Fic - Jensen/Jared - When Things Come Crashing Down - chapter 13/14

Nov 17, 2007 15:26

Title : When Things Come Crashing Down chapter 13/14

Author : angels3  aka Angela

Beta : munimula - I most definitely played with this chapter after she sent it back so any mistakes are mine mine mine.

Word Count : 6844

Pairing : Jensen/Jared (very soon)

Supporting Characters : Eric, Kim, Sera, Mike, Tom, Chris, Steve, Chad

Disclaimers : They don't belong to me because if they did.............................

Warnings : RPS   M/M sex (now).  A sadly awful knowledge of geography.  This chapter is NC17 for sex.

Summary : The guys are back off Christmas hiatues and on their way to a location shoot when  things go horribly wrong.

For movie buffs there is a line in this chapter that came from a movie in the 90's I believe.  See if you can find the line and figure out what movie it went to.    Muni you should know which one it was since you liked it.

Munimula you are the bomb, you make my rambling stories readable.  Love you much.

Chapters -   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14

PDF for When Things Come Crashing Down 

Day Nine

*Rescue Team*

Day nine of hell broke overcast and dreary much like the spirits of the five friends huddled together, waiting for the sign to move out. Gideon stood watching them, taking in their body language it wasn't difficult to read the overlying mood.

Mike was shifting from foot to foot unable to stay still. Chad was staring off into space, trying to keep his mind blank. If it was empty, he wouldn't see his friend in horrible situations while he was unable to help him. Tom was rechecking his pack, expression grim. He hadn't said more than five words that morning, not that, that was particularly unusual, but the quiet he was exuding was anything but tranquil. Steve was leaning back into Chris with his eyes closed. Chris' arms were wrapped around his waist, his chin resting on Steve's shoulder. Gideon could tell Chris was talking to him from the slight shakes of Steve's head.

Shawn walked up beside Gideon his attention also drawn to the cluster of men.

"They've done good," Shawn said, dragging Gideon out of his thoughts.

"Yeah they have," Gideon agreed.

"How do you think they'll do if we don't find them today?"

"Depends on if we find anything at all I guess. If there's a sign that they've been at the cabin, then there's still hope," Gideon stopped glancing at Shawn.

"And if we don't find anything?"

"I think we're going to see five very strong men break, and I for one, hope I don't have to see that ever," Gideon said, brows knitted in a frown.

"You know I've been paired with Mike the last couple of days. The man never stops talking," Shawn said grinning.

"I noticed, but you seemed to be holding your own. I happen to know you're not as quiet as you want everyone to think you are." Gideon smirked when Shawn rolled his eyes.

"My point was, it's almost like I know them because I've heard so damn much about them. I know what kinds of music they listen to, what foods they hate, all the shows they've acted on. I know Jensen is quiet and Jared never is." Shawn paused, "The thing is I don't know if I'm gonna handle it so well if we don't find them in semi decent shape." Shawn finished, running his hand through his hair, "And I've never even met them.

"I have a feeling they're going to be just fine," Gideon said quietly.

"Is this your famous gut speaking?" Shawn asked smiling.

"Hey do not mock what you do not understand," Gideon retorted grinning. "Just because you were ten when you graduated doesn't mean you know everything."

Shawn scowled at the age reference, "I was not ten, you ass."

Gideon just laughed and dodged the hit Shawn sent his way.

Still grinning Gideon made the call to move out. He refused to believe that the day would be anything but good no matter what it looked like outside.


*Jensen and Jared*

Jensen dragged himself towards consciousness, slowly stretching, working out stiff muscles not accustomed to sleeping on hard surfaces for extended periods of time. He knew Jared wasn't beside him before he even opened his eyes. When they finally made it home it was something Jensen was afraid he was going to have to become intimately familiar with, the lonely ache of Jared not being beside him. A grin worked its way past the melancholy at the dull thud and muffled curses coming from outside the door, serves him right for not waiting Jensen mused to himself. The door pushed open carefully, squeaking softly on its hinges as Jared tried not to wake Jensen. Jensen watched as he slid in the door squatting down to deposit the arm load of wood.

"So where did you go? More to the point, why didn't you wait for me? Jensen asked.

