my time with others, even if we're not saying anything. We are both far more graceful in the water than on land, but the WPT is able to right itself if it gets flipped upside down, and I always strive to do the same. I can also relate to the WPT's habit of diving for cover and tucking itself inside its shelf whenever it is threatened, because I will always choose to avoid conflict and get myself out of dangerous situations whenever possible.
Stephanie, Ravenclaw
#661 -
daughterjudy - Chincoteague Pony
I have loved horses my entire life. I grew up reading any horse book I could get my hands on including the Misty books about a Chincoteague Pony. Coincidentally, I am also a Horse in the Chinese Zodiac. Horses are a product of their environment much like humans are. You can have cocky horses, calm horses, sweet horses; All as a matter of upbringing. Horses can be like me: strong, pig headed, independent, but also super loyal.
Chincoteague Ponies are not true ponies but horses that are just smaller in stature. I am about 5'4 on a good day and I make no qualms about my shortness. Chincoteague Ponies are also very prone to wandering in their island home. I am prone to wondering myself. I moved from one side of the country to the other. And I'm getting ready to move again tomorrow(!) I love horses and the freedom they represent. The wind flowing through my hair and all that jazz, makes me happy. They feed mostly on grasses and shrubs and I'm mostly vegetarian so that works there too. I am also rather lazy and while I do love water, I'm not a huge fan of swimming in salt water I do love being near the sea if I'm not in it. Chincoteague Ponies live on a couple islands on the east coast of the US. Although I am no longer living on that side of the country, I still feel that the Chincoteague Pony would be an excellent choice for me.
Jamie, Gryffindor
#662 -
iam4him - Eurasian Wolf
I was immediately excited when I saw that a wolf was one of my options. I have always related to wolves. I have always LOVED wolves. I have wolf artwork on my walls, I have a wolf hat, I have wolf bookends, and a couple tabletop statues. They are majestic and beautiful and I would be so happy to get to be one in my animagus form. While reading about the Eurasian Wolf I was happy that this was my option.
I relate to wolves in general in many ways. Wolves communicate using a lot of body language, which is very me. I am constantly using my whole body to talk and not just words. When they're angry they have a glare. They bare their teeth and slit their eyes and let's just say my "death glare" is infamous. I have an amazing sense of smell, just like them. I'm also very territorial and when it comes down to it I will protect my people and my area.
Specifically regarding this particular subspecies, I was happy this wolf was a tawny color, which is a yellowish orange and while looking up some pictures some of them had a red hue to them which made me happy because I love my red hair. I was also happy that it was the Eurasian Wolf because I am Swedish/Norwegian and they live in those areas. I'm glad that their fur is thicker than other wolves because I am a freeze baby and I love to be bundled up and snuggly. They also have smaller packs then the wolves in North America, which fits me well because I don't hang out with very large groups of people. It's usually just me and family. I am very excited for this to be my animagus!
Holly, Gryffindor
#663 -
munanna - Swift Fox
Foxes in general have always been dear to me, and therefore I appreciate getting that as an alternative. A few things we have in common include:
Monogomous lifestyle
Like the Swift Fox I tend to form a deep relationship bond with one person, and aim for that to be lifelong (well ideally...).
Not as such, but I'll eat most things, provided I can get it.
Swift foxes move around a lot, from den to den, which I have been known to do. The vixens are the ones maintaining a territory, though - at all times. I can relate to that. I feel very safe in my own 'den', and I do maintain what little territory I have.
Like the Swift Fox I have a variety of odd little sounds that I don't even think about but my partner alerted me to. I'm not the quiet type.
Folklore and spirituality
In folklore foxes have been portrayed as cunning tricksters, often combined with a certain type of charm. As a spirit animal it is also associated with adaptability and quick thinking, which is something I value highly. When I moved here I had to adapt a lot, and quickly.
Physical speed is not something that we have in common, but I do appreciate it in my animagus form.
One last thing: I saw a youtube video while researching this darling animal, and discovered we have one more thing in common. They're fighting with their butts. Backing upp against one another while snarling and hissing. Well, I have a pretty impressive butt and I think I would rock that fighting style! :D
Lova, Slytherin
#664 -
nevarren - Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
I share several traits with the Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, whose form I will take as an animagus. Like all dolphins, the Atlantic Spotted is quick and agile. Among dolphins, this species is especially prone to jumping and other aerial activities, and is capable of swimming at very high speeds. Dolphins are social creatures which travel in pods, and this is where we diverge a bit. I am more introverted, and prefer social interaction with one or two people at a time. That said, the Atlantic Spotted Dolphin travels in smaller pods than other dolphin species, usually 5-15 animals. That makes them fairly introverted in the dolphin world!
