(no subject)

Dec 23, 2004 13:31

I thought that once I was out of Uni I would have lots of free time, but so far, it's been quite the opposite. I've had a lot to do, especially regarding Christmas gifts, cleaning my bedroom, re organizing my CDs, etc. On Sunday I'm travelling to the south of Chile (to Pucon. If you ever come here, you have to go there, it's one of the most beautiful places in the world) with my dad and his family and I'll be spending New Year's Eve there, so I won't be back until January 3rd. Then I will catch up with all the stuff I have to do :)

I managed to do a couple of things in these days, though. I sent Christmas Cards (hope they'll arrive some day), I went to the movies with my sister (we watched "The Notebook" and of course, being the sap I am, I cried until my sister said that I was embarrasing her ¬¬), I pre ordered Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (is it true that Rowling said a main character will die? Please tell me it's just an invention of the terrible chilean journalists!), I did a few fic translations for the upcoming H/Hr spanish site (among them, "I Am, I Said" by anazecria =D) and had to baby sit my cousins (I'm saving money for the trip to Buenos Aires in February).

Oh and I got my grades and this semester I did quite good, so I'm very happy.

Hope you're all doing great, and Merry Christmas to everyone out there.

PS: I got your card szaranea thank you so much!! You're quite the artist, it's really pretty. It's the first card I've received in ages. My mum wanted to put it with the other Christmas Cards above the fireplace, but I didn't let her, I'd rather keep it in my bedroom or it could be lost forever.  
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