"You were sleeping, and I was restless. We needed more wood, so I killed two birds with one stone," Jared said, offering Jensen a lopsided smile that showed off his dimples.

Jensen knew Jared fought dirty, and damn it, he had yet to build a defense against it. When Jensen looked at Jared with those dimples peeking out, sheepish grin spread across his face, cheeks rosy from the cold all Jensen wanted to do was pull him under the covers and stay there, wrapped together warm and content.

"Yea?" Jensen asked. "Seems to me, we decided that something about that just yesterday. What was that by the way?" Jensen continued, propping himself up on his elbows, so he had a better view of Jared squirming.

"If we needed to go out, we'd go together," Jared replied grudgingly. "But my wrist is fine and my knock to the head was more a graze, I didn't even have a concussion." Jared tried to plead his case.

Jensen was having none of it.

"That's not the point is it? We both, and I stress both, decided that we didn't like it when the other disappears, not to mention the safety issue, and yet you still did it anyway." Jensen fought the grin that was pulling at the edges of his lips.

"Fine, you're right. I should have waited, or woke your ass up," Jared grumped, pulling the last of his layers, leaving him in sweats and a long sleeve t-shirt. Jared dropped down beside Jensen struggling to get his boots off.

"Damn right," Jensen said as he yanked on Jared's arm sending him backwards onto the floor. The grin that had been lurking finally broke free.

Jared pulled Jensen down on top of his body, opening his legs so that Jensen was cradled between them. He could feel Jensen's hardening length against his own. He rocked up in desperate need of friction, as Jensen rolled his hips grinding down, seeking the same. A gasp tore from Jared's lips at the raw need surging through his blood before he leaned up and devoured Jensen's mouth, licking and nipping tender skin until they were breathless. Jared's tongue swept inside to stroke against Jensen's, sending electric shocks through his veins.

The pace was frantic and wild, neither parting long enough to get their clothes out of the way. Jared worked his hands underneath Jensen's shirt, splaying his fingers across Jensen's back. Jared didn't think he could be any more turned on. He was wrong. The feel of Jensen's muscles shifting under velvety flesh as he moved against Jared was overloading Jared's already taxed senses driving him closer to his orgasm. Jared felt the tingling at the base of his spine the liquid fire speeding from his balls like molten lava. He growled low in the back of his throat, deepening the kiss they were sharing as his body shook through his release, Jensen devoured every syllable every sound and gave it back as his own orgasm racked his body.

Jensen moved to crawl off Jared but was stopped by the large hands across his back tightening their hold and keeping him in place.

"Don't want to you move," Jared panted as he tried to catch his breath.

"Yea, okay." Jensen said, laying his head against Jared's chest, sighing when Jared moved one of his hands to run through Jensen's hair and massage his scalp.

It was some time later when Jensen woke. He pulled himself off Jared. Moving carefully so as not to wake him, Jensen propped himself up on his elbow to gaze down at Jared as he slept, Jared's face was relaxed and all the little worry lines smoothed out. His hair was fanned out across the blankets, his bangs still hanging over his eyes. Jensen reached up, brushing it back until he could see dark eyelashes fanned out against tanned cheeks. Jared's eyes were closed but Jensen could see them moving restlessly under his eyelids, he leaned forward, placing feather soft kisses against each one, smiling as Jared's nose twitched, and he grumbled in his sleep.

Jared slept on unaware of being watched until he turned on his side, his eyelids fluttering open his eyes meeting Jensen's. Jensen's eyes had always fascinated Jared. One minute, they would be a vivid green startling in their clarity, and the next a mysterious hazel, the green flecked with gold, swiriling together to make a color he had never been able to name. Then Jensen would blink and they would be covered by thick, long lashes that brushed freckled cheeks, it was a wonder anyone ever paid any attention to the rest of him. Jared always felt like he was being pulled into the very depths of Jensen's soul when he looked into those eyes.

"Hey, you." Jared said quietly.

"Hey back," Jensen replied smiling.

"Have you been watching me the whole time?" Jared asked.