Dolphins are curious, often approaching humans and their boats. They are active and excitable, but not particularly aggressive. At the same time, they are relatively sizable, so they are not likely to submit. When necessary, they will put up a fight.
In my application, I said that I would be likely to test the limits of my new form as an animagus in ways I didn't as a human. Dolphins' bodies are so drastically different from my own that I would have a lot to toy around with. I'm all arms and legs--dolphins are all torso. We move differently and even breathe differently. Moreover, having a marine mammal as my animagus would make it possible for me to travel to places I never could as a human. Since travel is such an important part of my life, that seems like a major plus! I also said that I preferred temperate climates and felt like I stood out more than I'd like to and I'd prefer my animagus form to be better at blending in. Dolphins keep together in groups, and so individuals are less likely to stand out. These particular dolphins stick to regions with warm waters--the Bahamas and the Atlantic coast.
Last, but not least, dolphins were my favorite animal when I was a young kid, so I feel like we've always had a connection. Taking the form of a dolphin as my animagus would bring that connection full circle.
Thank you!
Clara, Ravenclaw
#665 -
nanerbear - Snowshoe Hare
The decision to choose between a bear and a hare is, well, really hard for me. I went into my application feeling that, out of any animal I could be given, I’d no doubt be exultant if one of them were a bear. I’ve always loved bears for a variety of reasons, some of which are certainly superficial. In some ways I am already having second thoughts about not choosing the black bear. I like how large and soft they are, how they hibernate, how they love to eat, how sweet mother bears are to their cubs, and how they can be both amazingly adorable and yet intimidating up close. I like how, in many ways, they remind me of people. But, if I had chosen the black bear, I know I’d always feel in my gut like I chose wrong.
Why? I’m a bunny, whether or not I really want to be. Sure, my life expectancy in the wild is awful, and I’m fresh meat to a wide array of predators. That really sucks… it’s not something you ever really aim for. But if I am being realistic, if I were an animal, I wouldn't be territorial or aggressive at all. And unlike bears, swimming isn't something I’m good at. None of that is me. But when I started researching the snowshoe hare, along with attributes from hares in general, everything just sort of fell into place.
Like the snowshoe hare, I’m the nervous type. I’m always observing, curious yet cautious, waiting for something to happen. It’s difficult for me to let my guard down. The hare is very quiet, much like me. Like a hare, I’m watchful. Gentle. And have you ever tried to catch a hare? They are fast! They are so fast, while still being nimble and quiet at the same time. I really can relate to that. In addition, I particularly like how the snowshoe hare changes its fur to blend in with the change in weather. Plus, having bunny ears would be the best. The snowshoe hare is a combination of behavior characteristics that are identical to me, as well as physical attributes that I would find pleasant as an animagus. Not to mention that the preferred habitat of the snowshoe hare is one that I would be very comfortable in - dense forest, chilly climate, four seasons. Just right.
I think the one reprieve in terms of life expectancy for the hare is that, as an animagus, I will have additional abilities to protect myself if needed. With that concern out of the way, there really isn’t any denying that my animagus should definitely be the snowshoe hare.
Jennifer, Hufflepuff
#666 -
wizbey - Natterer's bat
I didn’t want to bias anyone and I wasn’t sure if they’re fit my personality but if I had to pick an animal I wanted to be I would have picked a bat. So I was pleasantly surprised when there was a species of bat as one of my options. However it was still a hard choice because I am awful at decisions and because there was a compelling argument made for a few of the other options and I debated between the Natterer’s bat and Canvas back for a while. Ultimately I have decided to go with the Natterer’s bat.
Superficially the saying blind as a bat, yeah that totally fits. I have horrible eyesight. But there is a deeper connection. Natterer’s bat fend for the young during their first few weeks, feeding them and taking care of them in a nursery. They take care of the young until the wings of the young are full developed. I really do take care of my family and I’ll do whatever is necessary for them.
Other characteristics of bats include loyal, creative, curious, communicative and unselfish. These are traits that I certainly possess. I am a loyal person and will do anything for the people I care for. I won’t abandon them if they need me no matter how crazy what they are asking me to do is. If the person has earned my loyalty and respect I will stick by them through anything. The people I am loyal to need to have proven to me that they are worthy of my loyalty and respect, mostly my family and close friends. Natterer’s bats gather in a nursery (like most bats) where the females all give birth together and raise the children together. Like one giant family.
