(no subject)

Dec 04, 2004 02:16

I'm almost done with this semester.

Yesterday I had my Law exam (it was oral, worth 50% of the grade, meaning that if I didn't do well in the exam, I would obviously fail) and I hardly slept to study for the stupid thing. Thankfully, I didn't get that nervous, and although I was confused about where is some ridiculous law that was overruled ages ago (I still don't know if it was the Constitution, the Press Law or the Civil Code!), it was a very decent performance, and I got a good grade.

What I have left:

- Economy Exam (I'm not worried about that one, if I've gotten great grades without studying for any test, I can certainly go through the exam if I read a little)

- Graphic Narrative's project: we have to work in some article about british people's top 10 favorite american TV series and the ones they hate the most. According to the survey used in the newspaper, their favorite is The Simpsons and the worst is that awful show with David Hasselhoff as a life saver in the beach (I can't remember the name in english now, that means I really need to get some sleep!). I still have to look for the sources of that survey to re-design the whole article.

- Interactive Narrative's project: A web special using Flash. I don't know when I'll be able to do that one! Especially when I still can't get how Flash works.

I can't wait for everything to be over so I can get my life back. It's been ages since I went to the movies, for example. The last movie I saw was Sharktale. Actually, the only thing that I haven't left aside is my midnight soapie, because it's almost over and it has given me the urge to go back to writing soon.

A lot of things have happened in all this time, but I think that posting about them now would be a little obsolete. The one thing I want to celebrate for is that finally I'll have a dog again (and not just one, two! We already chose the names: Luna and Terra.)

Oh and I wish I could send everyone a present for Christmas, but I'm afraid I don't have enough money and sending stuff from here to up there (or to Australia, in the case of anazecria)  is a little expensive. So you'll have to be happy with some "pretty" cards I'll do with Photoshop to send to you via e-mail. Please, I need you to give me your e-mail addresses though, because I don't have all of them.)

About that wish list everyone is posting... I'll have to think of what I want and post it here. Maybe I could find a way to make my mum see it =D.

That's all for now, I think. I hope you're all doing well. There's some people I haven't heard from in a while, like heavenswood.

Others, I really want to talk to, namely you, Nielle, and also Any, who should be going back to Mexico about the same time I'll be finishing my exams. I heard you have some good news! (No,actually, I read about it in Wonky during a quick check today, you have to get in touch soon!!)

Well, goodbye for now.
ETA: Gah, how could I forget how to spell Nielle's username?? I typed "Anacrezia" at first. My last neurons are dying :(
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