i went to the doctor's yesterday and my blood pressure was high, 154/90 i think? so i was scheduled for a non-stress test today at the hospital, and i went into it feeling much peace and acceptance and openness, and onyx passed perfectly and healthily. my blood pressure went down a lot while i was lying down getting monitered, but it went back up at the end again, even while lying down. i feel completely peaceful and thankful for my health and my child's.. i don't feel worried or concerned at all. i feel... open. open to life, to what it has to offer me (which i know, after everything i have lived through in my life, that everything happens for a greater reason, and it always ends up being for the very best.. i trust that :) my angels look out for me, and most importantly *i* look out for me. and i trust me). but my doctor put me on modified bed rest, even though i have no swelling or blurred vision.. i do have a slight headache as of yesterday, but again, i feel completely taken care of with no worries.
so here i am.. i read a lot, crochet, make christmas presents, write, draw... watch silly tv... go on the computer and browse the internetz.. but even already, i miss the outside.. the sunlight, the visiting with people.. i'm definitely not going to stop my life because of this, but i will slow it down.. whatever is best for onyx <3 he comes first in my life and i will do anything to ensure his well-being and comfort.
i found this really sweet picture~
a fairy in the womb! growing with magic <3 it reminded me of onyx..
only a few more weeks until onyx is here! i think my body is looking forward to that day, even though i do love being pregnant. 38 weeks tomorrow!
lots and lots of fantastical magical love to everyone who reads this!
so many happy and lovely and beautiful things to come.. that with the holidays coming, onyx's birth, the fun process of hand-making all the christmas gifts for my loved ones.. and i'm so lucky, to have such a blessed angel like sam. he helps me so much.. he cleans the house now that i'm resting and makes me dinner, and gives me so much love and kindness, and makes me giggle..
and today i had an amazing contraction at the hospital.. it was long and beautiful and intense. and for me that was incredibly exciting, because that means my body is getting itself ready for birth. beautiful yes indeed!
love <3