I am also creative in both problem solving (seriously nursing is half creative problem solving) and when I write. I like to be able to imagine worlds and paint vivid pictures in my mind. Bats need to be able to figure out where they are nesting using not only caves but also barns and trees. Whatever is available. I also communicate a lot. It’s something I’ve been learning to do over the past few years and something I’ve gotten really comfortable with. Besides I’ve always found the idea of echolocation to be interesting using sound to find things. I can also be unselfish at times when I’m caring for my family I’ll give up and rearrange my schedule to make things work.
Lastly I really wanted a form that could fly. Being able to diving in the ocean was tempting but I think I’d be happier flying then I would swimming. After reading up on all my choices I have decided that the Natterer’s bat is the right animagus choice for me!
Morgan, Gryffindor
#667 -
ohcaptain - Kea
All four of my animagus choices were birds, which I predicted would be the case due to my affinity to air and things with wings. The kea was the only option that I had never heard of before. I saved it as the last one to research, and when I got to it, my reaction was instant. THIS WAS MY ANIMAGUS. I never thought that a bird from the opposite side of the world would be the one I felt an instant connection to, but life can be funny sometimes.
The kea is the only parrot to exist in an alpine climate, high in the New Zealand mountains. Growing up in the northeastern corner of the U.S. has made dealing with the cold a big part of my life, and as a result of that I don’t think I would ever feel comfortable in a place that was warm all the time. Survival in this rough environment has led the kea to establish themselves as a very curious and intelligent species, which has helped them to discover and utilize new food sources within their environment. They are master manipulators, and have even proven themselves adept at solving complex logical puzzles set out for them by researchers. One of the major ways I have been able to adapt to changes in my life is by searching out ways to manipulate my environment for my own survival, to be able to create what I need in places that may not necessarily be the most ideal for me. I feel a strong connection to the kea because of this; we both place a high importance on self-preservation, and must fight to get what we want out of the situations we have been placed in.
Furthermore, this urge to explore and manipulate its surroundings have given it a reputation of being “cheeky,” and that is one thing I can definitely relate to. My sense of humor and tendency to instigate others have led to a similar reputation for myself, and I had never thought that I would find an animal that shared this personality trait until I read about the kea. It’s probably a good thing that we exist on opposite sides of the world, because we would probably cause a ton of trouble if we ever got together.
Olivia, Slytherin
erzsebet - Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Receiving my choices, I was torn between all of them! Pug, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Shih Tzu, Newfoundland - all great choices, and I'd be happy with any one of them. In the end, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi won out.
Corgis, although small in stature, are herding dogs. I can definitely see myself in that - they're followers (trainable, taking commands) but also leaders (guiding others) and take on both sides amiably despite their small size. I don't like to be the one in complete control, but I do care for others and can be a bit obnoxious in my leadership of them - where corgis nip at heels, I poke and prod. We're also both playful, affectionate, love to be involved, and tenacious.
There are some differences between myself and this breed. Corgis are more lively, more energetic, more carefree. However, I was looking for these specific differences in an Animagus form, as I feel the ability to replace my human form with that at an animal would be quite freeing and lead to me displaying these traits that are usually reserved for my most happiest of moments.
Overall, I couldn't be happier with my choices, and I'm confident in my selection of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. They're a better fit than I could possibly have ever hoped for. Even physically, we definitely have similarities as well. We are short and stocky. We are nearly always smiling. And, we both wiggle when we're enthusiastically happy.
Ellie, Gryffindor
#669 -
ljusastjarnan - Black Swan
I had a lot of trouble deciding which to pick out of the four choices; the Murre because it had such a gorgeous black coat that I loved, the alligator because of the way it lurks underneath the water, it's prey unawares of it's existence, and the black eagle because well, what's more fitting for a Ravenclaw to be an eagle? But I went with the black swan because I believe that is the animal I feel I identify most with, and one that I can write a lot about it! Firstly in terms of the folklore behind the more general species of swans, and then the philosophical implication behind the discovery of the swan, and finally, how it's colour and location fits me!
The story of the he ugly duckling is something that only resonated with me when I thought about it. I was an incredibly awkward looking child, and the awkward remained until I became a teenager, and indeed, got worse during that time. It gave me a gamut of self esteem issues, but I took comfort and pride in the idea that I could at least achieve academic excellence, even if people had a tendency to dislike or ignore me for other, more attractive people. The unfortunate thing is, even if they don't realize it, people will always be more forgiving of your faults and your quirks if they come from a pretty face. I was weird, I didn't fit the grain, and I was ostracised for it. But that's all understandable, because people like what is familiar to them, people like those who have the same thought processes, even people who look the same way. Once university came, not only did I grow out of that awkwardness, but I wasn't weird for liking what I liked anymore. I could flourish with "my people," and I feel so lucky to have what I have.
