not even back a full 48 hours now, and I'm already ready to hurt somebody.
I already mentioned that Kristy threw out the mattress I was using and bought a futon instead, but what I DIDN'T mention is how it sounds like she expects ME to pay for something I don't even LIKE.
now, granted she said "I bought you something...well it WAS gonna be gift/surprise, but that was before I found out I had to spend more money." but it still sounds like she's expecting me to pay for the bed since she had to spend a whole whoppin' $30 extra. Unless she's talking about having to pay for the cab ride completely, which is a lil different, cause she only expects me to go half and half on that anyway.
so that was straw 1
straw 2:
Kristy came down to the house to use the bathroom, and she started having a hissy fit, saying that the house is "fucking nasty".
turns out that her idea of "fucking nasty" for the day was my suitcase, and my blankets that I had kept out to use during quiet time. everything was mostly neat except for a FEW things I had taken out to go through, and the clothes that needed to be washed.
I could understand her not liking the clothes to be a pile on the floor waiting to be washed, but the washer and dryer were BOTH running at the time, so I just put the clothes in a pile where no one would have to step over/go around them. it wasn't spread out all over hell and creation, it was in ONE spot.
straw 3:
I had my notebooks, lil fill-it-in magazine, and some travel type stuff from LA sitting in a pile by the end of the futon so I could type up what I had wrote on the plane and store the vacation stuff separately.
SOMEONE was being a brat and spread them all over the place, and having a fit, so she got put in her room for time out.
Kristy came home and...of course..bitches. not just about the papers/notebooks though.
oh no, nope. she had to move onto the stuff on my computer desk (which THEY put there while I was gone) and the stuff on top of my lil cabinet thing (which, again, THEY PUT THERE).
Now, granted, she started out nice:
"Please clean that up before I do."
it was after that that started pissing me off.
Koda has been an unholy brat to me since I got back. Typical kid, I went away and she's mad at me for it, so she's "punishing" me, pretty much.
but with Koda being a brat, and the fact that I haven't gotten back into ANY kind of sleep schedule since I got home (between monday night, tuesday night, and last night, I think I managed to sleep 12-13 hours, and the majority of that number comes from monday night cause Jac let me sleep in until maybe 5 minutes before Bianca got to the hotel), by the time Kristy gets home and I can clean without munchkin in my way, I'm ready to pass out for a week.
SHE may be used to being a full time mom and having to deal with Koda acting like a bitch on pms, but I am NOT. I've been here for less than a year, she's been a mom for almost 4 years. gimme a fucking break, for crying out loud, I mean SERIOUSLY?! not even home a full two days and you're gonna give this shit to me NOW?
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