"No, I woke up not to long ago," Jensen answered.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Hummmm, well I was fascinated with the fact that you were still breathing but there was no sound coming out of your mouth," Jensen stated. He lasted ten seconds before busting out laughing at Jared's pouty face.

"You know I'm just messing with you," Jensen said, trying to stop the laughter bubbling past his lips.

Jared just continued to lay there with his lip poked out, making Jensen laugh even harder.

"I'm going to remind you of that when you want a blow job," Jared grumbled, pulling the blanket over his head.

Jensen snatched the blanket off still grinning, "Oh baby don't be that way, I promise to make it up to you. In the meantime, what do you want for......" Jensen stopped and looked at his watch, "lunch I guess it's too late for breakfast?"

"Don't care. You decide," Jared said snuggling deeper into the blankets.

"All right but we're going to have to get some more snow after we eat. We're almost out of water again," Jensen supplied as he stood, readjusting his sweats. They were uncomfortable but he didn't want to change them until they finished the work they were going to have to do this afternoon, they only had a limited amount of clothes as it was.

Jared peeked out from under the blankets, watching Jensen move around the cabin getting lunch ready. Jensen had chosen some of the canned stew beef instead of going with the packaged meals, Jared's stomach growled loudly, agreeing with the choice. He grinned and shrugged when Jensen turned at the noise.

"Not hungry are you Jay?"

"Maybe... maybe my stomach's not the only thing hungry," Jared's voice was low and rough.

"Well, we're going to take care of your stomach first and, if you're good maybe I'll take care of the other after we get things ready for tomorrow."

"You know, you're no fun at all," Jared pouted.

"Oh I'm not, am I?" Jensen frowned.

"Nope you're the enemy of fun," Jared stated.

Jensen turned back around smiling as he dished up the stew beef. Jared reached up, taking the bowls that Jensen was holding out so Jensen could grab the cups of water. They talked some more about the route they should take and other things pertinent to their trip. When they finished eating, it was time to start packing up what they wouldn't needing before they left.

It took them most of the afternoon to get things done. Jared took the sled on a trial run loaded with firewood to simulate the weight he would be dragging, he wanted to make sure the modifications he had made would work and not slow them down. He also took the wood inside making a few trips, so they wouldn't have to worry about it the rest of the time they were there.

Jensen filled up the pots and assorted containers he had found at the cabin with snow hoping to cut down on the stops they would have to make. He packed up all the the majority of the food, leaving only what they would need for the rest of their stay.

It was late afternoon when all the preparations were complete. Jensen had placed a pot of water on the stove, so they could clean up from their day of getting dirty, but Jared was a little more interested in them getting dirtier before they tidied up. Jared moved the blankets until they were beside the fire instead of in front of it, and sat back down when he got them situated in just the right spot. He stripped down to his boxers, and settled down to watch Jensen, who wasn't paying any attention to what Jared was doing, so intent on filling up the last few bottles with water.

Jared continued to sit quietly, watching Jensen pack the bottles in one of the duffles, he realized he could sit and stare at Jensen all day long and not be bored. Jensen moved with an easy grace that a dancer would envy, every movement fluid. Combined with all of Jensen's other physical attributes, like those lips and eyes not to mention that ass, Jared would dare anyone not to be fascinated. Of course Jared was leaving out two of the most important things but as far as he was concerned no one was allowed to look much less fantasize about Jensen's freckles  God how he loved those freckles  and Jensen's bowlegs, and if Jared had anything to say about it, they were going to be a little more bowed by the time he finished with Jensen.

Jared wasn't sure what caught Jensen's attention, if it was the quiet or the feeling of being watched. But when Jensen turned around, catching sight of Jared's steady gaze, his undressed state and the way in which he was sitting, Jared could see Jensen's eyes darken with lust, pupils dilating, breathing going quick and shallow. It mirrored Jared's state down to the letter with one exception, Jared had been hard for the last twenty minutes, Jensen was playing catch up.

Jared watched as Jensen stalked towards him, dropping clothes as he went, Jared lifted his hips and removed his boxers as he watched Jensen drop his. He pulled Jensen down so he was straddling his waist, knees planted on either side of Jared's thighs. Jared pushed his hands through Jensen's short hair, cupping the back of his head and bringing his mouth down so Jared could take possession. Jensen groaned as Jared's tongue slid into his mouth, Jared just angled Jensen's head, so he could get deeper, taste more.

