Jan 30, 2005 20:52
some notes:
-those movies i ordered a lil' over a week ago already showed up and i've watched most of 'em already...th'list includes:
-Hulk (i've decided i will own all the marvel movies...wether i liked 'em or not..i wasn't a big hulk-fan)
-Blade II
-Matrix Revolutions (i now have 'em all and still don't see why you guys gave me Neo)
-The Punisher
-The Girl Next Door (Unrated)
-Van Wilder (Unrated)
-Eurotrip (Unrated)
i've watched all of 'em but Blade and Matrix, both cases cuz i wanna watch 'em right after i watch th'first ones, and i just haven't gotten around to it yet...
I started pickin' things up talkin' to an old bud of mine named Sierra...she's a 23 year old asian chick that m'mom intro'd me too...(my mom met her in th'singin' chat rooms and of course told her about us (she's bad about talkin' 'bout her kids), Sierra saw a pic of me and after tellin' my mother how "drop dead sexy" i was, had m'mom introduce us...we've talked on th'puter and th'phone ever since)...she keeps sayin' that she's gonna come up here and see us and when she does i better have a box of condoms ready...i told her it's easy to make comments like that when she knows she won't have t'go through with it (she lives in SC if i recall) and she says "you just wait"....she called a few days ago cuz mom told her i'd cut m'hair and she wanted t'gripe at me for it...o'course, that part of th'convo didn't last long...it quickly turned into the standard "who can seduce who" game that we always play....hell, i've been playin' this game with her since before me and Nimue split so that oughtta tell ya how long i can keep shit up...o'course, it's just a game, nothin' more....
i got another message from Darla today...she told me that she's livin' with her mom and that she gets on th'puter once in a blue moon, but despite what i said in m'lj about her before, she's grateful that i still wanna be friends and she'd love for me to keep her updated on what's goin' on with me...so i sent her a few replies just t'tell her th'basics (job, money-savish, etc)...
oh and by th'way, since puttin' shit in TMI file doesn't faze you guys i'll just go out and say this part:
i'm healed-ded!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!
now if sierra wants t'call me and do the "over the phone moanin' session" (which she tried last time and i stopped her) there's no prob...hehehe....
and before, i go i broke my tradition...i usually don't buy a new vid game 'till i beat m'newest one....i haven't beaten San Andreas yet (i'm in San Fierro), but i bought X-men Legends....I LOVE THIS GAME...it's referred to as an RPG, but there's lil' in common with 'em...CEPT HOW FRIGGIN' ADDICTIVE IT IS!!! I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE I SAT THERE FOR 4 HOURS AT ONE POINT PLAYIN' THIS GAME!!! Now all i gotta do is Unlock Gambit and i'm set (i know he's in here, but i can't play him yet...) So far my team usually consists of Cyclops, Iceman, Rogue, and Wolverine (for one reason...2 words: Healing factor)...i knew i was gonna love this game 'soon as i did the "Fastball Special" with Wolverine and Beast for th'first time (although now it's usually Wolverine and Rogue now)....and 10 pts to anybody that can tell me what the Fastball Special is...
-Just a lil' trip inside my head...hope you enjoyed the ride...