"Hi, I'm Nikita. I'm out saving the world right now. Leave a message after the beep."

Feb 25, 2011 09:14

I normally don't get all PSA on shows but for reals, if you aren't watching Nikita, start!

Somewhere in the last 5 months this show went from "oh hey CW cast an (half) Asian lead, I'll check it out" to "well that was okay, well I guess I'll watch it anyways since I got nothing else on Thursday nights" to Must See TV.  
About a 3rd of the way into the season the show shifted gears, got going and never looked back culminating into last night's "oh my...this just got epic, you're making me wait 6 weeks for a new episode?!"

The pilot isn't the most eye-catching but you'll want to keep watching for that last 10 minutes and then I promise you if you keep watching it gets good, really good.  I'm continually surprised by how each episode is a step better than the last.  Don't let the fact that it's on the CW deter you from it, honestly this show is the "which is not like the others" on the CW.  It's probably my favorite show now, maybe even topping Chuck, which everyone knows how much I love Chuck so that's saying a whole lot.

There's no new episodes until April 7th *pouts* so that's a whole month and more to catch up.  Even if you don't want to start all the way at the pilot you can start with the midseason cliffhanger (episode 11 All The Way) and get going from there.  cwtv has them, or hulu I'm sure too, or maybe it just points to cwtv, I don't know, but either way, get started, it'll be a fun ride.

PSA over.
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