Jensen whimpered as Jared pulled him back by the firm grip in his hair, panting from loss of oxygen and pure unadulterated lust. Jared tightened his hold until Jensen's head was tilted back and he had an unobstructed path to Jensen's long, lean, freckled neck. Jared nuzzled along the column of smooth skin, breathing in the smell of sweat, leftover sex and Jensen, scents Jared was completely addicted to. He licked, nipped and bit across the expanse of Jensen's throat, moving further down to suck a bruise between neck and shoulder. Jensen's body had taken up a continuous rocking motion, rubbing their erections together, precome slicking the way.

Jared moved a hand down to grip Jensen's hip, stilling the movement, and a moan traveled up Jensen's chest at the loss of friction. Jared recaptured Jensen's mouth, delving in repeatedly, as his hand descended over Jensen's back to cup his ass. He massaged along the crease with his fingertips, slowly dipping in to run across the tight puckered hole hidden there, over and over, until the only thing spilling from Jensen's mouth were curses and delicious sounds that Jared fully intended to tape when they made it back. If he ever was willing to share, which he most definitely wasn't, he could make a killing using it for phone sex.

Jared grabbed the bottle of lube, slicking his fingers, Jensen raised up on his knees to give Jared room to slid his hand under and prepare him. Jared ran his tongue over Jensen's collarbone and down to Jensen's nipple, sucking the tight peak into his mouth as he slid two fingers into Jensen's entrance. Jensen whimpered, pushing down onto Jared's fingers, begging for more. Jared bit down, catching the nub between his teeth and torturing it with each flick of his tongue. Jensen grunted as Jared worked a third finger in, relaxing into the burn, grinding down and trying to get Jared deeper. Jared worked his fingers in and out, stretching Jensen. He licked across Jensen's chest, swirling his tongue around his other nipple, giving it the same treatment as its twin.

Jared wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer, not with Jensen riding his fingers, his head thrown back to expose all the marks Jared had left over the last few days. Jared shivered at the picture Jensen made. He didn't know how he had gone so long without having this, but he'd be damned if he went a minute longer.

"Now Jared, please," Jensen pleaded.

"Yea Jen, whatever you want, " Jared breathed, pulling his fingers out, slicking his cock up quickly.

He moved his hands to Jensen's waist, steadying him as he lifted up, lining his cock up with Jensen's hole. He thought he had gone blind when Jensen sank all the way down until he was flush with Jared's body. His mind went blank and his eyes closed without his knowledge at the feel of his cock buried deep in Jensen's body. Jensen began to move, small shifts at first, and then a more pronounced roll of his hips. Jared heard him gasp and felt Jensen's body stiffen under his hands. He knew his cock had brushed against Jensen's prostate when he repeated the motion, dragging a shuddering moan from Jared's lips.

Jared decided it was time he got into the action. He wrapped one hand around Jensen's cock, stroking over the velvety shaft. He twisted his wrist at the top, tightening his grip and spreading the precome along Jensen's cock. On every other stroke, Jared would let his thumbnail scrape across the head, earning him a high pitched keening sound and a jolt of Jensen's hips against his. His other hand skimmed along Jensen's back to lightly rub at the base, teasing at the spot that made Jensen's knees buckle. Jensen's choked off cry was almost enough to send Jared hurtling headlong into his orgasm. He kept stroking across Jensen's back, dipping lower to delve into the valley, running his finger along the rim of Jensen's hole, and feeling where they were connected. Jared continued to stroke across the sensitive rim loving the guttural moans it caused. Jared ran his fingers back up over the slope of Jensen's ass so he could trace his name over the sensitive flesh of Jensen's back, branding him with his touch.

Jared could feel Jensen's body shaking around him and he knew Jensen wasn't going to last much longer. He cupped those perfect round cheeks in his hand, spreading them wider as he thrust up in to Jensen's downward momentum. Jensen's lips were red and swollen where he had chewed on them while trying to delay his orgasm. Jared was determined that Jensen lose his tight riegn of control. He pounded into Jensen angling to hit his prostate dead on each time, when Jared dug his heels into the floor for leverage slamming up in one last brutal thrust, Jensen came exploding between their bodies and screaming Jared's name.

