Fic - Jensen/Jared - When Things Come Crashing Down - chapter 5/14

Aug 23, 2007 01:18

Title : When Things Come Crashing Down chapter 5/14

Author : angels3  aka Angela

Beta : munimula - I played with it after she sent it back so any mistakes are mine mine mine.

Word Count : 4772

Pairing : Jensen/Jared (very soon)

Supporting Characters : Eric, Kim, Sera, Mike, Tom, Chris, Steve, Chad

Disclaimers : They don't belong to me because if they did.............................

Warnings : RPS   M/M sex (soon).  A sadly awful knowledge of geography.  This chapter is R
                            other chapters will carry a NC17 for sex.

Summary : The guys are back off Christmas hiatus and on their way to a location shoot when 
                   things go horribly wrong.

Chapters -   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14

PDF for When Things Come Crashing Down 

The angle the plane had come to stop at made getting to the cockpit an absolute pain in the ass. Jared came to a halt right outside the narrow opening, trying to prepare himself for seeing the pilot, no, David, again. It felt inconsiderate to keep calling someone who had died trying to keep them alive, by anything less than his name. He had been in such a panic to get Jensen out of the seat, that when he had gotten the toolbox he hadn't even registered David's body.

Jared pulled himself up the rest of the way using his good hand and braced his elbow on the
side panel to keep from sliding backwards. He flopped ungracefully into the unoccupied seat, studiously keeping his eyes averted from David's battered body.

He located a radio, map, and first aid kit , but he wanted to make sure he found everything
so he wouldn't have to come back again. He pushed himself off the chair, keeping the backs of his leg against the edge to keep from falling. He was leaning across the console to pull out a piece of paper that was peeking out when his foot slipped , and he lost his balance, falling backwards.

Jared yelped as his injured wrist buckled and snapped back, all his weight coming down on it as he tried to catch himself. He finished his fall by landing in the seat again. The pain radiating from his wrist blurred his vision, causing him to pant to get the nausea under control. Once he could hear past the beating of his heart in his ears, he heard Jensen shouting his name. This is becoming a habit, he snarked.

Jared could hear shuffling coming from behind him and knew that his friend had abandoned the relative warmth of the pallet to find out why he was being ignored , and if he didn't do something real quick he would be have to deal with a scared Jensen which was actually more frightening than a pissed Jensen , though not by much.

"I'm alright, I just slipped." Jared raised his voice so he could be heard over the racket Jensen was making.

"Bullshit. You don't make sounds like that when you slip, you cuss, so don't even try to tell me all you did was slip." Jensen fired back as he continued to methodically make his way to the front of the plane, pulling himself along hand over hand.

"I said I was okay, now get your ass back to that pallet , and I'll be back out in a minute, mom." Jared said rolling his eyes at the muttered curses filtering in from the back.

"I'll take my ass back there when you get your yeti self back here and make me. I may not be able to kick your ass right now but I can still wring your damn neck." Jensen bitched back as he made it to the last row of chairs before the cockpit.

"Damn." Jensen breathed out as he got his first look at the seat he had been sitting in and the one in front that looked like a tornado had hit it.

Jared continued to search the rest of the cockpit area finding a duffle bag and a sleeping bag crammed over beside the co-pilot's seat. He quickly added them to the pile, glancing around one more time to make sure he hadn't missed anything. He remembered the smell of cigarettes when he boarded the plane and neither he nor Jensen smoked so that left David.

He braced himself for what he knew had to be done. He carefully shifted around till he was facing David's body and gripped the arm of the seat to keep himself steady as he searched the man's shirt pocket for a lighter or matches. His fingers finally closed around the object he was searching for and he pulled back with an audible sigh.

"What the hell are you doing up there Jay?" Jensen finally asked when the silence became deafening.

Jared swore and jumped a foot. "I thought you went to the back, don't do that shit you almost gave me a heart attack."

"No, I told you I won't going anywhere till you brought your ass back out. Did you find anything?" Jensen asked, eyes still locked on the seats, wondering how Jared had managed to get him out of that pile of metal.

"Yea, since you're being hardheaded I'm going to pass the stuff out to you. Just slide it down , and we'll collect it once we get back down there."

"Alright, while you're at it, why don't you tell me how you managed to get me out of that mess over there and how my foot got hurt." Jensen said as Jared started handing out supplies.

