Uuuuuugh [falls over] I am still alive...sort of. Man, these deadlines are killing me and I keep staring at the ever growing workload. I am happy because hey, money! Starving artist can afford essentials - yatta! [prays for more work] Although, last minute deadlines are a freaking pain...and I still want to go D8 "DUDE...where were you a few months back where I was doing nothing!" Oh well...
I am sorry I haven't been chatting with a lot of you, especially
fictivore since you asked me many things that I need to reply to [bows] gomen neeeeeee! I was eaten by other things...to be honest, I STILL have to read all the Reverse Bangs that came out. Which actually made me scream in realization of something....the !@#$ing Secret Santa thing. The deadline is in two weeks and I pretty much went....oh !@#$...so much for the master plan...ha! I've defaulted to fanfic and I'm debating which one I would like to do. There is a Noir one that would be brilliant to do...however, 1000 words would not do it any justice, and I would still very much like to do a flash comic of it. Yes, I said it...I planned to work with Flash, but I think at this point (thanks to the universe) that's out of the picture. So...that'll be saved for another day...more likely next month I think.
The other prompts....[scratches chin] again being honest...they don't strike a creative core with me persay....but...I think the easiest of the two would be the one set in any universe...and since I love all that is Earth's Mightiest Heroes-verse (since...I don't have to pay attention to 616 canon...) \(^0^)/ victory! However, the third which takes place in movie-verse is pretty much PWP and kinky...so again I could get the 1000 words done nicely. I think I may have to read some hardcore yaoi to get ideas because [looks at prompt] wow...I think I get to play with non-innocent Steve. Um, where was my train of thought?
Oh yes...I don't have many Marvel things to go over as of yet....I breifly glanced at Secret Avengers #7 even though I swore I never would look at the book again, but...I heard Steve tortured someone during interrogation (which was over exaggerated). On the other hand, is it wrong of me to like seeing Steve stumbling with this top-cop thing? I mean I see some possibility for interesting characterization that makes it awesome and scary at the same time. Essentially, from the brief overview I got is that Steve is starting to how shall I say...be less Steve like...or at least what my head-canon says is Steve-like. He's...doing what he views is necessary in a weird sense.
There is a part where (watered down version here since she didn't really read the story) where Steve and Natasha (Black Widow) are fighting some bad guys who kidnap Shang Chi:
Natasha: ...They've already TAKEN him.
Steve: I KNOW but it's all right...
Natasha: What does THAT mean? They HAVE our man. How is that ALL RIGHT?
Steve: Because I have a BACK-UP PLAN.
Natasha: Well, you could have TOLD me...
Steve: I needed this fight to seem REAL. So they wouldn't smell a setup.
Natasha: You're acting more like Nick Fury every day...
Interesting...no? I mean, I'll admit I don't know Steve's personal canon so flawlessly that I could state that Steve wouldn't necessarily do that, but...I couldn't help but go...hmmm isn't that more of a Tony strategy Steve? You usually let your friends in the loop, but hey...I still have yet to see any evidence you told anyone about the War of the World things...[shrugs]
Even more curious is the interigation scene which...well I'll just let you guys see it...
Soooo...Steve, you switched with your 1610 (Ultimates) version again? Where is the Steve from the Thunderbolts #150? I can tell you right now...that guy was MY Steve Rogers...this one though....well we can safely say he's not Cap. I beginning to think this is one of reasons why Steve gave up the mantel of Captain America since...this is not what Cap would do. Ooooh how painful it might be when he realizes he is Cap through and through though....which I want. I've always said Steve became a Mary-sue type thing after his rebirth...this is a good way to humanize him...and as painful as it may be to say...I want Steve to go further down the rabbit hole...to the point where his friends have to look at him and go "Steve, wtf?!" Of course, Happy canon would be for Tony to hold Steve's shoulder and go "Don't make the same mistakes I did..." But I suppose we'll see....
Marvel has a way of screwing things up and I am not getting my hopes up just to see because Steve is Steve...it'll all work out.
Next post when I cover Invincible Ironman #31 because OMG sentient armor - for Pepper!