Jared kept pace with Jensen's orgasm, fucking him through it and only letting go of his own when Jensen slumped forward content to finish out the ride with his nose buried in Jared's neck. Jared slid down the wall, shifting them to lay on their sides before he lost all feeling in his legs, and the way Jensen's were bent under him Jared was pretty sure they were already numb. When Jared pulled out, Jensen whined at the loss, it was quickly followed by a moan as Jared ran two fingers through the come on his stomach, and slid them into Jensen's tender hole. Jared couldn't even tell you what possessed him to do it, but there was something so dirty, and so naughty about finger fucking Jensen after he had come inside him that he couldn't stop himself.

Jensen's moans of approval spurred Jared to add a third and then a fourth finger, twisting and turning until he rubbed against Jensen's sweet spot, changing Jensen's moans to pants and whimpers. Jared leaned forward lapping at the come on Jensen's stomach until he was clean. He moved lower, nuzzling the curls at the base of Jensen's cock, breathing in the smell of Jensen, sex, and home. Jensen was already half hard, the stimulation to his prostate helping his recovery time despite his fucked out state. Jared would play his fingertips across the nub buried deep inside and Jensen's cock would twitch, hitting Jared in the chin where he was hovering over it.

Jensen's body came off the floor like a jolt of electricity had traveled through him when Jared took him into his mouth sucking gently at the salty sweet taste, licking around the head, dipping his tongue into the slit and lapping at the remnants of Jensen's first orgasm. Jared sealed his lips around Jensen's cock, sucking him in all the way to the base as he relentlessly fucked him with his fingers. When Jensen came the second time, it was with a deep shudder, cock pulsing out a small amount of come, Jared heard his name called again but in a hoarse, shredded voice. It sent shivers up his spine that he could do this to Jensen, that he had this much power over another human being, much less this intelligent, sensitive, beautiful man.

Jared released Jensen's cock with a pop, only realizing when Jensen didn't twitch that he had passed out. He went about cleaning himself and then Jensen up, a smug smile of satisfaction plastered across his face, something he never would have been wearing had Jensen been conscious. He threw a few more logs on the fire, tugging their blankets until they were back in front of the fireplace, before sliding in beside Jensen. He fell asleep, no space between them, their heartbeats sharing the same rhythm.


*Rescue Team*

The team walked through the morning, stopping for a few quick breaks. At noon, they stopped for an hour, so they could eat and digest their food. Gideon told them they had about fifteen miles to go before the reached the last cabin. He didn't add that if the guys were at the cabin they should start seeing smoke in the next seven or eight miles, but he had a feeling they already knew that. Gideon had already caught them staring at the horizon with an intensity that would be daunting if you were the object of interest.

It was well past four when Steve thought he saw the first curls of smoke. He glanced over at Chris to see if there was a reaction. When he didn't see one, he snapped his mouth shut, not wanting to get Chris' hopes up for something that might be his imagination playing tricks on him. Steve looked around, spotting Tom and Chad. There seemed to be no recognition of anything different on their faces. He twisted around the other way looking for Mike. He found him a few feet back talking to Shawn, but when Steve met his eyes, Mike gave a quick smile and a slight nod.

Steve hadn't realized he was holding his breath until it rushed out at Mike's acknowledgement, Chris looked over at him concerned.

"You okay"

"Yea, just thinking," Steve lied.

"You sure? I can let Gideon know we need a break if you need to rest," Chris said, his face set in worried lines.

"Seriously, I'm fine. We shouldn't be that far away now," Steve replied trying to put Chris' mind at ease.

"Okay, but I swear if you fall out on me, I'm going to kick your ass," Chris grumbled.

Steve grinned as he caught  hardheaded  and  dumbass  as Chris continued to mumble to himself. Steve loved Chris' special style of affection. Not only did he understand Chris' gruff demeanor but he found it oddly endearing, and, no, he would never say that out loud, not unless he wanted to become acquainted with Chris' knuckles in his most sensitive areas.

