Title: Valentine's Day Special
Characters/Pairing: Doctor, Rose, Ten/Rose
Rating: PG, for fluffies
Beta: None, mistakes are shamefully mine.
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or the BBC, they own me.
Summary: Rose wants to visit her mum for Valentine's day, the Doctor isn't entusiastic.
Author's Note: Fluff for Valentine's Day. Tried to make it a drabble but couldn't make that happen.
It was a universal truth that the Doctor hated Valentine’s day.
“But Rose,” He whined, “Valentine’s day is so… Valentine-y!”
Rose raised a speculative eyebrow clearly unimpressed.
“That a technical term, Doctor?” She quipped.
The argument had kicked off when Rose had requested visiting her mum, and as if that wasn’t bad enough, she requested that they visit her for Valentine’s day. This then degenerated into the Doctor waxing poetic about how Valentine’s day was simply a ploy by the card and chocolate industry to make more money, and that it really should be considered degrading to the people you love only giving them one day to feel special!
But Rose simply wasn’t having it. She wanted to see her mum, and she wanted to see her on the 14th of February.
Grumbling something about “domestication” the whole way, the Doctor shuffled over to the consol and sent the TARDIS into the vortex aimed for the Powel Estate… St. Valentine’s Day 2006.
Approximately seven hours, thirty… seven minutes, one Valentine’s Day party hosted by Jaqueline Andrea Suzette (or was is Suzette Andrea…) Tyler, and twelve strawberry daiquiris later, (approximately because the daiquiris had made the Doctor’s timey-wimey senses go poof, and strawberry because it was Valentine’s day and apparently bananas don’t count as Valentine’s day food) Rose half-helped, half-dragged the Doctor back to the TARDIS. However, despite the alcohol, his mood concerning the holiday hadn’t improved.
“You know what Rose?” The Doctor slurred. “Valentiny’s day is just…. Yucky… I mean what’s the point of a holiday to-“
“Doctor?” Rose interrupted.
“Hmmm?” He slurred in reply.
“Shut up.”
And then she was kissing him. She was really kissing him; with lips, and teeth, and tongue, and fire, and passion, and bloody hell! Rose Tyler was kissing HIM! The Doctor was being KISSED by Rose Tyler!
“How you feelin’ ‘bout Valentine’s Day now?”
Rose Tyler’s voice was far too smug for the Doctor’s liking; he should really say something dreadfully clever to put her in her place.
Apparently Rose Tyler-s have the power to disconnect impressive Time Lord brains from their admittedly over active gobs.
Rose grinned that cheeky grin of hers with her tongue poking out between her teeth and the Doctor felt his knees go weak.
“Just as I thought.” And she gave him another peck on the lips before pushing her way into the TARDIS.
And the Doctor thought, maybe Valentine’s day wasn’t so bad after all.
A/N: And that's all she wrote. Make my Valentine's day and write a quick little responce? Don't care if it's negative, positive, or neutral all is welcome.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go be merry with friends at the pub.