somethin' up there hates my guts

Feb 18, 2006 09:14

I FOUND MY GAMECUBE MEMORY CARD!!! HUZZAH!!! *dances the happy dance*

However... also seems both my transformers (little boxes o' wires that I need so that my PS and GC can use Indian juice) have suffered spontaneous combustion and are not working. Am going to attemtp to use big, heavy-as-shite transformer that's in office once dad wakes up and helps me move it.

And where the hell is that Dishwalla CD?!


Got around to downloading more KH I OST (yep, I'm just that slow and lazy, only in the mid 30's as far as track numbers go) and was browsing around the frontpage articles when I came across the KH II and AC voice casts. *dies and eats Steve Burton shaped cookies*

Nummy. :3

This is absolute proof that all good things I find on teh internet are by accident and are invariably old news by teh time I get to 'em.

Anywhoo, I'm off to drool over sexy english voice actors now. Ta.

Random coincidence: Riku's voice actor, David Gallagher, has the same last name as my dentist. XD

Also, upon further browsing, I've come across a good many marvels including the complete collection of Xenogears FMVs. *dies and goes to heaven* I'm gonna be busy now that I've found all these pretties just lying around here.

God, how I love thee, Blue Laguna! *professes undying love to website*

[will soon be able to freely obsess over Ike and Soren]
[have finally started getting stuff done for mom's iPod and teaching her how to use it]
[Tetsuya Nomura = God (for more reasons than one)]
[*worships Nobuo Uematsu*]
[still feel need to watch Saiyuki]
[also feel new need to play KH some more]
[...also feel need for ottsel plushie]

downloads, video games, blank, music

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