Okay - Avengers!

Oct 10, 2011 22:56

EDIT: Trailer here!

I'm just going to say, waiting for the actual Avengers trailer is like pulling teeth.  If you weren't ready to claw someone's eyes out during the D23 expo, I'm sure you are ready to repulsor somebody's a$$ for it now.  Something to note...probably by the time most of you read this, the trailer will be out and we will all be building time machines in order to get to May 4, 2012.

But in the meantime, you can look at ET's PREVIEW of the trailer HERE. Heh, pretty good when you need a trailer of a trailer...at this point, my one fear is that the Avengers movie will be a flop.  THAT would hurt beyond fan-boy comprehension.  I think the hype has probably made this movie already in the danger zone to be honest.  I know there are going to be some disappointed people, because that's the nature of things...you expect so much and when you don't see what you want, it hurts.  But I don't want to be pessimistic about it.  I am pretty sure the movie will be better then what's currently going on in comic canon...[looks at 616] Ooooh yeah.

For me, as long as Tony gets some awesome scenes I'll be fine...to be more specific, if he gets more screentime than Howard Stark did in Captain America - then I'll be more then fine.  I mean, considering what we do know so far, Tony isn't going to get dumped by the wayside...lol, in fact RDJ almost had Tony running the movie.  But, honestly that was one of my biggest fears when they made him the "consultant" in IM2.  Before any of the spoilers came out, all I was wishing for was "please let him be more than a cameo."  Which I know he is - so all happy here :)

I'm still unsure of what to expect from Joss the director.  I've seen Buffy - and I thought it was good initially...then it spiraled into wtf and I have no idea what happened from there.  Still, I'm pretty sure the pressure is on.  I am glad the actors are there to actually question him at times....then again on the fly script writing is a scary thought [nod nod] XDDDD [thumbs up] I have faith in you dude!  If it's anything like the tv series, you are all aces!

Sooooo....normally I'd do a comic round-up, especially since I am behind thanks to the big bang...OMG WE MADE IT! :'D
But I'm feeling lazy, and honestly I know some of you are catching up and what not, so we'll be somewhat as vague as possible.  Now, what did I talk about last time?  [draws blank]  Um, first lets talk about teasers

This upcoming weekend is Comic-con for you lucky !@#$ that are attending <----[is no way jealous or bitter] hssssssssss...

DC is [hears surprised gasp]...relax, despite the new reboot...DC still only gets brief (in comparison) mentions from me (for now).  Though....as I continue on with Wonder Woman that may change - we shall see.  Anyways, DC continues to rock it with  their exclusive Digital releases for the Kindle.  However, this made Barns and Noble jealous and made them decide to pull all those exclusive digital titles they carried in paperback off the shelves of their store: essentially saying - you don't give us the digital format of those titles we won't carry the paper version.  Ouch - what will be DC's answer?  Ah, but no worries, if you REALLY want them, you can always order the titles online at BnB's website, or have the stor special order them.  Er, then what was the point?  Oh, well...hint - probably cheaper on Amazon anyways.

Anyhoo, DC's relaunch seems to be going okay so far.  This past month, they actually topped Marvel in sales, but we'll have to see if it carries into the following months.  One thing is for sure, these comics are not aimed at NEW readers since you are better off knowing who the character(s) is(are) in order to have a firm grasp at what is going on.  TO me, the launch almost seems like Ultimate-verse version of DC [shrugs]  More, violent, more gritty, so we shall see where it goes from here.  As far as Con DC news I care about....Wonder Woman is the one with a surprising origin.  I don't know how surprising it is now since you already told us what happens, but hey....don't comics always do that anyway?

Now back to the Marvel-verse of things...we look at two specific spoilers - one which was mentioned on the Cap/Ironman comm here which briefly states: "What if there wasn't only one?"  And the other one here claiming: "It is coming."

The first one can be any number of speculations from Bucky returns somehow, to Bucky!clones, or even more Winter Soldiers.  I don't think Marvel can particularly surprise me, but who knows...

The second one makes me a little more nervous.  I swear to God if it is a massive reset/relaunch/reboot where all of continuity is wiped I will be PISSED!  No, no, no...I will be more than pissed - that would be GOODBYE Marvel for me.  I did not waste roughly 2.5 years of my time learning as much as I could about 616 continuity just to have it erased.  On the other hand, if you are deleting 1610 - then go right ahead...I don't care a wit about that universe.  Reset away and un-kill my 1610!Peter Parker...sorry Miles, I'm still somewhat grudging against you...give me a few more months to angst and I'll probably check the new book....providing they don't kill you off in 10 years or so.  Ahem, moving along...

It could also mean another event - goodness we're just ending Fear Itself [angsts].  I mean let's look at the Avenger's timeline from #5.  We already passed "Schizm."  "All Hope lies with Doom", "Return of Ironlad" and "Where's Wanda?" probably wrap up with Children's Crusade. (EDIT: Apparently I was wrong..."All Hope Lies with Doom" is a FF arc that is starting in November)  So all that's left is: Galactus seed, STARK365KATS, Man without Fear, What is the [TE] Ring, Steve's vision, and Ultron War.  My guess, the big thing would be Steve's vision - war of the world squidbots.  We know Tony will eventually face the Mandarin in his own line thanks to alternate future book #500....we also know he faces the Ultron War because his future self gave him the egg thingy in Avengers....and whatever that STARK365 thing is (maybe squidbots?) it has to do with Tony....

Geeeezs Tony, looks like you are on the chopping block...again.

Tony: Didn't I just go through Fear Itself?
Inoshi: [snorts] when will you realize you are Marvel's plot device?
Tony: That's hardly fair...
Inoshi: then quit lookign pretty when you angst!

Sooooo...Man without fear probably means the aftermath of Fear Itself - ie the fearless.....so, yeah...I think the "its coming" must be refering to Steve's vision, or at least the set-up stages for it.  I mean, what else has happened - Thor will be MIA as Thunder God for awhile because the Celtic Gods are coming, the Dark Avengers are comign back, the Revengers (Sam's anti-avengers) are coming into play - so technically...there is a whole lot of coming.  Personally I rather have the wedding of Cap and Tony under "it's coming" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD But....I'll settle for locking them both in a closet until they fully despoiled one another <3

Anyways, that pretty much sums things up.  The short and sweet of comics is that Children's Crusade continues to be awesome, but delays suck....Invincible Ironman is dragging, but Tony can say no to a drink!  Alright!  Fear Itself will end this month....THANK YOU!  And so on and so forth...

movies, dc, comics, marvel

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