[Spirit] why the feral shouldn't talk politics

May 26, 2004 15:40

Originally posted (2003-11-13)

[culled from the local 'narcs list. For the few of you on this filter who A)bother to read this and B) dont' know whom Spirit is this is from the perspective of my feral gangrel anarch who believes she is an animal who has been given human form. The anarchs have been whining that things are not going their way and have been talking non-stop about how things suck but not doing a fucking thing about it.]

(Note: This is not actually sent via any electronic forums. In places that 'narcs are known to go, carried by coyotes and pigeons in material and animal speak forms, and through any other number of mundane means is how this reply reaches your Anarch. The few written versions that appear are clearly written by a halting, unsure hand and serveral copies have a different style of halting handwriting than the others.)

What is wrong is that anarchs have become prey creatures. Only Prey creatures let the death of one of their herd pass by. Only prey creatures sit quiet while others take their land, their packs, their food from their mouths. Only prey creatures do not challenge unfit alphas and remove them.

The soft prey creatures of the Camarilla have made rules for the pack and wish all to live by their pack rules, no matter where others claim territory. And these rules are good for some packs.

It is good to hide from prey. This way they do not become scared and run off their weight. The human prey is like a deer who when cornered will fight back with their antlers and hooves. It is good to hide from prey until you strike to kill.

It is good to work with those of similar packs. In this way all benefit and there are no pack disputes for we all fill the same role.

It is good to be polite in the lands of another. They are strong enough to have taken it, being respectful to those who are Alphas is good.

It is good to let another know when you pass through their lands. They will not then bring fights to you, thinking you seek to take their lands.

It is good to claim lands and be the Alphas. In this your pack will grow strong and sleek.

It is good to not kill without reason or need. This scares the prey, hurts the family of Pack, and leads one to the road of the rabid.

But anarchs are not the soft prey creatures of the Camarilla. Our packs are bound only to the words that we will not openly show our hunts to the Prey, we will slink through shadows and brush to spring as a coyote on the human prey creatures who would fight back.

If someone throats one of our packs, they should be throated in turn. It does not matter if they are a bear where you are a pup. Many pups may throat a bear if they think cleverly and strike when not seen.

If someone tries to be your alpha and you do not feel them worthy, turn your fangs to their rules and if they do not back down, challenge them. Follow as alpha only those who are worthy, otherwise the pack should choose the way. If you find the pack unworthy, walk alone but remember to assist those who were once pack.

Make no deals with prey beyond the end of the night. For they are prey and they cannot be trusted to honor their words to you. If they bother not your pack then leave them. If they bother your pack, challenge them.

You are not a human prey creature any more. You are a deer given fangs and it is foolish to shy from using those fangs when you must. Choose not to kill if not needed. But do not become prey by letting your fangs rot in your mouth when they are needed to survive.

This one is called She-Who-Men-Call-Spirit

dead character, spirit gangrel

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