There are a couple of surface level characteristics I share; the first being a long neck, which I have in spades. Then there's the fact that it was first found, and mainly abides in Australia, and of course it's black colouring, which matches my black hair. It's also quite large for a fowl, and likewise I'm quite tall for a female. To be honest I don't think I'm all that elegant, because there are oftentimes when I haven't the energy to unruffle my feathers as it were, but then again there are many pictures of scruffy looking black swans, so there you go.
Lastly is the curious case of the mystical black swan, and how it's discovery marked a shift in the idea that there can be definitive, general empirical statements about anything at all. It's the problem of induction, and as just as Hume gave the example of the billiard balls to illustrate this, the simple fallacious argument of black swans delivers it even more simply; just because all you see are white swans does not necessarily mean all swans are white. Evidence of the black swan saw a shift in the world; what was thought impossible was in fact true! The black swan was noted in literature a long time before they were known to exist, and this is very appealing to me indeed.
Ophelia, Ravenclaw
#670 -
partitioning - Indian Elephant
This was a really difficult decision as none of the choices I was given felt quite right initially. I'm not tall enough to be a giraffe and the wombat is cute but smaller than I would like to be. That left the Newfoundland, which is closest to the kind of animal I was expecting, and the Indian Elephant, which seemed to fit me the more I researched it. I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with this form but I think it'll be a great option that I hope will grow on me.
Overall, the Indian Elephant has a general vibe and physicality that I feel comfortable with. They are intelligent animals which fits my personality and is also something I wanted from my Animagus form. Elephants are known to have good memories which is something that really fits me as well. Apparently, I remember situations and some information in greater depth than is normal.
It's important to me to have an Animagus form that is good with humans and is mostly calm but big enough to not be vulnerable to predators. This fits the Indian Elephant perfectly. The female of the species is calm, gentle, and tolerant of humans in captivity and in domesticity. Additionally, elephant herds are lead by the females which I think is really cool and also fits me because I tend to not shy away from leadership. Their habitat is a little warmer than I would usually prefer but they deal with it by staying near a water source, drinking a lot of it and wading around in it. It sounds silly but I relate to this focus on hydration.
I also love how they look when they are painted and that they are culturally important in India and Asia in general. They are also important to the balance of their ecosystem because seeds from the food they eat help disperse seeds after digestion. I love that my form is an animal that culturally and environmentally significant. I like that they matter.
Overall, the Indian Elephant isn't what I was expecting for my Animagus form but it's a choice that makes me feel comfortable and safe which is important to me.
Meg, Ravenclaw
#671 -
alethiometric - Eastern American Black Bear
I was immediately drawn to two of my choices, the Glaucous Gull and the Black Bear. Both of them are very fascinating, but I (despite being deeply driven toward avians) feel more of a pull towards the bear than the gull or the other bird choices presented.
The black bear is a common but distinct species of bear and is not as aggressive as other bear species. It's considered formidable and has almost no natural predators, being fairly equally matched with cougars and wolves, and surpassed only with the two larger North American species of bears. I don't consider myself to be particularly uncommon, and I am not aggressive if I can help it. Because I'm so large and tall, most people leave me alone - I am not usually the target of harassment or aggression, and if I find myself being targeted, I prefer to bluff or escape (like the black bear), though I am capable of defending myself if need be.
Like me, black bears have a deep connection with the forest, living in forested areas and climbing or marking (and eating the products of!) trees. It's cold sometimes where they are, and the colder the winter is, the longer they hibernate, but it's also warm in the summer. This is ideal for me - I love cold weather and also warm weather, in a balance, something which the other choices' habitats don't offer me. They're also solitary for most of their lives, having plenty of space to themselves and not seeking the company of others. I am fine with that!
Also, the black bear has a reluctant relationship with people; it prefers to avoid inhabited areas, but will venture into them if food is readily available. I am absolutely an opportunistic eater and if someone is going to leave some food out for me, I will appear. And I will put in some effort to get to the food, if I have to. My normal form is terrified of bees and stinging or flying insects, but as a bear, I eat those often! A bear doesn't even care when it gets stung while it's stealing all of the honey from the bees - something I could probably do to help my own fear.
Finally, the black bear has good eyesight and other senses, and can run easily. These are attributes that I wish normal me could have - I have terrible ankles and am developing knee problems, and my eyesight has been lousy since I was young.