Steve estimated they had walked another four miles before he was able to make out a distinctive pattern of smoke, Chris' whole body stiffened beside him. He reached out, placing a hand on Chris' arm to steady them both, relief washing over him. He was just about to yell back at the others when Chad's voice cut through the quiet.

"Well, hot damn!" Chad exclaimed.

"Don't get too excited, we don't know what shape they're in," Tom stated.

"Well, thank you Mary Sunshine," Mike growled.

"I'm just saying, is all," Tom said, holding his hands up in surrender.

Gideon's sharp whistle pierced the air, halting all conversations. When everyone was gathered together and quiet Gideon started talking. He wanted to make sure everyone understood that while the smoke was a really great sign, it could be anyone using the cabin. Gideon also told the team that he thought it would probably be a good idea for one or two of Jensen and Jared's friends to be the ones to approach the cabin.

Gideon had been on several rescues where the unfortunate persons being rescued were confused and paranoid, usually steaming from head trauma or fever.  He felt things would go better if a familiar face was the first one, they saw. It was a given that Chris would be the first to the door. Not only was Chris not going to have it any other way, he had known Jensen the longest. Mike decided for everyone else that Chad would put his life on the line because nobody really wanted to be accosted by a six foot forever of giant that might be disoriented.

The next few miles seemed to take forever when, in reality, it was only an hour, hour and a half tops. The closer, they got to the cabin, they were able to tell whoever was there seemed to be moving around fairly well. There were two sets of tracks moving around the surrounding area, drag marks leading in a figure eight pattern, which still didn't make sense as to why they were in that particular pattern but hell what had so far. By the time the cabin came into view, it was all Steve could do to keep Chris from sprinting the rest of the way.

Chad had pulled even with them, pointing out the sled leaning against the wall of the cabin, as they walked the last few yards. When they were within a few feet of the cabin everyone stopped, settling down to await the outcome. Shawn stayed alert in case he was needed, and Gideon was already setting up his laptop and satellite phone preparing to call in transport to haul everyone out.

They were finally minutes away from finding out if their friends were safe inside or if the search would continue, but Chris and Chad were almost scared to finish the short walk to the door.

The closer they got, the sicker Chris felt and, from the fidgeting that Chad was doing, he knew the other man wasn't fairing any better than he was. As they approached the door, Chad broke the silence.

"Do you think we should knock?" Chad asked.

"Why would we knock?" Chris asked confused.

"I don't know, just seemed the thing to do," Chad whispered.

Chris looked at Chad like, he has lost his mind, "Dude why are you whispering?"

Chad shrugged, pushing his hands in his pockets, watching as Chris reached for the door handle.

When it swung open, they both peered in. The first things they noticed were the bags packed beside the door as if someone was readying to leave, then the scattered clothes on the floor. Chad cocked his head to the side to see around Chris and to follow the progression of clothes marching across the floor, a t-shirt, sweats, boxers. Boxers? When their eyes finally fell on their friends, they were just a little taken back okay they were completey flabbergasted. Jared had his arms wrapped around Jensen, face buried in Jensen's hair. Jensen's face was resting against Jared's chest and one of his hands was resting over Jared's heart. The blanket that was draped over them, had fell below their stomachs, and it was blatantly obvious that neither was wearing any clothes.

"Huh," Chad stated.

"Guess we should have knocked," Chris said.

They stood there for a minute not sure what to do. Chris finally walked in, reaching down to shake Jensen's shoulder, Chad stood off to the side, smirking at all the fun he was going to have teasing Jared. Chris raised his voice a little, shaking Jensen's shoulder harder to get him to wake up. Jensen's eyes blinked open, the look of confusion that crossed his face would have been priceless if Chris hadn't been so damn glad to see his friend alive and more than well.

Comprehension came quickly after that, Jensen sat straight up, grabbing the blanket and pulling it up higher. He continued to stare at Chris, not saying anything, afraid if he did Chris would be an illusion or reality. Jensen wasn't sure which one scared him the most, but when he looked towards the choked giggle coming from beside Chris he knew it was all too true. Damn, Murray had enough shit on them now to get just about anything his deviant little heart could come up with.