"Well once I finally found your half of the plane......."

"What do you mean when you found my half of the plane?" Jensen interrupted totally

"You'll have to see it to believe it, anyway let me finish. When I finally found your half of the plane and crawled in you were out cold, your foot was trapped under the seat in front of you so I had to disassemble it to get you out." Jared huffed pushing the last of the supplies out and carefully lowering himself to the floor so he could slide out.

"Oh, so you made the great big mess of metal," Jensen grunted as Jared slid into him.

"No, smart ass, it was already a huge disaster, I just added my own special touch to it. Let me get around you , and then you can slide down with me in front so I can keep your foot from jamming into anything." Jared said as he braced his feet against the seat so he wouldn't be out of reach of his friend as he maneuvered around until he was sitting between Jensen's legs.

Jared looked back with a quizzical expression when Jensen didn't move in behind him.

"Hey Jen, we gonna get a move on sometime today? We still have to search the other half and get ready for tomorrow before we can get some rest." Jared's eyes searched his friends face trying to figure out why he wasn't moving.

Jensen shook his head, gritting his teeth at the thought of being wrapped around Jared, and not in the way he'd fantasized about either.

"Yea, sorry, I'm ready whenever you are." Jensen said as he scooted up till his chest was almost against Jared's back.

By the time they made it back down to the pallet, they were both breathing a little heavier. Jensen was trying to keep his crotch from coming into contact with Jared's ass and that thought right there was enough to make his brain short out. He figured Jared was just winded from the climb up and then guiding both their bodies down the incline without damage.

Jared, on the other hand had been faced with his body's reaction when halfway down Jensen had placed his hands on his waist to keep from slamming into him. The rest of the way down all Jared could focus on was the whisper soft touch of Jensen's breath across the back of his neck, and the burn of Jensen's hands through his layers of clothes. When his body started responding his mind started to have a melt down.

Once down Jared shifted away, he mumbled something about being right back before shooting out the back and disappearing from view. Alarm bells may have gone off at any other time but Jensen was pretty relieved since it gave him time to get his very disobedient body under control before he made a complete jackass out of himself. When he could move again without his pants feeling like they were going to cut off important body parts, he started going through the things that Jared had found.

Jared spent the next fifteen minutes pacing back and forth out of view of the windows, not wanting his friend to witness him going bat shit crazy. He couldn't figure out what in the hell was wrong with him. Jensen was his friend, his best friend in fact, not to mention that he wasn't gay or at least he never thought he was. He of course had noticed the way his friend looked, hell you'd have to be dead not to, but he had never really thought about it before and now that he had, he couldn't seem to get it out of his head.

Maybe it was the insane situation or the fact that he and Sandy had broken up over the Christmas break, something he had yet to tell Jensen. He had been going to wait till after they were back in Vancouver not wanting to have to deal with it right away, the location shoot providing a distraction. The bad thing was, the distraction wasn't even about him being upset over the break up, it was the fact that he really wasn't anything but relieved about it, and that right there worried him more than anything. Well that was until just a few minutes ago. Now he had even bigger worries , and he wasn't even counting freezing to death.

Jared decided that if he didn't get back inside Jensen would be pulling himself out into the snow looking him so he pushed his issues to the background. He made his way back coming to stop just inside, Jensen was turned to the side pouring over one of the maps that he had found. Jared stood watching as Jensen's brow furrowed in concentration,. He had the almost uncontrollable urge to smooth his hand across it and make everything okay.

Jensen looked up when Jared plopped down in front of him. Jared reached out and grabbed his friend's injured leg bringing it up to rest on his knee. Jensen watched as Jared slowly unwrapped the bandages and pulled the metal away. The swelling had actually gone down considerably and  Jared started testing the bones to see if any were broken, beginning at the ankle working his way over the heel of Jensen's foot and down the arch all  the way to the his toes . Jared was amazed that someone that was over 6' tall and hit the gym religiously could have bones this delicate.

Jensen couldn't decide what was turning him on more, watching Jared's hands move over his foot or feeling them. He just knew that he had finally accomplished thinking without his dick , and now he had lost all higher brain functions, again. He didn't even have a foot fetish, damn it. His breath hitched just a little and Jared looked up at him, an unreadable expression mirrored in his eyes.

"Ticklish" Jensen blushed as he tried to explain the noise.