It doesn't perfectly match my initial mental picture of myself, but I think the black bear will be an excellent choice with which I can become acquainted.
Lou, Ravenclaw
#672 -
valerie_jackson - Shetland Sheepdog
The Sheltie is a very loyal breed, apprehensive about strangers but a lifelong companion once that bond is formed. It takes me a while to warm up to people, and if I don't know someone then I'm usually very quiet and tend to stick to myself, however, when I'm with my best friends you wouldn't even be able to tell that I'm a shy person. This breed is also known for it's great intelligence; I like to think that I'm fairly smart; I do well in school and I'm very good at all sorts of puzzles. Shelties are small and fluffy, two traits that I can physically relate to (I have a lot of thick hair, and although I'm an average height, I always feel as though I'm too short when compared to most of my friends)
The Sheltie is also classified as a sturdy, hardworking breed. Whenever I have a task placed before me, I always try my best to accomplish it to the best of my abilities. I also hate to give up, if I'm going to start on something, you can bet that I'll do my best to see it through to the very end (plays, school projects, hard classes), I'm not one to run away when the 'going gets tough'.
All of the breeds presented to me could have worked; they are all loyal, curious and intelligent animals, but the thing that connects me the most of the Shetland Sheepdog is the fact that the breed originates in Scotland. I myself have strong Scottish roots and wish to visit/live there as soon as I am able.
Sam, Hufflepuff
#673 -
bookishgeek - Serval
I was initially sort of against the idea of a Serval, mainly because they're "big cats" and while I'm big, I'm not as active as a big cat. But the more I looked at photos of them, the more they melted my heart. They have HUUUUUUUGE ears, and so does my own cat, so I feel a bit of a kindred cat spirit there. Additionally they have the longest legs of any other cat, and at 5'9" I'm pretty tall myself! They're nocturnal, like me, and tend to binge eat and sometimes inhale their food too fast - definitely like me! Hahaha. They're very smart and mischievous, which I just love. What is also wild is that they can be domestic pets! It's not exactly recommended, but they can live in your house just like a big kitten. I feel like there are a lot of similarities between myself and the Serval, and they are also pretty helpful in helping me on my diet/fitness journey - they can run super, super fast and I look up to and admire that, odd as it is! Overall I am very excited to be a Serval animagus. :)
Patricia, Gryffindor
#674 -
memeann012084 - Haida Gwaii Black Bear
Of the four choices I was offered I have selected the Haida Gwaii Black Bear. Though I was unable to find much information on this particular animal on the internet, I was still able to feel as though that was the best choice for me. Mostly because when I was a member of HIH previously, the animagus I was given was that of the North American Black Bear. As they are both Black Bears, that must mean that this is the animal I am meant to be.
One of the similarities I have with this animal is the fact that I am very territorial. I have a very “Don't touch my stuff” mentality. That being said if you ask, I will gladly share with you. But if you take it upon yourself to go after what is mine, my reaction won't be pretty. In food rich areas though, Black Bears will share, developing a hierarchy where the biggest and strongest get first dibs.
Black bears are also strong swimmers. Which incidentally, despite my lack of athletic abilities, I am a great swimmer. I could spend all day in the water were I at a pool or beach, gladly. These bears are known to swim recreationally, not simply to fish for food.
Another thing we have in common tends to be our appearance, which I believe is actually the number one reason people suggest this animal for me. We are both of stocky build, with dark hair. Though mine isn't particularly thick like that of a the bear. Being strong and broad is a common trait we both share as well.
I am sure there are several other similarities that could be listed here however I feel as though I have chosen the most important ones. From both physical looks, hobbies and personality I can be linked to this animal in many ways, and I can see why it was suggested by HIH members for my animagus form.
Maryann, Gryffindor
#676 -
monkiainen - Tufted Puffin
I had a hard time picking my Animagus form from the choices I was given. I’m not a dog person at all, so Irish Water Spaniel was the first candidate I dropped because I didn’t feel any connection to it. All three remaining choices had something that made me feel they could be my form, but in the end I narrowed my choices to two: Wonderpus Octobus or Tufted Puffin.
After making a more thorough research, I finally settled with Tufted Puffin. Sea and its closeness means a lot to me, and Tufted Puffins are apt swimmers living next to bodies of water. The climate they live in would be perfect for me, as that’s pretty much the climate of my own home country. I love all kinds of fish foods, so an animal living mostly of fish and other sea creatures is pretty much like me. I’m very protective of my daughter and my family in general, so the fact that Tufted Puffins go out of their way to keep their eggs safe felt very fitting. Lastly, because of my distinctive hair and my preference of wearing bright colours, the markings and colours of Tufted Puffin are very fitting. They even have an unusual batch of feathers on their head!
