(no subject)

Feb 20, 2006 09:41

First things first: hearing 'Under the Sea' with japanese lyrics is a freakifying experience.

Second things: download status.

KH OST - complete
KH II OST - complete
FFVII: AC - complete
FFVII - track 3 in progress

I'm very pleased with the KH II soundtrack. It feels a lot... older, more mature I guess than KH I (I'm mildly disturbed by the fact that I can attempt to judge a game by it's soundtrack). And I love Riku's theme.

Third thing: have not yet attempted to turn on gaming systems. Will hopefully attempt such later today.

Fourth thing: have overcome phobia of boots. Now have phobia of soft-shading and color schemes.

Fifth Thing: Hash this week was... sadistic. The first half was no more than 300 meters and it took about half an hour of climbing up, down, around and under rocks, bushes and thorny grasses (you don't believe that grass can grow thorns?) which left everyone hot, sweaty and varying degrees of dehydrated. The second half was a lot flatter, but a bit longer too. But it was a great run. There were rocks, bushes, violent grasses, walls, lakes, mud, trees, shiggy... everything a good hash needs. ^-^

And, the fates forgot to conspire against Salman's attendance, so he was there too.

And he, Babbette and I are setting next week's run from our house. Farewell run for the house, since we're moving and it'll likely be the last run from that particular location.

Also, went out for dinner a couple nights ago and went book shopping for a bit as well. Picked up a Pratchet book (The Wee Free Men, read in about five ro six hours, tops), a copy of The Simoquin Prophesies (excellent book, I've read it before but now I've got my own copy), The Manticore's Secret (sequel to Simoquin) and Chronicles of Blarnia (my family can't resist parodies). About 75 pages into Simoquin right now, Queen of the Dammned is on hold, I think.

[Tetsuya Nomura = God]
[Nobuo Uematsu = also God]
[this may say something about my proffessed deistic state of mind...]
[I'm in love with the Advent Children OST]
[level of pre-fangirling anticipation concerning FE: v. high]

downloads, hash, books, art, music

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