Jared looked at him for another couple of seconds before breaking into a huge grin. "Good to know."

"I don't think it's broken. I couldn't feel any noticeable breaks , but that doesn't mean they're aren't hair line fractures somewhere. Since we have a first aid kit, I'm going to wrap it but you're still not going to be able to put any pressure on it," Jared said as he took out a stress wrap and some bandages. He took care of Jensen's foot quickly and efficiently not lingering any longer than necessary. He was putting the roll back when Jensen reached out and grabbed his wrist gently, causing him to drop the bandages.

"I just slipped." Jensen mimicked. "I slipped, my ass! You hurt your wrist again, didn't you. It's swollen at least twice what it was earlier. What the hell happened?" Jensen asked scowling at his best friend for trying to cover up his injury.

"Hey, I did slip, I just didn't tell you I caught myself with the wrong hand." Jared's jaw jutted out waiting for Jensen to call him on his bullshit, and he didn't have to wait long.

"Well you better damn well tell me from now on. We can't afford for an injury to get worse because it's hidden. Now give me the damn bandages so I can take care of it. Then we can go search the other half of the plane and get a game plan set." Jensen grabbed the roll out of  Jared's hand. He checked his friend's arm starting between the elbow and wrist slowly working his way down, paying careful attention to the wrist and making Jared wiggle each finger.

Jared watched the top of Jensen's head as he was bent over inspecting his wrist. Despite the cold, his friend's hands felt warm and his touch was gentle. Jensen's touch was so light Jared wondered how he could feel any breaks, if there were any. Course he had done just fine while checking Jensen's ankle, keeping the touch sturdy enough to find damage but light enough not to cause any extra pain.

"Nothing seems to be broken but you have a world class sprain. Once I put the wrap on it should feel a little better. You want to look through this stuff first or go on over to the other part and scavenge? Jensen asked as he worked.

"I think I need to go through the other part while there's still a fair amount of light." Jared held his breath waiting for the inevitable.

"Um. No. We're going to go to the other part and look around." Jensen said as he finished taping up the bandage.

"Jen, come on it'd be faster if I just went over and brought everything back. You can stay put and go through the supplies I pulled out of the cockpit. There's no sense in us both slogging over there and being cold," Jared reasoned knowing it wasn't going to work but trying anyway

"What if something happens? You want me dragging myself through snow when you don't come back? I guarantee I won't be warm then. We both go over. Besides with two looking, it shouldn't take as long." Jensen shot back, thinking about the last couple of times Jared had been out of his sight and the panic it had caused.

"Fine, let me help you get up, and we'll go on over. Maybe while we're there we can find something to use as a crutch, because I gotta say you must have had a good Christmas dinner." Jared grinned knowing that was definitely going to get a rise out of his friend.

"What the hell Jay, you trying to say I'm fat?" Jensen sputtered looking completely appalled as Jared fought to keep them balanced when he broke down laughing.

"Oh my God you should have seen your face, priceless. I wish I had a camera right then." Jared gasped for breath, both from the laughing and Jensen's elbow in his side.

"Yea, you keep laughing it up and you're going to find yourself face down in a snow drift, funny guy." Jensen mumbled as they made their way slowly around the side of the plane.

When they had finally cleared the nose Jared was pulled to a complete stop when Jensen froze. Jared had forgotten just how bizarre it was to see the back of the plane before the front. He felt tremors running through Jensen's body and was just about to suggest going back, thinking his friend was shivering from the cold, when Jensen turned and looked at him with huge eyes.

"How the hell did that happen? " Jensen breathed eyes again searching his friend for additional injuries he was sure had to be hiding.

"Not a clue, told you it was something you had to see to believe didn't I?" He watched as Jensen's eyes continued to roam over his body, the intense scrutiny causing a strange butterfly feeling in his stomach.

"I'm fine, honest Jen, believe me, I came away pretty lucky, to be honest, we both did." Jared said as he nudged his friend, trying to get him to focus on the here and now, instead of what could have happened.

"Yea, we were. Let's get it over with, see if we can find anything to keep us going, Jack." Jensen snarked, trying to ease the tension in his body.

"Funny, somehow I think our situation sucks worse dude. No sun, no beach, no babes and no ready supply of food. All we got is snow," Jared retorted.

