NCIS: A Man Walks into a Bar... [SPOILERS]

Feb 08, 2011 21:17

There are only a few episodes in this entire series that can make me cry -- SWAK, Twilight, Kill Ari, Judgment Day. This one just joined that list. It just made me realize how much I still miss Kate. And Jenny too, but the old wound of losing Kate was really dug at this week.

I especially loved Rachel's talk with Abby, because in a way, it focused on how much Abby's changed over the years, and how that change came when Kate was killed. Abby and Kate hung out even in their off hours, and it doesn't appear that this happens that often with her and Ziva (though there is the occasional exception there, like in Capitol Offense when Ziva stayed over at Abby's when her apartment was being fumigated). Abby was different in the first two seasons, and that was what made her change, made her become a little more spastic. Don't get me wrong, I still love Abby to pieces, but the differences in her character before and after Kate's death are jarringly noticable.

Other things I loved:

-the cut scene from Eye for an Eye with Kate and Tony in Paraguay! *squeals* So lovely!

-Tony's little grin when he figures out just who Rachel is.

-Ducky recalling when Kate's body was in Autopsy.

-Gibbs seeing the similarities between Kate and Rachel when they were curled up on the floor behind Kate/Ziva's desk.

-Gibbs taking Rachel to his place and having her stand on the exact spot where Ari died.

-Gibbs' comment about how none of them have forgotten Kate, they've just moved on. Though, given that Abby freely admits that she still misses Kate and that she doesn't hang out with anyone in particular anymore, I'm wondering just how much they've moved on. Or how much Abby has, at any rate.

-the flashback of Kate calling Rachel about how Gibbs is a pain in the ass and she can't stand working with him. Hee! So cute!

*sniffles* I miss Kate...

media: first impressions, tv: ncis

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