Unexpected but Not Unwelcome (10/Rose/Jack) 1/1

Feb 14, 2011 18:52

Title: Unexpected but Not Unwelcome
Characters/Pairing: Ten, Rose, Jack, Ten/Rose/Jack
Rating: M, for smut with a side of smut and smut for dessert.
Beta: None, mistakes are shamefully mine.
Spoilers: Nothing really, just a post-Doomsday AU.
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or the BBC, they own me.
Summary: Rose comes across Jack and the Doctor in quite a state, and her afternoon is looking a bit more interesting that previously planned.
Author's Note: Wrote this back in... November for the DW secret santa swap over here at this comm. The ever lovely megans_writing turned in a list of prompts and I duely did the best I could to fulfill as many of them as I could, and here's what I came up with. It's actually my first published attempt at hardcore smut, hope you enjoy.

After spending the last forty-five minutes looking for the Doctor it was a relief when she heard the sound of people occupying the next room.

She finally found him in the library.

Correction, she finally found them in the library, and when she did she completely forgot what she wanted to ask him in favor of simply gaping at the sight before her. Namely:
The Doctor, with Jack, severely rumpled, and locked in a rather passionate embrace.

Peering through the barely open door she watched as the two men gripped at each other’s hair and struggled for the upper hand.

It was the Doctor who lost the battle for control when Jack’s hand did something naughty in the vicinity of the Doctor’s crotch, at the same time his tongue did something wicked in the Doctor’s mouth. The combination caused the Doctor to tense and draw in a sharp breath, leaving Jack plenty of room to dominate.

It was then that a low moan escaped Rose’s throat and both men went stock still.

The Doctor and Jack were staring at each other intently, apparently communicating without speaking because the Doctor nodded and Jack said:

“Rose do you know the saying ‘two’s company, but three’s a crowd?’ Well, that’s only true for people without an imagination, and I think there’s enough imagination between the three of us to cover all the bases.”

Rose stepped into the room, she wasn’t entirely sure what to do or say, having walked in on the man, well men if she was honest with herself, she’d fantasized about, if not loved for quite a while now.

She finally decided on saying, “Only if the Doctor doesn’t mind.” Because he hadn’t said a word this entire time and really being as emotionally avoidant as he was, Rose didn’t want to do anything that would push him into a corner and make him uncomfortable, especially when it was something like this. Sex was awkward and messy enough as it was, if adding herself into the mix was as much of throwing a wrench in the cogs as she thought it was then it might be wiser for her to leave the room now and take the responsibility off his shoulders entirely.

Rose was about to do so when the Doctor wriggled up from under Jack and moved to stand before her. He reached out a hand to cup her cheek and said, “Of course I don’t mind.” Before he bent to kiss her thoroughly.


The Doctor had to admit he was a little hurt that Rose believed somewhere deep inside that he didn’t want her, because that meant that while he’d been so worried about her not wanting him, that she’d been worried about him not wanting her, and that would just be tragic because of all the time they’d lost worrying. The Doctor hated time lost as a rule.

Jack was the first naked as he’d discarded his clothes on the way over to move things forward.

Rose was disrobed next. Her hoodie and t-shirt pulled away to reveal a simple pink polka-dotted bra, and her jeans were peeled away to reveal yellow knickers and knee-high pink and black striped socks.

“Those are delightful.” the Doctor commented, his hand on her hip.

“Shall we keep them on?” Jack enquired.

“I think we have to.” The Doctor replied.

Finally the Doctor was the only one left clothed and attention turned to him. He was about to reach up and take off his specs when Rose stopped him.

“Leave them on.” She whispered, sending a shudder up his spine.


“Oh yes.”

Jack helped him shrug out of his jacket as Rose pulled his collar aside to suck on the pulse point at his throat.

The Doctor reached for his tie next but Jack stopped him.

“Leave it on.”

The Doctor chuckles and loosens it so that they can remove his shirt next. Before he can really register what has happened, the Doctor is standing between Rose and Jack completely starkers. Jack’s hand is stroking him as Rose plunders his mouth, and soft moans are all he can really manage by way of coherency.

Eventually he finds himself on his back on a bed that the TARDIS must have placed there, sweet thing that she is.