"True, true, but we also don't have freaky people nabbing us and a weird ass clock of doom, so I think we made out better," Jensen joked as they made their way into the back of the plane.

Jensen plopped down in the seat closest to the pallet of boxes as Jared started looking for something they could use as a skid to pull whatever they found, plus double as a sled for when they left. It had to be lightweight so that even with Jensen and supplies weighing it down it wouldn't dig into the snow. Jared finally settled on a fairly large chunk of the plane's skin that had come loose during the crash. It was thin enough to skim across the snow and not catch, but it was thick enough to support the weight it was going to have to pull.

Jensen had started plundering through the crates that were open and easy to reach, pulling out anything that looked useful. Jared stomped back in, knocking snow off his boots as he made his way to the unopened crates, prying them open and handing smaller boxes and cases out for Jensen to look through. Jared was almost to the bottom of the last crate when he let out a loud yell, startling Jensen so badly he almost fell off the seat.

"What the hell, Jared?"

"They packed my candy, I just found it." Jared stuck his head around the corner grinning from ear to ear.

"Shit, you give me a heart attack over candy! I swear, if you do that again they won't find the body." Jensen growled.

"Sorry, but when I found it, I remembered how hungry I was." Jared poked his lip out looking at Jensen from under his bangs.

"Jesus Christ, don't do the eyes man. Fine, I'll make sure they find the body." Jensen couldn't help smiling at his friend as he ambled over holding out the candy like a peace offering.

"I'll share." Jared grinned, waggling the box back and forth.

"You better share, after scaring the shit out of me not once, not twice, but three times today." Jensen reached over grabbing a sour stick.

Jared gave him a funny look but dug into the candy making all kinds of noise that had Jensen's body reacting like an oversexed teenager. Jensen had never really been confused or ashamed about his sexual preferences. He just liked his private life to be private. He had dated women and the studio made sure he was photographed with enough of them, but he had always known that both physically, and emotionally he would always choose men over women. He had never liked labeling people. It was a useless exercise in separation and prejudice. He was the way he was meant to be, and he was not only comfortable with it but happy as well.

He had never discussed it with Jared, and while he felt like his friend knew, he often wondered if it wasn't something that he should have brought up at some point during the last two years. Jensen knew that Jared had seen him flirting with guys and, in fact leaving with them but his friend had never said anything and he had never mentioned it. If he was honest with himself, and he usually was, he knew he was just a little afraid that it would change something between them and he was selfish enough that he didn't want to lose the unexplainable bond they shared.

The problem was, over the last year he hadn't gone out with any guys. Oh, he had flirted, but he didn't go home with them. He was pretty sure he knew why but had done a pretty damn good job of keeping it a secret from himself. Well, that was until the plane decided to fall out of the sky and turn his world into a soap opera's worst story line. The desperation he felt when he had woken up and not seen Jared couldn't even be thought about much less described. Every time Jared had disappeared from sight, his heart rate doubled, he broke out in a cold sweat, and he sounded like he had ran about five miles. Jensen was pretty sure that was the definition of an anxiety attack, which would perfectly describe what happened when he wasn't near Jared......anxiety!

Jared closed up the candy tin, tossing it onto Jensen's lap as he stood up, stretching to his full height, working the kinks out of his back. He started dragging the supplies that they had opted to keep to the skid while Jensen looked around for something that would be the right height for a crutch and could take his weight. He finally settled on a length of slightly rounded wood that must have been part of the set, since the practical use for it, he couldn't fathom. He used some of the bubble wrap that had been used in packaging the crates to wrap around the top part, and topped it off with a shirt from wardrobe. It wasn't perfect, but it'd do in a pinch.

Jensen tried out his new crutch, slowly moving up the aisle, getting the hang of what way to lean and how close to keep his steps so as not to end up on his ass. He made it to the end of the plane, looking out onto the snowy landscape, thinking how deadly it could be but at the same time, the absolute unfettered beauty it held. Jared reappeared from the side of the plane dragging the harness he had made, giving a startled squeak when he saw Jensen standing there.

"Would you stop doing that! I swear I'm going to die of a heart attack before I die of exposure, and why are you up anyway?" Jared fussed.

"I need to see if this thing would work or not. I wasn't going to wait till we have to move tomorrow to find out it was useless." Jensen explained.

