Much Ado About Nothing

Jan 17, 2012 01:56

After downloading it, I have finally gotten a spare evening to sit down and watch Much Ado About Nothing with Catherine Tate, and David Tennant.

What a brilliant production.

Much Ado is one of my favorite of Shakespeare's plays, and this was a fresh retelling, that was just as enjoyable for me as the first time I saw the play adapted by Sarah Parrish and Damien Lewis.

In short, I laughed myself silly.

If you haven't gotten the chance to yet, I would highly recommend downloading and watching it.

This is a legitimate site, I downloaded it for myself from here. You do have to pay, but L 8.99 is cheaper than the Hamlet DVD, and so very worth it.

much ado about nothing, david tennant, shakespeare, catherine tate

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