Merlin/Arthur Drabble Tree!

Feb 09, 2011 08:48

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Where we share the epic destiny love in just a few words!


What is a drabble tree, you ask?
Well, probably a lot of people know that, but if some of you don't and are afraid to ask: a drabble tree is where people write a series of drabbles that are completely unconnected to one another except for one thing. The last word of a drabble must be the first word of the drabble following it. For example, the last word of the first drabble below is 'go'. Therefore, the responding drabble must begin with the word 'go'. Then the last word of that drabble becomes the first word of the next drabble, and so on. There is no other connection, not even in terms of story content. One drabble could be about Merlin and Arthur being all lovey-dovey, while in the next one, they could be off on a quest.

Can a drabble be responded to more than once?
Absolutely! That's how the drabbles become a tree! So if two people, say, respond to the first drabble, then we'll have two starting branches. People start responding to those drabbles, and the branches grow. Then if more than one person responds to other drabbles down the roads, other branches sprout out. It's amazing!

Does each drabble have to be 100 words?
Traditionally, that is the route to go. However, in the interests of spreading the Merlin/Arthur love, I'd say that as long as your drabble/ficlet fits into a single comment response (4300 characters or less), then that'll be just fine.

How high can the drabbles/ficlets be in terms of ratings?
Anything! G-NC-17 is fine! Though, if your drabble/ficlet does have explicit content in it, please make a note of it in the subject of the comment, so as to warn people who might not want to read that stuff. This is a must!

Can I pimp this on my own LJ?
Wow, I'd shower you with love and hugs if you did that!">" />

Arthur knows he behaves like an ass. He knows as surely as he sees it in the weary stoop of Merlin’s shoulders, in the disappointment in Guinevere’s eyes, in Lancelot’s solemn face, or even in Gwaine’s unimpressed glare.

He knows he is selfish, that he finds every excuse to keep Merlin close. Merlin is his manservant, and yet he also carries the responsibilities of a squire and advisor. Anything to make sure Merlin doesn’t leave. He sees the temptations that Gwaine offers: a life where love is given and received freely. Something Arthur cannot do.

He just can’t let Merlin go.

ship: merlin: merlin/arthur, fanfiction: merlin, fanfiction: other

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