I feel that Tufted Puffin is a very apt choice for my Animagus form.
Johanna, Hufflepuff
#677 -
jennashaped - Common Raven
After going over the wonderful votes, I was wavering between the Snowy Owl and the Common Raven. While I absolutely love Hedwig and have always admired her quiet beauty, I think the Common Raven fits me best. Hedwig always stood out among the owls at Hogwarts, and was easily spotted, and I remember saying in my application that I preferred not to stand out, but to be camouflaged. I feel that standing out, while having its good points at times, is like having a target on your back. I like the idea of standing out if I choose to, but not by default. Also, the Raven, with its dark, glossy color, fits me well with my dark eyes, dark hair, and dark skin.
Ravens are omnivorous and can either be a predator or scavenger, which I think matches up nicely with me. Not only do I enjoy both meats and veggies and grains, but I like the idea of being both a predator and scavenger. I don't hunt, but I will definitely cook if I have to...however, if someone's cooking for me, well...all the better. Less work for me, and I still get to eat. In my animagus form, if a wolf or fox kills something delicious, I get to raid the kill and eat it without actually having to do all the work. Sweet deal.
These birds are said to have few natural predators, because if approached, they are quite capable of defending themselves with their beaks and are fiercely defensive of their young. From Wikipedia: "The adults, which are very rarely predated, are often successful in defending their young from these predators, due to their numbers, large size and cunning. They have been observed dropping stones on potential predators that venture close to their nests." This matches up very well with Slytherin house, especially in their use of cunning when fighting. Also, they will fight off something if it comes near, but they won't seek out fights, which very much matches up with what I said in my essay. I'm someone that won't seek out a confrontation, but if you come after my family or close friends--expect to be PECKED! I also like the fact that the ravens often find a mate and nest together for life (which happens to quite a long one--up to 40 years! For a bird, that's quite good.)
Apparently, these birds are quite intelligent and demonstrate problem solving skills in many instances. I wouldn't say I'm a genius, but I certainly do have quite a bit of intelligence, and love that this bird reflects that part of me. I touched on their cunning earlier in the essay, but was very impressed when I read that they will actually call wolves and coyotes to the sites of a dead animal on purpose just so they will open up the animal for them and leave all the meat open and exposed for when they're ready to eat. They'll even watch where other ravens hide food and take it if they absolutely have to, but just to confuse that sort of behavior, they'll pretend to hide it somewhere without actually putting the food there just to confuse others who might steal it. Crafty little birds! A fine selection for a Slytherin applicant like myself!
Ravens don't travel in flocks unless they're young, but when they're older, they travel in mated pairs. I found this matches up with my life very much. When I was in my 20's, I preferred being with a large group of friends, but now I like to spend time on my own or with my husband. The only main difference here is that they are quarrelsome with their own kind outside of their family, and Slytherins are known for being very faithful to each other as a group, even if they are an introverted type of person.
Finally, the raven can fly. That's something I have always dreamed of doing, even as a child. As an adult, I don't shy away from heights, either in practical instances like flying in a plane or for amusement purposes, like on rides at parks. Flight has always been something that I envision as quite freeing, and it also gives an advantage to look down on the world below, observing from a distance and seeing the 'big picture.'
Jenna, Slytherin
#678 -
mistress_orange - Australian Dingo
Well I must say that I was very keen on all the choices provided. In the end however, after reading through the votes, I decided to pick the Australian Dingo. It wasn't the obvious choice, as whenever I asked family and friends for their thoughts, they automatically said giraffe, but having read up on the Australian Dingo, I think it suits me for a number of reasons.
The first reason being that I actually live in Australia! How fortuitous! It also moves around between different habitats such as deserts, grasslands, and forests which suits me rather perfectly. I like to move around and travel a bit. Also, the Australian Dingo has a connection with Aboriginal Australian culture, and that religious/spiritual connection is something I am very interested in, I felt that this became an even more apt choice.
The Australian Dingo is also a nocturnal creature that can very easily take care of itself as it is the largest terrestrial predator in Australia, and since this fit with the criteria I gave in my animagus application, the choice for Australian Dingo became even more appropriate. Not to mention, the Dingo's ability to be both a social and solitary creature. That, and I actually feel like the Dingo and I look alike..
So, Australian Dingo it is!
