Fraction, Tony, Spidey, etc. KAABOOOM!

Jul 14, 2011 18:30


Well, as I promised fictivore on her journal that once I finished up Fear Itself #4 I would go back to my mini Marvel reviews.  Well, unless you've been hiding from the Marvel Universe by avoiding it like a plague, then you would know that we are right smack dab in the middle of Fear Itself - 4 down and 3 to go.  Okay, I admit one thing, so far...I am enjoying Fear Itself.  For my first Marvel event (that I actually pay attention to)'s been okay so far.  Am I happy with what is happening? that's another story.

So first off, the only reason I was slightly optimistic about this event was because it was supposed to focus on Steve and Thor - to test them and put them through the wringer....and in essences leave Tony the heck alone!  Tony already suffered, in my opinion, twice over in these past events...and is still under the effects of Dark Reign.  However, reading the pages of Fear Itself #4 and looking at the upcoming Ironman #506.......poor Tony just dropped all the way back to square one.  He took a drink (oddly enough the bottle he drank from was french for "Demon in a Bottle") and he's going to be building some weapon of mass destruction.  F*** you 60+ years of character development and continuity....Tony is right back at the starting point.  [headesk]

Haaaaa...I am doing my best not to judge Fraction till I see the end results.  I mean I will grant him the benefit of the doubt...Tony acknowledged it was the only thing he had left that meant anything, and he sacrificed it to get Odin's attention.  I know I nearly cried when Tony drank, but I am hoping Fraction at least acknowledged how big that was.  The fact he put the words "demon in a bottle" at least points to the fact he is aware of what Tony had to go through.  I'm just hoping Tony can forgive himself and choose not to go down that path.  I am desperate that Fraction will show Tony's strength of character.....but we all know that's a long shot considering Fraction doesn't like to give Tony a win.  But, alcoholics do "backslide" and [crosses fingers].

Another thing Tony has to face is the fact he's build an uber weapon.  Actually, considering this is Fraction...I wonder if this weapon(s) might lead back to that squid bots that are supposed to appear sometime in Steve's vision.  I mean - part of Steve's vision came true - Bucky is DEAD.  So, I won't be surprised if this somehow bites Tony in the ass.  Maybe Ultron takes control of this weapon - and thus it becomes Tony's "fault" when the upcoming Ultron War comes about.  We only have three more issues (not counting the tie-ins) left to see where the heck this is all going.

Speaking of dead Bucky.  I realize that it was the plan to get Steve back as Cap (which I very much appreciate), but still...I felt that it was somewhat pointless having Bucky as Cap.  Despite my hostility reluctance for Bucky to take up the shield, I wanted him to prove himself.  I wanted to be given a reason as to why I should care that he wants to be Captain America.  But...that didn't happen.  He started as a rookie and died pwned by Sin.  Yikes...Buck went out with a flicker in comparison to Ultimate!Spidey.

Yup, you heard right.  1610!Peter Parker aka Spider-man of the Ultimate Universe is DEAD. [watches him keel over]  And with that goes my purpose in reading the Ultimate Universe.  In the midst of the Fear event, Marvel was holding another event in the 1610 universe, which was "the death of Spider-man."  However, this guy went down webs a blazing and truly left an impact.  I mean DAMN!  First he gets SHOT saving Captain America, then he faces 5 of his most deadliest enemies almost single handedly...then dies in Aunt May's arms saying "I did it...I saved you."  F!@$#%$^!!!!!!!!!!

Now unlike 616 where dead usually doesn't mean permanent...1610 is the place where dead is dead (usually).  We are now going through the "Ultimate Aftermath" mini where everyone is face with repercussions of Peter's death.  Judging from the preview of Ultimate Fallout #2...Steve's in tears...HOL-E-SHOIT!  And he takes the blame for Peter's death since...he was kind of an asshole to Spidey (true) and then Peter got wounded by saving him (also true), which in a round about way caused his death.  Cue Aunt May b*tch slapping Cap (Wow she's awesome) and yelling at the Ultimates for pretty much being useless morons. (kinda true considering...)

I mean look at what they were doing at the time.  Fighting between the Ultimates and Avengers - having Gregory Stark be all evil (which is an interesting twist and makes me think Miller was actually writing "Greg" Stark instead of "Tony" Stark in 616 during Civil War - seriously...the "reasoning"  is almost a carbon copy) and hinting that Fury may have planned/used Spider-Man's death in order to get his job back.  Geezes, May was right...Peter was better off without the Ultimates.  But, this makes for an interesting aftermath.

I've always complained that the Ultimates were pretty much a bunch of jerks.  Unlike thier 616 Avenger counterparts, I didn't really consider them "heroes".  The only one who came close to the heroic image was Spidey.  Heck, many will agree with me when I say Peter was the moral compass of the UU.  I had hoped that he would touch the hearts of the other heroes and show them what type of heroes they should have been.  Okay, so now he kind of did that with his death - still...I am hoping the Ultimates will step up and be like the 616 Avengers.  This gives a unique opportunity where Peter can sort of be to 1610!Steve as Bucky was to 616!Steve.  Both were young men...who gave up their lives to save Steve.  Sooo....yeah...somewhat interested how this will pan out.

There is news that there is going to be a "new" Spider-Man.  As you may have guessed, many people are on the fence about this.  Like Steve is the only true Captain America - same goes with Peter being the only Spider-Man.  I will tell you when Marvel tried to "replace" Peter in 616 during the Clone Saga....result = not good.  Peter was back as Spidey on the double, and depending how this new guy pans guess is sooner or later Peter may be resurrected from the dead.  How?  Well...and interesting plot point before this whole death arc was fully launched.  There seems to be this ultra powerful key thing that reminds me of the cosmic cube, and we never got the reason as to why it was introduced.  So....hey, maybe the entire UU will get rebooted.

Sooo - moving on...
Watched the start of the new season of Ironman Armored Adventures :)  Amusing moments and cliff hanger ending!  But we all know Tony will be okay since, that would be pointless to kill him off right there - lawl.  I am interested in what will be coming up, and I am hoping for more cameos later down the line.  It's kind of interesting to note that technically at this time, Tony is the only superhero in New York if you think about it.  Everyone else who would have a solo gig or later plays as a future Avenger are theoretically "teenagers" or "toddlers".  We know Hulk is out there running around somewhere, and Black Panther is busy with Wakanda stuff.  Steve is probably still frozen...and Thor may be in Asgard.  So yeah...looks like Ironman, War Machine and SHIELD are NY's only guardians.

You know...looking at this teen!'s almost how I would imagine 616!Tony's son would turn out.  In my head-canon...I can see Tony being a decent father.  Actually if you look at AA!Howard...his principals of life are taken right from 616!Tony.  No more weapons building - using technology to help people...hmmmmm....  Anyways, I plan to enjoy the series until EMHS season 2 comes out!

I had to add this really fast...
WHOSE brilliant idea was it to add f*cking Jeph LOEB of all people on to the writing staff of Avengers: EMHS S2?!?!?!?!  This is the same guy that wrote Ultimates 3 and the whole vampire thing - and URGH!  I'm gonna try very, VERY hard not to judge until I see it but...good GOD!

peter parker, tony stark, cartoons, steve rogers, comics, marvel

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