"Me and Chad, we're going to step outside and give you and Jared there a chance to pull yourselves together," Chris said, grinning.

Jensen didn't say anything, feeling it was probably in his best interest to just sit and blink his eyes as they walked out the door, if you can call stumbling out laughing hysterically, walking out the door that is. When the door shut behind Chris and Chad, Jensen leaned over shaking Jared awake. Jared blinked up at him sleepily, confusion evident in his hazel eyes.

"We've been rescued, " Jensen stated as he wrapped a blanket around himself and went in search of their clothes.

"What are you talking about?" Jared asked looking around, "Is this a leftover symptom of your head injury?"

"No, Chris and Chad were just in here. Now get up and get dressed. I think they were just the scouting party," Jensen said, holding Jared's clothes out to him.

"What do you mean they were just in here?" Jared asked, as he dressed quickly.

"I mean Chris was shaking my shoulder, and Murray was standing there giggling, the little fucker," Jensen scowled as he hoped around on one foot trying to get his sock on.


"Huh, all you have to say is huh. Do you have any idea the shit we're in?" Jensen moaned, finally getting his socks and boots on.

"Well, it could have been Mike," Jared stated as he folded up the blankets they had been sleeping on. The horrified look on Jensen's face was enough to have him doubling over with laughter.

"That's not even funny," Jensen growled.

"Actually, yea it was," Jared gasped between bouts of giggles.

"Has anyone told you lately you're a bitch?" Jensen asked, opening the door.

"Yep, Dean tells me all the time," Jared chirped, clearing the doorway to meet the people that had come to take them home.

As expected Chris and Chad kept giving them 'I know what you did' looks, while Steve and Tom kept asking if they were sure they were okay. Even Shawn clearing them of no major injuries didn't seem to be enough to convince the two men. Mike, of course, regaled them with tales of close calls, and near death experiences in their bid to save Jensen and Jared. He even tried to throw a polar bear escape in but was promptly smothered with his toboggan. Jensen and Jared both were overwhelmed that their friends had taken it upon themselves to be part of the rescue team. Chris just looked at them like they were stupid when Jared voiced the thought. Steve on the other hand just told them that they would have done the same, to which they both agreed.

Gideon was not in the least shocked that the occupants of the cabin had been Jensen and Jared. He had made the call for transportation out as soon as Chris and Chad made their way back to the group. Shawn was headed towards the door to check on their condition when the door had swung open and the Jared walked through.

Gideon had seen pictures of both of the men he was sent to find but none of them gave any indication just how big the man truly was. It was sorta of staggering. Jensen followed a few seconds later, looking like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming eighteen wheeler, Mike was right about one thing, the boy didn't like a lot of attention and a full on rescue party was a lot of attention.


"So what do you make of them?" Shawn asked as he leaned against the rail where Gideon was perched.

"What do you mean, what do I think about them? Gideon asked back.

"Were they what you were expecting?"

"Yea pretty much, although Jared is one big mother fucker. It's a good thing he's so laid back, I would not want to make him angry," Gideon stated.

"I was thinking the same thing when he walked out of the cabin, but that was nothing compared to the fifth degree I got when I was checking Jensen out," Shawn said, shaking his head.

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, I was interrogated about my qualifications, nicely of course. Seems he felt I was too young to be a real doctor," Shawn said with a grimace. "Then, when Jensen tried to tell me he was fine, Jared started to recite Jensen's list of injuries, starting with the prolonged loss of consciousness, the concussion, and the ankle injury. He also let me know every symptom he had witnessed in the last nine days. Of course neither one of them wanted to tell me where Jensen got the bruises that were all along his neck, collarbone and chest." Shawn grinned.

Gideon snickered, "I bet, although I'm thinking Jensen is no pushover either, not to have survived said injuries and to make it as far as they did without further hurting themselves."

"Nope, no pushover. He was more than happy to share Jared's injuries and all the bad things he did to aggravate them," Shawn laughed, shaking his head. "Being around those two would never get boring."

"You know, Steve and Chris told me that they're silent conversations were nothing compared to Jensen and Jared's. I thought they were exaggerating but I sat there and watched Jensen and Jared while they were talking to their friends about everything that had happened and it was damn eeire."


