Jan 11, 2012 05:47

Hello all!

Terribly sorry for disappearing for so long. I really have no excuse.

Not a whole lot of fanfiction has been written over the past year or so due to the fact that one of the novels that had been on simmer decided to spring into full force around the beginning of last summer, and I've been doing research for that ever since, and am now on the writing stage. (I swear my novels receive more attention than my fanfiction for anyone concerned about the quality, and I apologize for not putting as much effort in to my fanfiction as I do my own work.)

But I reemerge now, on my birthday no less, to inform you that I have not forgotten about my fanfics, and I have every intention of completing the Snow Queen, and continuing whatever other projects I have stored away in my hard drive.

Again, terribly sorry for the hiatus, but my muse is a fickle creature, prone to flights of fancy, and I'm sure everyone here can relate.

random shna, oops

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