Rose kisses her way down the Doctor’s body as she straddles him on the bed and pays special attention to the areas that make him sigh and squirm beneath her.

“Rose,” her name comes out on a sigh and she raises her head for a moment to watch his face. His expression is an exquisite mixture of ecstasy and pain.

“Please.” He’s begging her now so she can’t deny him, because that would be cruel.

He cries out at her mouth surrounding him with wet heat and as her tongue swirls around the head he nearly collapses. Her hand strokes him where her mouth can’t reach and the Doctor can do nothing but feel.

Rose starts and nearly gags as Jack comes up behind her and lifts her hips so that she is held up by her elbows and knees. His cock presses intimately against her and Rose shudders in delight and anticipation.

Her fist closes convulsively at the first thrust of Jack’s hips, causing the Doctor to buck unintentionally. Jack begins to move inside her and Rose moans around the Doctor’s erection still between her lips. Both men moan in reply.

As Jack begins to thrust in earnest Rose becomes distracted and her head falls forward releasing the Doctor from her mouth. Her breath comes in more labored gasps as her orgasm coils nearer.

As the Doctor comes up from a pleasurable haze he cups Rose’s cheek and encourages her to come with tender words. Jack’s finger on her clit and the Doctor whispering sweet-nothings to her are all she needs and every muscle in her body tenses and then trembles as the wave of her orgasm breaks in her mind.

Roses’ throat is rough when she comes down, so she knows she screamed. Jack is still thrusting into her, but with less precision now so she knows he’s close. Seeking to please him she shifts her hips allowing him deeper.


“Oh god, Rosie!” Jack gasps when he feels her shift allowing him to slide in as far as he can go and he moans. “So good.”

He hears the Doctor moan again as Rose takes him back into her mouth, but he’s unable to appreciate the look of pure bliss on the Doctor’s face which is a shame. But his own pleasure is pooling in his groin and it’s made him blind, deaf, and numb to anything beyond the heat and wet in-out of Rose.

Jack had wanted this for hundreds of lifetimes, dreamt about this very scenario: the Doctor and Rose sharing his bed. However many times he’d fantasized, he’d never let himself dare to hope, but here he was, and here they were, and god wasn’t it just enough to fill his aching heart and give him one of the sweetest orgasms he’d ever had?


Rose feels Jack go still and then come long and hard inside her with a strangled cry at the back of his throat.

He pulls out of her panting hard, and flops onto the bed unceremoniously beside the Doctor.
The Doctor doesn’t spare a moment between Jack leaving her and flipping her on her back and burying himself insider her heat faster than Rose can register what was going on.

Thrusting wildly into her, Rose realizes the Doctor has either let go, or had any control severed, and was now acting on pure carnal instinct. Instinct he had previously denied having at all.

It was beautifully and terrifying at the same time, a wild look in his dark eyes that Rose usually only saw when he was giving his “stop now on your own, or I will stop you” speech.
‘The Oncoming Storm,’ her mind whispered and she chuckled at the innuendo.

The chuckle was quickly turned into a keen of pleasure as the Doctor shifted his hips and was now hitting her just so. The pleasure rekindled after her stunning orgasm by Jack’s ministrations was now blooming into liquid fire in her limbs. She was close now, so close to that wonderful edge, and getting closer still with every fluid in and out of the Doctor’s cock.

The Doctor’s face was twisted in a grimace with his lips parted. His breath came in short panting gasps, and every other exhale contains Rose’s name or a prayer offered up to a deity he never believed in.

Rose’s eyes widen when she sees Jack rise from the bed move behind the Doctor and begin to pleasure him sweetly. One of Jack’s hands brushes across the Doctor’s chest and abdomen, playing with the hairs there and with his nipples. Jack’s other hand, Rose can’t see, but the Doctor goes stock still with a gasp, his eyes squeezing shut, obviously fighting the urge to come as one of Jack’s tricks work magic on the Time Lord.


The Doctor’s world had narrowed to the heat of Rose’s walls, and the sensations of being buried deep inside her and of Jack’s hands exploring his skin intimately were creating within him.

Having two lovers adds complication to an already complicated dance, and the Doctor isn’t sure that he can be what they both want.

This thought is cut off as Jack’s hand brushes a spot at the base of his balls that nearly short-circuits every neuron in his body.

This is good, too good, and far too good for the likes of him.

