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May 22, 2012 17:49

I signed up for the Cap/Ironman Big Bang...HOLE-E-CRAP!
So...now I am doing two bangs at the same time...one being the Avengers Reverse Bang and now this one.  So now...I need o decide what I'm doing for both.  I mean...the art shouldn't be too hard if I'm deciding not to do something way over the top like I did for the Cap/Ironman Reverse Bang.  Plus the deadline for that I think is next month so....I should probably keep it simple, right?

I think I'm just going to go with one theme....werewolf!Tony and werewolf!Steve since no one wants to write and give them to me [whines].  I'm thinking I'll go with the Civil War type of inspiration...sort of...in all honesty it's like an over elaborate version of Pocahontas...lawl.  Maybe some Hunger Games themes...and world-building is fun!  But...on the other hand...I want to write this for myself and I may have enough material for the Cap/Ironman Big Bang.

However, an Ironman Noir fic I could use as a launch point that I actually have 3000 words on already.  PLUS, there is action and adventure...and I already watch WWII documentaries which in the grand scheme of things may not prove relevant yet since this technically takes place before the U.S. enters the war.  But seriously, the Uncharted franchise is like inspiring.

THEN I have the 3rd plot bunny that makes me want to laugh since it incorporates the epic space adventure of awesomeness that I can use to mish-mash everything from Steve being an actual knight from an uncivilized planet...Tony a space-outlaw/estranged son of Howard Stark who is a council member of the Galactic Republic.

In essence heavy sh!t is going down in all of them and somehow Steve and Tony fall in love!  KABOOM!

My problem is which do I write, and which do I draw?

avengers reverse bang, cap/ironman big bang, tony stark, steve/tony, plot bunnies, steve rogers

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