Cap/Ironman Big Bang Part 2

Oct 01, 2011 17:34

OMG, I'm done HAHAHAHHAHA! [fdances in circles, falls over and dies]
NEVER Freaking Again will I sign up for two Bang entries - EVER! X______X

So, what can I say?
Well, first let me tell you the sorrowful tale of what happened with this Bang artwork.  To be honest, I was making a flash comic much like what I did for grand_duc.  I was pretty please with my progress, that is until the file got corrupted and caused me to lose EVERYTHING.  [ensues manly epic crying and panicking]  I can not fully express my utter anguish over this - and of course I allowed myself to become complacent in the ONE RULE of digital art - back-up, back-up, back-up.  Alas poor flash burned in the ruins of save progress most foul! [resumes sobbing in corner]

Soooo...I went to Plan B.  Which is this:




[throws confetti]  I think they came out rather well...
And, yes, before you ask...I totally referenced the armor pose from the Iron Man Noir #3 cover (and BSed whatever lines) as well as the red sunset sky concept (because when I used other colors it looked less dramatic).  I also referenced the planes because honestly, I fail at all thing metal and mechanical.  I also went for "vintage look" so you don't see how awful painting skills are in this...but overall I do like the final result and couldn't decide what I liked better, so I went with all three - lol.

Okay, for those of you who want to know...this particular Bang is really special.  Why?  Well to be honest, it's about coming full circle really.  See, a year ago, the Reverse Bang took place...and when I posted my artwork I met the wonderful author penumbren.  She took my plot bunny ran with it full speed to create the fanfic "Indelible".  Not only did my artwork spark such creativity, but Pen allowed me to help grow concepts and really be a part of the work...letting me read snipits - make requests - and squee to my hearts content.  I always tell her that Indelible feels like a giant fill just for me - lol.  The resulting fan audiobook, and the overall feedback was amazing, and I felt like I was really part of the comm.

Anyways, it wasn't until Pen contacted me and said she was doing a sequel to Indelible and I went "Holy !@#$ really?"  Well, I just had to do the artwork for this fic - I had to!  XD This was special...I mean what a fitting way for me to do the artwork of a sequel of a fic that initially started with my artwork?

No, I didn't get to do what I wanted to do, but that doesn't mean I won't re-build and complete the flash work.  To quote Tony, I'm re-building and making it even better [determined face] *_* It will be awesome!

But for now, this will do.  Considering I started with a "poster" type layout for the Reverse Bang, I suppose it's fitting I ended with a WWII propaganda poster for this Bang.

I hope you all Enjoy ^_^

artwork, cap/ironman big bang, tony stark, marvel

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