My First 5k

Sep 21, 2007 03:24

2:56am, 61ºF

I ran my first ever 5k straight tonight. I don’t exactly know why I waited until so early in the morning. (actually due to it being too hot during the day, working late, updating my resume, and not being able to sleep) But anyway… I did it.

Now, I know it doesn’t seem like that big of an accomplishment to people who run all the time. I know that most people who run 5ks pretty much sprint them, and that’s something that will take me a LONG time to accomplish. (It took me about 30min.)

But for a girl who has never been fast enough to be a sprinter, and has never had the endurance to run more than 1½ miles, and for all those from high school who know that my heart rate sky rockets about 30sec. into a run, this is something important to me. And I worked myself up to it in about 2 weeks.

I actually have more energy after this run than my other attempts that have fallen short. I do think it has a lot to do with the temperature (I’ve always done better in track when it was cooler.) and lower humidity because of the time. But hey, I did it.

Actually, I ran more than a 5k because I was going by quarter miles.
What I ran:       13 laps = 3.25 miles = 5.23036k
My goal:         ≈12½ laps = 3.10685 miles = 5k 
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