One day at a time

Jun 06, 2012 08:21

So, after having a mental break-down yesterday...I have decided that I honestly need a break.  I just need to take the time to breathe and get out just for fun and explore the city library or something.  I think it would be good for me to try not always worrying about the month after next constantly.  I can't help a lot of things, and I know my luck has been f***ing rotten the past year or so...but sulking and self pity is not going to change things.

For those who have read my LJ and just listened to me whine...thanks for baring with me.  The sad truth is that in this economy, things are tough for everyone.  You need about three incomes per family in order to make it any more, and what's worse is that even if you are trying for a second job or just even one's hard because sometimes they just aren't out there.

I'm trying to count the blessings I have because I know there are still people out there who still have it worse off then my family.  We still haven't faced the ultimate last ditch effort yet...Bankruptcy...though we have considered it.  If things keep happening the way they have been, then I'm afraid there is no other's not like my credit score is looking good anyways....lawl.  [headesk].  Still maybe I should focus on the Avengers Reverse Bang :)

that is due in two weeks D8

and aren't I working on the Cap/Ironman Big bang too?


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