"They finished each other's sentences, and when they moved around each other, it was like they had a sixth sense for where the other was at all times. Then there were the times where they didn't say anything at all, but there would still be a reaction from the other, whether it was a raised eyebrow or a smile. It was just rather amazing to see someone have that kind of connection with another human being." Gideon explained, staring out into the twilight.

Shawn nodded having seen some of what Gideon was talking about. "What time is the transport supposed to be here?"

Gideon looked at his watch, "About another thirty minutes or so."

They stood quietly listening to the night sounds, relaxing after days of stress and tension.


Neither Jensen nor Jared could believe their friends had accompanied the rescue team. Although they knew they would have done the same thing, it was just hard for them to comprehend that someone would do the same for them, even though they knew their friends loved them. After they had been checked over by Shawn, they spent the rest of the wait for transportation finding out how their friends managed getting onto the resuce team.

Chris and Steve told them about the lengths they were prepared to go to if they weren't allowed to go with the rescue team. They laughed at Mike and Tom who mused whether they would have a job when they got back since they ran out in the middle of a shoot. They weren't really worried about it but it was hilarious to watch Jensen and Jared freak about it anyway. Chad told them that he had called his producer on the way to the airport. He said they hadn't been happy but he told them they could shoot a cat fight or two and he'd be back before they knew it.

Jensen and Jared told their friends about the plane going down and waking up not knowing where the other was. When Jared recounted finding David, Jensen slipped his hand into Jared's entwining their fingers, and squeezing his hand at the crack in Jared's voice. Jensen recounted Jared finding his candy and nearly giving him a heart attack. Their friends listened to them tell about walking through the snow and wind to find the cabin. What they didn't tell them is how they had come to be laying naked, wrapped around each other. No one brought it up but Jensen knew it was just a matter of time before one of the guys broke and asked.

The transport landed forty-five minutes later. Everyone loaded up, happy to be headed back to civilization. Jensen and Jared were informed that they would be checked into the hospital overnight whether they wanted to be or not. They were told their parents would meet them there and be able to see them once they had a thorough checkup. Gideon asked someone at base to call Eric who had apparently been burning up the phone line over the last several days. He also arranged rooms for Chris,Steve, Tom, Mike and Chad at the same hotel Jensen's and Jared's parents were staying in. He knew that they were wiped out, not only physically, but emotionally as well, the adrenaline that kept them moving for nine days leaving them shortly after finding their friends alive and well.

Once they landed, Jensen and Jared were whisked away to be poked and prodded. The rescue team headed in to base to make a report and the five friends fell face first into their hotel beds, not moving for the next twelve hours. Jensen and Jared were each given a private room so that their families could be near them, something both the men and their loved ones needed. At the same time not being together didn't feel right, they had spent every single minute of the last nine days in the other's space and now they weren't even in the same room much less the same bed.

Jensen finally gave up trying to get his parents to go back to the hotel, so they could get a decent night sleep when his mom looked him straight in the eye and told him, as long as she was alive she called the shots and he just better get over it. Jensen couldn't help but smile because that was his mama. He did, however,1 win the battle of getting his brother and sister to leave and get rest but only because his mom decided they needed the sleep, and they could come back in the morning and pick them all up.

When Jensen snuggled into the blankets, the only thing he could think about was Jared and the fact that they were back in the real world. His time of having something for himself was over. He couldn't blame Jared. Stressful situations could lead to uncharacteristic behavior, and he wasn't going to make Jared feel uncomfortable for something he was sure the his friend would see as a mistake in the clear light of day.

Jensen curled in around himself, missing the feel of Jared's arms around him, Jared's warm body pressed against his, it was a physical ache that Jensen didn't know if he was going to survive. He was glad, he wasn't hooked up to a heart monitor because he was sure they would have a crash cart beside his bed trying to revive him. His heart felt like it was being ripped out of his chest, still beating at the thought of not having with Jared, what they shared the last few days. Jensen was pretty sure there wasn't enough glue in the world to piece togother his broken heart.

plane crash au, jensen/jared

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