Title: Two Words (Fuck Me) Fandom: Naruto Summary: "They both knew that it would take two words to make it all explode..." Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 289 Genre: Smut/Drama For: naruto100 weekly challenge - take a walk on the wild side Pairing: Orochimaru/Anko
Disclaimer: STILL don't own Naruto - trying to get the paperwork through, though!
Title: Rapture Fandom: Naruto Summary: Art is a bang. Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 105 Genre: Poetry/Romance For: naruto100 weekly challenge - Poetry Pairing: Deidara/Tobi
Disclaimer: STILL don't own Naruto - trying to get the paperwork through, though!
Title: // Fandom: Naruto/Harry Potter Summary: Orochimaru is reunited with her child Rating: R Genre: Crack/Smut Pairing: Giant Squid/Female!Orochimaru/Uchiha Sasuke