May 08, 2008 20:37
ok, so you know in softball how when you have the person you dont really wanna play with, and really isnt very good, mostly just someone you dont wanna play with, you stick them in right feild, (thats where the least amount of action takes place) well at work, i feel like the right feilder, i dont get to play with real accounts, i just get the stuff that ppl already combed through, and people who are on payment plans with no real benefit, like, "i'm poor and can only pay $10/month on my 28,000 student loan, so i'd like to pay $10/month for the rest of my life cause i'm a tard " i feel like they gave me these accnts because if i fail, atleast were still getting what we were getting in the first place, i'm just trying to get more, so if i screw up, it's no big deal, they dont trust me with real accnts, just these leftover pos's
and every once in a while i'll get to go into a queue with REAL accnts, stuff that hasnt been worked by 8 other ppl and i'll get something nifty but most the time, i feel like i'm a readheaded step child thats been given a task just to keep out of the way, (here, go sort nails for me while i work on the car **there that'll keep her busy so she dont bug me or wreck something valuable**))
i even sit away from everyone, i TOTALY dont feel like part of the team... *sigh* i never really have here, i kinda have invisible syndrom here,
and i'm sure it's just harder today cause i've been feelin all depressive all day anyway, but really, even on a good day i dont quite feel like i belong...