Shannen, Slytherin
#679 -
fluttershy_kisa - Bengal Cat
I feel like the Bengal cat would suit me the most because the Bengal Cat has the aloof and mischievous nature that I myself possess. Beyond that, the Bengal cat is fond of water (which I myself love), and it is also part wild cat and part domestic which makes the cat suited for living at home as well as living in the wild which I admire the diversity.
I feel that the Bengal Cat embodies much about myself, it has the reserved and independent nature of myself, it is adaptable to many environments (the home, and in the wild), it is a water lover, and it hails from a warmer climate. I feel that the Bengal Cat has everything that fits in with what I want. With me, I think a wild cat is too fierce for me, but a domestic cat is too tame - I feel that the Bengal Cat has the best of both worlds which makes it a perfect fit for me.
The traits that is most important for me is my reserved, independent, and mischievous nature - which is what the Bengal Cat (as all cat's possess) - beyond that is the above mentioned love of water, connection to nature, and warm climates. However beyond even that, I love how the Bengal Cat that though while is reserved it can be social around other cats when need be, and the Bengal is protective of it's family/loved ones.
Kara, Gryffindor
#680 -
stelladelnordxd - Bobcat
I'm choosing the Bobcat as my Animagus form for numerous reasons. The first reason is because of the fact that not only is it a nocturnal animal, but it tends to thrive during sunrise and sunset. These are times that I also tend to thrive, so I find that exceptionally nice to note. Another reason I chose the bobcat is because of its diet. Since it's mostly a carnivore, it would maintain my 'I-love-my-meat' thoughts and beliefs, which is really awesome. But it will eat agriculture and stuff, so that's good too. A third reason I am going with the bobcat is because it is noted to "sit and wait in ambush along game trials" or "patrol..stealthily..all the time looking and listening", which fits in really easily with me because of the fact I am a really good observer, and, if there's something I want and know I'm getting, I can be patient. [Not all the time, but -shrugs-]. Bobcats are also generally solitary animals, only really interacting with one another during mating season. Other than the mating season, this is something that I do very often, preferring to be alone. Another reason is because of the fact that the Bobcat has a wide range of locations, varying around North America, which is good because I like to travel a lot.
More on the physical side of things, I chose the bobcat because it's the smallest of its species in the Lynx genus. And most bobcats have rufts of hair behind certain areas, which helps with my choice because my hair has always been really weird.
Somewhat awkwardly, the bobcat can survive long periods without food, which is interesting, with my past history of eating disorders.
The bobcat also communicates like an actual cat, which is awesome because so do I xD
Jamie, Gryffindor
#681 -
belladiavolo - Merlin Falcon
At first, I wasn't sold on being a bird as my animagus. However, after reading the reasoning behind why this particular bird was chosen for me - and doing my own research - I feel that the Merlin Falcon would fit me perfectly. Its small - like me - but its fierce. It is a swift flier - which would allow me to get away quickly if the need arises. However it is also a bird of prey - so it also has sharp talons and a beak and will defend its "home" (ie territory) if it feels threatened. It also eats snakes - which (I know its odd considering my House affiliation) I can't stand - so this would give me a way of getting back at the creepy reptiles! I also like the fact that it is not considered a "social" bird, as I often find myself having to force myself to socialize with others.
My final reason for choosing the Merlin Falcon as my animagus is this - it has been known to migrate to tropical climates during the winter - which is a goal of mine. I do enjoy the snow - but it is my dream to be able to travel wherever I want - whenever I want - and this animagus form would give me the freedom to do just that. Overall - I already feel a connection to this form - and I hope that I can call it mine!
Trin, Slytherin
#683 -
passerine - Ragdoll Cat
I am in love with the ragdoll cat! The ragdoll cat is definitely the kind of animal I could see myself turning into: we have a really similar, laid back but curious kind of attitude. The ragdoll cat is one of the most affectionate cat breeds, which is something I could say about myself as well. I love cuddling, giving gifts, singing to people, and showing my appreciation in any small (or large) way I can. When I’m around friends and people I care about, I’m sure I do whatever the human equivalent of rubbing up against their legs and purring is. Once, I even whispered “purr” while giving my sister a hug. I’ve read that the ragdoll cat “thinks it’s a dog”, and can learn tricks and loves to play games, and are known to greet their owners at the door with soft meows and rubs, showing excitement that their favourite friends are home to spend time with them. I appreciate my alone time, but I’m the kind of person who shouts, “Yay, you’re home!” when I notice someone coming in at the front door. The ragdoll cat is sweet, friendly, and loves giving and receiving attention to their loved ones and I think those are some of my best traits, too.
