TV Shows getting it right

Mar 09, 2011 09:52

Pretty Little Liars continually surprises me ever week with Emily's relationship storylines but this week man, what they're doing with Paige, it comes from such a genuine place.  It's not sugar coated unrealistic happiness, or over the top dramatics, it's a conversation that could actually happen, in real life.
Though much more surprising with this week's Glee and the actual effort put into the Santana character.  For almost 2 years they've written Brittana for shits & giggles and I was expecting to just roll my eyes again while they just had another episode of Brittana as loose cheerleaders who make out for fun and use it as a joke, but what we got was Santana acknowledging feelings, pouring her heart out, and a real explanation to why she's so angry all the time.  I absolutely did not expect Glee to go there, and the fact that they did, I too applaud with Rachel for them "exploring the uncharted world of Sapphic charm, brava, brava" (I bet Rachel knows all about Sapphic Charm, especially after all those Afternoon Delights with Quinn)

Finally, TV shows getting it right where so many have failed in the past, about time shows, about time.  Clips from both tug at your heartstrings scenes ahead

Paige & Emily:

Brittany & Santana:

And I know there's been lots of hate on Brittany but I actually think it's very much in her character to stay loyal to her boyfriend.  Either way she's going to hurt someone and fact is she is in a relationship, and all along Santana has labelled what they do as okay cause of different plumbing.  It's a quick 180.  I would love for the girls to get together, and one day they probably will, "proudly so" as Brittany said but not everything works out just cause you say you love someone, that's real life.  Brittana just got a lot more real than it's ever been, the love between the girls is acknowledged as genuine, and that I think is huge progress for this show.  
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