Smokin' Aces

May 25, 2009 10:20

I saw the second half of Smokin' Aces awhile back. Made no sense, but it seemed cool, and this is a movie that's built on the premise of cool, so that's fairly acceptable to me. I've always wanted to see the whole thing, if only maybe perhaps with the first half, I can finally understand wtf was going on with the ending.

Anyway, I will admit that I went back and saw it last night because of Chris Pine, whom I recall from the movie, but DAMN, he was uglier in it than I remember. It's kind of amazing, because his eyes are still REALLY REALLY REALLY pretty. And there's this shirtless part, and OMFG HIPS, but neo-Nazi skinhead psycho killer isn't really a turn-on of mine, so.

I honestly don't know how to judge the movie. It's kind of a hot mess. Great cast, but overly complicated plot. Except this is EXACTLY the type of crap that I come up with in my head, for my endless FBI AUs that never get finished, so I feel like I'd be a hypocrite to judge it on that count. In some ways, it is satisfying on that level, because it's, well, kind of like one of my stories come to life. But in some ways not so satisfying, because it didn't cater 100% to what I want since it's, you know, not from my head.

Ryan Reynolds is sort of the best part about the movie. Which is something you say about Ryan Reynolds a lot, and it's true. Not to say the other actors aren't good, because they are, but he's the only one who gave genuine emotion, but then again, he's kind of the only one who really got to do so. Well, there's Jeremy Piven, I guess, but there is something unlikeable about him to me. He just rubs me the wrong way. I think the only movie I've liked him in is Runaway Jury.

Anyway. Um. There's probably one more comment to make, but it's kinda embarrassing. It's one of those "damn you slash goggles" kind of deal, because, uh. ryanreynoldsandrayliottawerekindaslashy.



Or I guess they ping JUST right on my kink, so. I almost maybe kinda wanna write fic. >___<

Obviously something is broken in my brain. I've seen Ryan Reynolds in a WHOLE bunch of movies by this point, and Ray Liotta is the first guy I wanna slash him with. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME.


dear god why, the wrong it burns, movies, stupid brain

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