"Yea, but you're still dizzy and don't tell me you're not because you're standing there swaying. Now sit the hell down before you fall," Jared shot back, moving up beside his friend and helping him sit down on the floor.

"Fine, but I'm going to use this on the way back to the front section. I need to get used to it, and we've both been out in the cold long enough. There's no sense in you making two trips when I can get there myself." Jensen conceded but refused to give up all control.

"We'll go as far as you can, but if you start getting dizzy again I'll pull you the rest of the way. Right now, I'm going to load up the sled and get the harness attached, you my friend, are going to sit there and rest." Jared responded on his way to the back to grab the first stack of supplies.

Jared made several trips back and forth until he had everything loaded. He made sure as he loaded it to leave space in case Jensen needed to rest. Jared understood his friend's need to have control in an uncontrollable situation, but he wasn't going to let that need overshadow his injuries and let him do more damage. He had done a lot of thinking about Jensen since his mini freak, which when he broke it down, wasn't even about being attracted to a man, even though that still took him by surprise, it was more about the fact that he was attracted to his best friend.

The more he pondered the situation, the more he realized that Jensen pretty much embodied all the characteristics he found attractive. His friend, although private and at times insanely shy, was also very thoughtful, loyal to a fault, extremely smart, absolutely hilarious, and loved his family above anything. Jensen also had the ability to put people at ease, making them feel at home and comfortable no matter the situation. That especially held true with kids. All the children they worked with automatically gravitated to Jen. It was like, he had an extra gene sequence encoded that screamed 'kids welcome'. He never treated them like, they were stupid just because they were young. He answered their questions and explained what was happening on the set, and he never talked down to them, he talked to them just like he would anyone. Last but not least, Jen loved Sadie and Harley, and they loved him. Sometimes he even got a little jealous of the attention the dogs showed Jensen, or maybe it was the attention Jensen showed the dogs, come to think about it.

While Jared had been thinking, they had made it back to the other section of plane, and he helped Jensen settle down on the pallet before bringing in all the supplies. It was starting to get late, and luckily they had not only found a flashlight but also a battery run lantern. They had already decided that with all the fuel and flammable liquids that had been spilt, a fire was not a great idea. Jensen had settled down under the covers with the maps trying to figure out in what direction to head while Jared went about organizing their supplies into groups. He was pretty damn happy with the haul. There was definitely more here than what any of them used when they went camping, but then again, they were in a totally different environment from where they normally went.

Jensen had finally decided on them heading east. The plane had been heading north, and it had taken a more easterly heading to circle the storm. From the looks of the maps, which had been marked, presumably by David, there were three forestry cabins along the eastern side. They looked to be at least 25 miles or more apart which, depending on exactly where they had landed could be good or very very bad. Jared had three stacks of supplies by the time he finished combing through everything.

One stack included, a tent, sleeping bag, small sterno stove, pot, several piles of clothes and blankets. The second stack held a couple of flashlights, extra rope, knives, a small pick axe, radio, and the lantern. The last stack, and quite possibly Jared's favorite, was mana from heaven. Okay, maybe not heaven, it actually was from catering but hey, whatever. Jared had found a dozen or so boxes of dry goods including cereal, crackers and granola bars. There had also been several cans of fruits and vegetables as well as some soups. Apparently the catering crew had thrown in some last minute requests along with Jared's candy. He had to make damn sure when they made it back that Eric gave catering a raise.

They had sat and gone over their game plan, covering everything that they could think of that might go wrong and what needed to be done. They discussed the best way to travel, how to make the sled more manageable and how to mark where the plane was so that once they made it ou,t they could come back for David's body. Jared had crawled in next to Jensen after getting all the supplies together, and was barely keeping his eyes open when Jensen folded up the map and announced they needed to get some rest since tomorrow was going to be a bitch.

Jared set his watch to go off at six am, so they could have as much travel time in daylight as possible, hoping they could make it to one of the cabins before it got dark. Jensen had already lain down and managed to turn on his side now that his foot was free from the metal brace. He seemed to sense Jared's worry about where to lay.

"Jared just lay down man, I promise not to bite." Jensen murmured half asleep.

Jared just grinned, nudging his friend over a little before lying down on his side and resting his arm across the older man's waist. "Well if you do, you better damn well have had your rabies shot."

Jensen just snorted before sleep overtook him, Jared not far behind

plane crash au, jensen/jared

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