that thou beleeve two kinges, before one Slave

Jul 04, 2005 18:36

EMLS, an online journal which actually doesn't make you shell out money to read it, has a new issue out now which contains many nifty things, including a review of the Liverpool Faustus which the Hornblower and/or Galactica fans out there may enjoy reading, and an article on the popular voice in Richard II which is sometimes interesting and sometimes rather irritating (example of the latter: "But if there is something that Richard II, for one, shows most vividly it is, on the contrary, the dire consequences of obedience and the considerable benefits, if not the very urgency, of rebellion." I guess if you don't think too hard about context and assumed audience knowledge of history...)

What I really wanted to link to, though, is the new Early Stuart Libels site, which contains any number of cranky and occasionally bawdy poems on the many controversial things that happened during the reign of James I. The Parliament Fart! The Overbury scandal! The Castlehaven case! Everything the Duke of Buckingham ever did! It's all there!

(It's also a bit hard to navigate -- probably your best bet is the "Quick Contents" link on the right of the screen.)

james i, richard ii, buckingham! c'est donc buckingham!, other people's reviews, links

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