I'm not complaining about life right now

Sep 08, 2009 17:13

 I got back from Dragon*Con last night.  While there some of the highlights for me were that I:

Went to a Charlaine Harris panel (she's a delightful Southern woman who looks like somebody's favorite aunt) and asked her whether she'd choose Eric or Bill.

Heard Diana Gabaldon read from her latest book in the Outlander series (which I didn't realize comes out 9/22.  More Jamie and Claire!!!!), asked her questions, and got my book signed, as well as saw art panels from the planned Outlander graphic novel.

Attended two great Farscape panels and actually asked the last question of the panel at the second one.  I also got autographs from Ben Browder and Claudia Black and got to ask her when she thought Aeryn got pregnant.  She wasn't sure exactly, but thought Talyn John was probably the father because,as she said, "they were practicing a lot".

The Farscape panels were some of the best I've ever seen.  You can tell the genuine affection the cast has for each other and their deep appreciation of the fans.  Ben Browder and Claudia Black were delightful in person as well.  Yes, Jana.  I got to touch him. lol  And I even managed to behave like a rational human being while doing so.

Saw my dear friend De who came into town in the midst of a writing deadline and took me out to brunch in her little red VW bug convertible.

Got great gifts for my family.  Older son got "It Takes A Viking to Raze a Village", older daughter got "And Then Buffy Staked Edward.  The End.", younger son got "Don't Make Me Go Zelda On You" (with all the weapons from Zelda pictured), and younger daughter who is a major lover of Snape, got a pendant with "I Always Trusted Snape".  Everyone was quite pleased.

Saw my brother who came down to hang out with me for a while at the Con.

Plus, a lot of other stuff happened.  But, the upshot was, it was a lot of fun.

Now, I'm trying to decide what to have for dinner before taking Julia to her first concert.  The Fray are coming to the new performing arts center here in town tonight and I checked with Ticketmaster this morning and scored 6th row seats.  I'm not questioning fate on that one.  We're calling it a belated birthday present for both of us.

Plus, it looks like it might be an early fall.  Autumn is my favorite time of year, so that 's just icing on the proverbial happiness cake.

So, life is pretty good.

ETA  Jason Momoa is a pretty, pretty man.

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