But I kind of like getting my client work done the night before it is due. Last night I did my work for today. Tonight I hope to get all of my work for tomorrow done. Doing it this way I would get Friday's off. Now that sounds tempting. Especially since Friday is laundry day, grocery day, and so on. It's the day I have to go into town and get all of that stuff done. If staying up instead of getting up early keeps going well for me I just might make this my new work schedule. Anyway, I like to keep things fresh by shaking them up from time to time. It keeps me from falling into a lull. You might know what I mean.
My guppy fry are a week old now! They've grown quite a bit compared to what size they were when I first saw them. Still quite small, of course. This weekend I suspect I shouldn't have any problem taking them out of the tank so I can use the gravel vac to clean out debris from the gravel, do a partial water change, and change the filter. I just have to make sure I get all of the babies out of the tank before I start cleaning. I'd feel horrible if I ended up killing any just trying to clean out the tank.
Monkey really missed school. She was so excited this morning and ready to go. The bus even came early. Well on time if you go by the paper I got with the time on it at the beginning of the school year. Early if you consider the time they usually show up. Monkey is thrilled.
Lately I have been catching up with/running into old friends. I ran into a girl I grew up with at the store on Sunday, looked her up on Facebook and found my old neighbor there so I added them both. Than later on I had the chance to catch up with an old online pal of mine from back when I wanted to go into fashion design. I'd wondered about her and how she was doing so it was great getting to catch up with her.
deadeyedsuprise's bead order is coming along quite nicely as well. I just finished off the purple and started on the java beads. It doesn't look like there will be as many java as there was purple so hopefully it won't take me too long to get them rolled and ready to photograph then package.
I kind of want to invest in a bead roller. If only so i will have something with that small slit in it to slide in the paper for rolling. I'm using a stitch holder for knitting to roll my beads and it works but sometimes it is a little frustrating trying to get the beads rolled in a timely fashion. I found a pair of bead rollers on etsy for $6. They're nothing fancy, just a wooden handled thingy ma bob. They would do what I need them to do. Especially since I can't find the roller I want. The walmart lady thought I was crazy. They just don't seem to exist.
Earlier today I ordered my new address labels from Vistaprint. It has some cartoon girl putting on blush to the right of the text and I included the "Independent mark. Sales Representative" tag under my name and the web address to my eBoutique under my address. They came out really cool. I got 140 address labels for only approx. $3.75. That is the priority shipping charge. I want them fast. Hopefully faster than the business cards I have yet to receive. Which, btw, is getting pathetic. If they don't ship them soon I am just going to get non-mark. biz cards and order them from Vistaprint. Even they would have gotten them to me by now at the price for shipping they charged me. These 'free' mark. biz cards cost me nearly $7 shipping for only 100 cards... it shouldn't take this long!