I am still alive I promise you...

Apr 21, 2012 11:08

So I haven't been around much lately, but, you know, I have a full time job and an hour and a half commute so...  that makes sense right?

So what have I been up to?

I have been doing a lot of reading.  Like, A LOT.  I finished A Clash of Kings about three days ago and then I read a Doctor Who novel and OMG STORM OF SWORDS ARRIVED LAST NIGHT.  I love to read, but when I'm near a computer I'm too tempted to read, you know, porn.  But now that I have an hour and a half commute to work each day I have a lot of reading time.  When  get the chance I'm going to sit down and make a post about Clash of Kings because I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS, but at the same time some of what I have to say might be spoilers for GoT season 2 (IDK because they changed a lot so far) so I'm just wondering... how many of you have read the books?  I'd hate to make a big post about it and NOBODY reads it because nobody else has read them.  
Also, I got my post training work schedule.  I'll be working M-Th 12:30-9 and F 10:30-7.  So I have weekends off and an early Friday!  I feel super lucky because my trainer said that post new hires have to work at least one if not both weekend days.  Also the call center opens at 4:00am so I fucking lucked out having a later shift.  The problem, though, is that I'll have to wait 40 minutes for a bus after work every day *sigh* but that's ok.  At least I'll be getting home before midnight now.

I've made a few friends through work.  One of them is really into the BDSM scene and I might go to a club with her tonight.  I'm not sure.  I want to, but at the same time I'm a little nervous.  I've been to the Folsom Street Fair three times and one of my college friends was a Dominatrix.  I went to one of her performances at a BDSM performance venue before.  Women were suspended from the ceiling and stuff.  It was pretty intense.  But I've never been to an actual BDSM club before.  I'm not one to turn down new experiences though, so I'm gonna go if she gets back to me.  Why the fuck not?

Edit: Not going to the club cuz my garage is flooded because the washer broke and omg waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

hbo whore, non-fic, im going to do a thing, my tags amuse me, i'm creepy sometimes, lol i a crazy person, im a kinky bitch sometimes, game of thrones, asoiaf

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