(no subject)

Apr 21, 2012 16:59

I finished reading A Clash of Kings three days ago.  That's the second book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, aka the books that Game of Thrones is based on.  I'm hesitant to say that there are spoilers for season 2 in this post because anything could change, but just to be cautious I wouldn't read this post if you are a spoiler-phobe.  I'm going to be discussing a character death later on, but I'll mark where that is with SPOILERS before talking about it.  Also, I got book 3 (Storm of Swords) in the mail last night, so please don't spoil me on what's to come!

First thing I have a lot of OPINIONS on is Theon...

I hated him in the book.  Really fucking hated him.  I sighed whenever I got to a Theon chapter I'd sigh and speed through it.  I just... didn't give a fuck.  But then things got interesting when he took Winterfell.  Still hated him, but at least his chapters weren't boring.  In the show though?  I feel really fucking bad for him.  The show did a lot more justice to just how fucking shitty his situation is.  I'm still not entirely fond of him though.  Also?  He doesn't finger his sister in the books. He almost fucks her, yes, but doesn't.  And his sister's name is Asha, not Yora.  They both suck, though.

Also, Tyrion/Shae is my show OTP of the show.  Yes, a dwarf and a whore is my OTP.  I don't care.  I love them.

I'm surprised Shae is Sansa's hand maiden.  I guess it's because they've cut so many side characters out they had to place her somewhere.  In the books she becomes Lollys' handmaiden, but I don't even think Lollys is in the show.  And Tyrion is a lot more conniving on the show.  The triple play lie against Pycelle, Little Finger, and Varys was sooooooooo smooth.  I wonder if Tyrion is going to have the same fate.  I don't want to see Peter Dinklage's face all scarred up ;-;

Also, Tyrion and his Sellsword are like BFF's and I love them.  They are like big children with really sharp weapons.  It's great.


I think the changes they've made to Renly's story are really interesting.  I'm not entirely sure where they're going with it though and just how much change they are going to make to the overall story.  I don't believe that he and Maergery meet in the books.  In fact, Maergery gets betrothed to Joffrey.  And Renly and Loras weren't lovers either.  So already they are setting up Renly's death (I KNOW IT SUCKS RIGHT???) to have a much bigger emotional impact than in the books.  The only person who was super upset about the loss of Renly in the books was Brienne.  Yes, Catelyn was upset, but mainly because she lost an ally.  And lots of Renly's men were upset too, but again, it was because they lost a leader, not really because of a loss of someone close to them.  His death is going to hurt like a bitch.  I'm not looking forward to this.


Also, I can't fucking wait until we get to Harrenhal.  It's been mentioned in the show, but it hasn't yet made an appearance.  I love a love/hate relationship towards this place.  I hated it because Arya was trapped there and I felt her anxiety.  But I loved it because Arya managed to go from "awesome" to "completely badass in every single way imaginable" there.  She became the ghost of Harrenhal.  She survived being treated as a slave and being abused.  And she escaped.   And she killed.  It's terrible that a child had to kill, but she was so completely justified considering the circumstances.  I just hope that it doesn't destroy who she is as a character.  I love her being a badass, but she's still a child.  I'm looking forward to seeing where her and Gendry and... uh... I forget who else is with them (Hotpie?)...  whatever... I'm looking froward to seeing where they go after Harrenhal.

Also I am 100% on Team Daenerys.  I want her to win the Iron Throne and I want her dragons to eat Joffrey's face and I want her to give the north to the Starks and Arya can become a knight like Brienne and ah fuck it Arya can be the Hand to the King of the North and Dany can marry Ser Mormont of if that's not cool maybe he can be her Hand IDK and I hope Tyrion somehow escapes all this alive even though he's a Lannister because he's the only Lannister that I don't want to see end up as Dragon kibble.

spoilers, asoiaf

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