Looks like we have H1N1

Sep 24, 2009 14:21

I took E to the doctor on Tuesday and after eliminating all the other possibilities, was given the diagnosis that "in all likelihood, it's H1N1".  So, Tamiflu for him and his siblings.  He's still home from school, but hoping to return tomorrow.  So far, at least, the others haven't succumbed, although the Tamiflu makes J nauseous.  I suppose it's better to get it out of the way early in the season.  Right?

At least northern Michigan was beautiful when we went this past weekend.  It was G's birthday on Monday and we celebrated with his father and sister at his dad's lake house.  Incredibly blue skies, big fluffy clouds, and temps around 70.  Pretty close to perfect.  I managed to climb the dune at Sleeping Bear Dune National Lakeshore again this year, though it was a near thing.  Who knew my heart could actually beat that fast?

More book updates to come soon.
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