Dragon*Con, Oh, My

Sep 04, 2009 17:18

 I decided at the last minute to attend with some friends, so I'm currently ensconced in a room on the 26th floor of the Hilton. So far today, I've gotten up at 4am, driven to Atlanta, registered for the Con, donated blood and got the cool t-shirt, bought souvenirs for 80% of my nuclear family, and am planning what to wear to tonight's Buffy Sing-A-Long and Doctor Horrible Sing-A_Long.  Oh yeah, I'm also heading to a Charlaine Harris panel in a little while.  Tomorrow it's Farscape with Ben Browder and Claudia Black and who knows what else.

By the by, steampunk is definitely the most popular costuming choice this year.

Questions to ponder:  Should I take part in the attempt to make the Guinness Book of World Records for most people dancing to Thriller?  Should I buy something steampunk?  Finally, what's for dinner?

Later folks.

Coolest costumes seen so far: The Jolly Green Giant, a Marie Antoinette, an excellent Iron Man, and a Wienerlicious Girl (who was very grateful that I recognized her because 4 people had thought she was a beer garden waitress).

More later!
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