Interesting Links for 07-11-2018

Nov 07, 2018 11:00

Federal Judge Blocks Native Americans in North Dakota from Voting (tags: usa voting racism OhForFucksSake ) Why is British media so transphobic? (tags: transgender lgbt UK media ) UK renewable energy capacity surpasses fossil fuels for first time (tags: renewables uk GoodNews electricity ) Restaurants fail for many reasons - don’t try to pin this on millennials (tags: restaurant business ) Why Caligula should be Theresa May's role model (tags: history rome Conservatives uk europe ) I cannot, from the information here, see any way that a deal is happening between the UK and the EU The UK will not accept a backstop which is permanent. The EU will not accept a backstop which is not permanent. The EU will not sacrifice its internal integrity for a third party. May hasn't got the votes to push, well, anything through.
(tags: uk europe doom ) Children's screen time has little effect on sleep (tags: screens phones tv sleep children ) Can Hong Kong Sell Its Residents on Watery Graves? (tags: water death HongKong ) Family tree of 400 million people shows genetics has limited influence on longevity (tags: longevity genetics ) Experts testing cladding after Grenfell banned from criticising Theresa May under gagging clauses (tags: censorship government UK OhForFucksSake ) Labour says it will vote down a blind Brexit deal with no details about future relationship (tags: UK europe labour politics ) Midterms 2018: Weed Wins on Election Day (tags: marijuana legalisation usa GoodNews ) This report into autism and mental health provision in Scotland does not make for happy reading (tags: autism mentalhealth scotland ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

autism, business, genetics, goodnews, death, scotland, phones, renewables, conservatives, transgender, usa, rome, sleep, water, children, hongkong, links, history, government, ohforfuckssake, uk, media, europe, voting, labour, restaurant, censorship, mentalhealth, marijuana, legalisation, tv, electricity, racism, screens, lgbt, doom, politics, longevity

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