Furthermore, the ragdoll is one of the more intelligent breeds of cat; it is naturally curious (as are all cats) and soft-spoken, with a gentle, occasional meow. I think this fits me, as I am always looking to learn new things, find out the reason behind everything I see and experience, and I am quite reserved. I can be loud at times, but my natural state is quieter, preferring to watch and internalize. Like the ragdoll cat, I’m friendly and I love to socialize, but I prefer being with my closest friends and family (or just by myself) and I’m pretty reserved and shy. I also like the ragdoll cat rarely ever busts out its claws; I’m a pacifist in real life and I would expect my animagus form to be as well, and this is a perfect fit.
Lia, Ravenclaw
#684 -
mahmfic - American Bobtail
After looking at all of the options for my animagus, I have deiced that the American Bobtail would be the best choice for me. The American Bobtail is a breed of cat that is known for its short tail, and has a rather stocky body type. Their hind legs actually bend backwards a little bit too. I think this fits me quite well. I'm short and a bit overweight in real life and actually stand with my knees bend back. Apparently, the Bobtails hind legs cause them to be a bit wobbly which is fantastic for me too since I am a tad clumsy and not agile at all. With my animagus form, I wanted to be near the water. Bobtails are a unique breed of cat that actually love the water! So my animagus could hang out in someone's bath or even the crashing waves of the ocean. The American Bobtail is a great traveling pet. I love this because I love to see new places. It is known to be a therapy cat, which is a big plus for me since I have anxiety. I admire an animal who can bring happiness and calm to others. While in my form, something I'd want to do is playful and chill out in my form. I can't imagine a better form to do this than a cat! I would enjoy sleeping in my form, chasing mice (and showing off my kill to my owner if I had one), and really just having a fantastic time. I am picking a tabby coat because for an animal, I think camouflage should be king, and the tabby coat has a bit of a wild look about it (plus I think it's pretty lol). I picked the shorthair because I prefer shorthair cats in real life. I picked to have blue eyes because I have, you guessed it, blue eyes. I hope in this short essay that I have supplied enough information for you to consider me to be an animagus.
Megan, Hufflepuff
#686 -
chiff0n - Newfoundland Dog
While I was thoroughly pleased with all the options I was given I decided on the Newfoundland as my Animagus form as apart from the fact that they are one of my very favourite dog breeds, I also believe this is the dog I have the most in common with.
I believe that the Newfoundland suits my character as like that breed I am hard-working, loyal, a fast learner, have a strong devotion to my loved ones and am generally good natured and friendly but am fiercely protective towards those I love and will defend them whatever it takes. I'm also the kind of person who stands up for others who are in distress and for the things I believe in which I feel aligns well with this breed's general protective streak and the way they often intervene when someone is in danger. Physically I am quite strong and am resilient mentally also. I'm a very good swimmer and feel just as at home in the water as I do on land much like the Newfoundland. I have a good sense of humour and fun which fits this dog's playful streak. I enjoy the company of children which is another thing this breed and I have in common. Overall I feel a great connection to dogs in general but do feel a great closeness to this breed because I feel it fits me very well!
Susan, Ravenclaw
#687 -
melpomenethemis - North American Beaver
From my selected 4 animagus choices, I found myself agreeing on two of them - North American Beaver and Icelandic horse. Overall, I would agree most with the North American Beaver, especially with regards to my traits and personality.
North American Beavers are naturally hard-working creatures (often called workaholics), as well as highly organised and analytical. Beavers focus heavily on solving problems in a practical manner, but at the same time have a lot of patience. This description fits me perfectly because I do have those traits, often working too hard, in a similar role (essentially engineering with a computer as opposed to with natural materials for a dam) and I have an analytical outlook on life and tasks. On the flip side, beavers are also known to be not be overly social, quiet, emotionally reserved and self-critical. These also fit my personality because I'm not a social person, outside of my family and close friends, introverted and, as a result, I come across quiet and sometimes cold, serious or reserved because I dislike expressing my emotions unless in a very private setting.
From a more practical side, North American Beavers are nocturnal creatures, both water and land based as well as live in colder climates, supported by thick fur and 'layers'. I'm originally from a colder part of my country, I live in a very rain heavy country so I prefer colder environments when compared to hotter climates. As a result, my natural instinct is to put on additional layers, much as the evolution of the beaver has done and I enjoy spending time in the water. The North American Beavers also are fairly nocturnal creatures which fits me because I work better in the afternoon or evening, as I find that I have a lot more energy and thus, have increased productivity. Appearance wise, their fur ranges from blonde to black and they are some of the largest/tallest/longest of their classification, which matches to me as I am tall with blonde hair.
Ellen, Ravenclaw
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