Still alive!

Aug 09, 2024 13:56

It feels weird to be busy with work when the end date is looming on the horizon. Kind of like going full speed on a boat that is headed over a waterfall. I have been poking at the usual connections the past month, and all of them seem to be in the same boat...either laid off or about to be. Next step is to start sending messages in a bottle, contacting unknown recruiters and filling out online forms for anything I can find on LinkedIn. At least I still have a bit of time.

Kid is out working on a fire today. He has a CDL, and fire certification training. He bought a rather expensive fireproof outfit earlier in the summer and put his name in on the government list to do such things. Now he can drive large flatbed trucks that drives firefighting equipment around wildfires. Hopefully he will not be anywhere too close to the actual frontlines, but smoke is bad enough far away so I am still stressing about it. Kid is happy because these jobs pay very well, and of course he likes the excitement, sigh. He does plan on going back to school for the spring semester though, and already has enough saved up for tuition and apartment.

Despite all the stress the last medical checkup went well. My A1C is steadily going down. Hopefully by next checkup I will be back in pre-diabetes range. Still not great but much better than full blown diabetes.

Summer evening with Rocky cat.

Back to work for me. The radioplay for this episode was late so I am having to pull apart and fix some of the work I have already done, ackh. Of course the deadlines do not change.

Today's agenda: giant ravioli, cactus plants, and brightly colored trains defying the laws of physics.

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