[Dead Characters] Yvette after Winter Court

May 26, 2004 15:34

Originally posted ( 2002-06-19 01:57:00)

OOC:This is why I should not be allowed to stay up late. I slaughter the language trying to get out the images in my head. As usual with gaming things, the info here is all OOC strictly. So if you wanna use it ingame...bugger off. :) [/ooc]

One slitted eye, one normal and green reflected back from the distorted mirror face. A touch and the other contact came out. This always made her eyes itch. All the inherant toughness of blood and contacts make her eyes itch. A tug and the tuft of fur came off the ears and ends of the eyebrows. Blood shot eyes now and half undone make up regarded her.

All this was a lot of effort but it was worth it to find a way back at those who kept fucking up life. Hrm... yes, that was why all the effort was nessicary. One dead, one gone into wassail from appearances... only... how many were left now...

With a sigh, Yvette walked out of the bathroom scrubbing away the makeup, latex and spirits gum away. Under a pile of clothes and stockpages was the laptop with the cd player. Billie Holiday sang goodbye with no regrets as in the apartment next door someone said good bye with a slam. Flopping down on the bed she stared at the postcards pinned to the wall. Sunrise over the bay in Copenhagaen and sunset in the same bay with the sun sinking behind the Little Mermaid.

Mother always loved the sunset from the bay...

Tonight may have been a mistake, no matter how good an idea it seemed to go the Court. What did it gain? Some bint wanted to whack her sire, andre was in town again and memories got stirred up. Other than Andre none of that got her closer to her goal. Fuck those who said let the dead lie. Someone had to do something. If only she knew what, killing wasn't an option yet. That's the problem with Elders... maybe if she explained things to Andre he would care.

No, can't blow the cover. sigh.

~I get a fever that's so hard to bear. You give me fever...~

A shiver ran up her spine. That song was worth Court. The feelings were worth court.

Can the beast be that close that I've stopped feeling? When did it happen? Fuck me, but it can't be that close...

When Amandine sang it was like something exploded in her head. The door she'd stuffed all the caring behind, the feelings that made it hard to do what she had to, burst open again and flooded her. It was like being human again. Rick would have loved it.

Her hand twitched towards the phone. She'd call Rick, he always made her feel better. A glance at the clock made her realize how close it was till dawn. He's got enough trouble getting to sleep.

~Fever, in the morning, Fever all though the night. Sun lights up the daytime, Moon lights up the night~

20 minutes till dawn. Time to chant. Collecting a feather from a bag and a box of assorted items, Yvette tried to focus and bring her mind into place like Rick had taught her. Thoughts kept skittering away in any direction but concentration. Irritably she tossed a old bone aside for later. It lasted 200 years, being chucked into a corner shouldn't damage the spell.

~Fever, in the morning Fever all through the night. Everybody's got the fever, That is something you oughta know~

She stumbled over the latin as again the lyrics intruded and the dim memory of the rush came back. It was getting dimmer now. The burn was less and the feeling dimmer. Trying to pick up the ritual was useless at this point. The window was sealed tight and the door double locked. One night wouldn't hurt.

The clock ticked over and lassitude stole over the curled up form buried under blankets on the futon. But the sleep of the dead refused to come as phantom fires burned through synapses and the subconcious...

~fever if you live you learn. Fever, till you sizzle. What a lovely way to burn, what a lovely way to Burn, what a lovely way to burn. ~

dead character, yvette

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