The Doctor can’t believe he could ever deserve the love he can feel channeled at him by these two humans. He can’t believe, so he starts to pull away, this has gone on long enough.

“Stop it.” Jack’s voice breaks the Doctor out of his self-pity.


Rose giggles beneath him. “We can see you thinking.”

“If that’s the case then you’re far too coherent.” Jack adds. “So cut it out, and just enjoy.”

“I don’t-“ The Doctor begins to voice his concerns but Rose’s fingers on his lips silence him before any more can get out.

“I don’t want to hear it, Doctor. You’re completely daft. You’ve saved the universe as many times as you’ve done something bad, more even! It’s time for the universe to let you have something good for a little while. Jack and I are going to see to that, okay?”

The Doctor stares at this pink and yellow girl, and feels Jack brush a kiss across his shoulder.

“Okay.” He agrees and he feels both of his human companions smile.

They push him onto his back and Rose straddles him before setting a rhythm certain to send him over the edge, hard. Jack cups his cheek and steals a deep kiss which swallows his moans of pleasure.

All he can focus on is the pleasant burning sensation in his groin, like the feeling of mulled wine in his stomach but lower, warm and fuzzy and altogether enjoyable. The feeling intensifies as Jack tweaks his nipples and sucks on his earlobe.

“Please.” He begs.

“Please what?” He isn’t sure which of them says it but he answers anyway.

“Faster!” His hips buck up into Rose’s heat and she obliges mercifully.

His orgasm is looming nearer and his hearts are beating double-time in his chest in a staccato pace that really should worry him, but he can’t muster the resolve to care, he can’t do anything other than return Jack’s kisses and thrust half-heartedly up into Rose.

He’s on the edge now, close, so very close, so close it almost hurts. His hands clench involuntarily, he can see colors breaking across his vision and suddenly he can’t hold on a second longer.

Every muscle in his body contracts and with a strangled cry he comes, his hips arching up into Rose and his head held firmly against Jack’s mouth. His body trembles violently when the muscles unlock, and he can’t remember the last time he felt this vulnerable, this open, or this wonderfully contented.


The Doctor lay between Rose and Jack on the bed and they stared at the ceiling of the library as their panting slowed down and their skin cooled. When Rose shivered lightly, Jack reached down and pulled a duvet up over the three of them that almost magically appeared at the foot of the bed not too long ago.

“Thank you.” She whispered, as much to the TARDIS as to Jack.

There is silence once again and the Doctor feels fatigue settle into his limbs. It has been a long time since he’d done anything like that.

“Doctor?” It was Rose’s voice but in a tone he’d never heard her use before.

“Is this… permanent?”

“What?” The Doctor asked, genuinely puzzled. “Is what permanent?”

“Y’know… all of us… sleepin’ together?”

The Doctor sighed and fought away the fatigue enough to have this conversation.

“Do you want it to be?” He asked.

“Do you?” Rose countered.

“Oh for the love of god!” Jack groaned. “Enough already! Doctor just answer the question!”

The Doctor looked flabbergasted. “Why me?”

“Because Rose asked first, now tell her!”

The Doctor glared then sighed, “If you two want it to be permanent, then it’s permanent. You’ll get no complaints out of me.”

Laying his heart out like that was worth it for once, because Rose gave him the biggest brightest smile he’d ever seen her give, which was saying something, and Jack laughed and squeezed his hand affectionately.

“Anyone up for another round?” Jack asked coquettishly after a round of celebratory snogging.

The Doctor chuckled and said, “Give us a minute Jack; I’m not as young as I once was.”

Rose giggled and snuggled into his chest. “I could use a breather too.” She adds.

“You’re no fun.” Jack pouted.

It was like that, with Rose curled into him, and Jack’s steady breath brushing against his neck, that the Doctor felt himself at peace for the first time since the Time War, and slipped into a blissfully deep sleep. He could sort out this complicated anomaly what was the three of them when he woke, right now he just wanted to lie there and be.


A/N: Should have probably posted this to my actual journal ages ago, but hey, it works for Valentine's day as well. Enjoy! Now please leave a quick note to say if you liked it, and if you didn't... well tell me that too!

doctor who, ten/rose/jack, rose, doctor, doctor/rose/jack, ten, fanfiction, jack

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