Interesting Links for 06-11-2018

Nov 06, 2018 11:00

Discovered a lovely word today: “apricity.” (tags: language sun temperature ) Irish government says Dominic Raab’s Brexit backstop plan not worth the paper it's written on (tags: uk europe ireland NorthernIreland doom ) Iceland recognises Palestinian state (tags: iceland palestine israel ) The Conservative Party will break Theresa May at the worst possible moment (tags: Conservatives doom ) I can't tell if Stacksort is the worst programming thing ever, or the funniest. (tags: stackexchange funny programming ) Why women receive less CPR from bystanders (tags: health women society OhForFucksSake ) Labour will vote against a customs union - unless it's permanent I've completely lost track of whether there's enough votes for _anything_ right now. Frankly, I'm not sure there is.
(tags: labour politics europe uk ) Google’s AI creates its own inhuman encryption (tags: encryption google ai ) Prejudice against women in power is greater than we think (tags: sexism society ) Voters' preexisting opinions shift to align with political party positions (tags: politics OhForFucksSake ) Llama “nanobodies” might grant universal flu protection (tags: llama flu disease medicine ) Air pollution linked to autism (tags: autism pollution china ) Categorising male authors (tags: men authors funny satire ) Right-Wing Social-Networking site Gab comes back after a week offline. Users blame the Jews. (tags: socialnetworking politics freespeech racism ) Sci-Fi Writer Greg Egan and Anonymous Math Whiz Advance Permutation Problem (tags: mathematics ) This is how psychotherapy for depression changes the brain (tags: brain counselling neuroscience ) Ten changes to help save the planet (tags: globalwarming advice ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

flu, autism, temperature, llama, google, language, programming, society, women, freespeech, brain, conservatives, northernireland, pollution, palestine, advice, stackexchange, encryption, globalwarming, disease, satire, israel, links, ohforfuckssake, men, sexism, uk, sun, counselling, europe, funny, ai, labour, authors, neuroscience, iceland, ireland, racism, health, china, socialnetworking, doom, mathematics, politics, medicine

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