Interesting Links for 05-11-2018

Nov 05, 2018 11:00

From David Tennant to Jodie Whittaker with the help of seven months of HRT. (tags: transgender lgbt cosplay viaSwampers drwho ) Rules for Dining Out - How a frugal economist finds the perfect lunch (tags: food economics advice restaurant ) A 70-Year Study of 70,000 Children On the Secret to Raising Successful Kids (tags: parenting research ) Real Progress in Parkinson’s (tags: disease research brain ) Two Caribbean countries vote on a colonial court - London or local? (tags: law Caribbean referendum ) The curious case of the unpopular Brexit Deal that *everyone* seems to think will happen. Why it will, why it might not, and, most importantly, why it shouldn’t. (tags: UK europe doom ) Map of the incredible decline in child mortality from 1800 to 1950 to 2015. (tags: children death GoodNews ) The CIA's communications suffered a catastrophic compromise costing the lives of dozens of agents. (tags: spying epicfail cia usa Iran china ) How to explain the KGB’s amazing success identifying CIA agents in the field? Thus one productive line of inquiry quickly yielded evidence: the differences in the way agency officers undercover as diplomats were treated from genuine foreign service officers (FSOs). The pay scale at entry was much higher for a CIA officer; after three to four years abroad a genuine FSO could return home, whereas an agency employee could not; real FSOs had to be recruited between the ages of 21 and 31, whereas this did not apply to an agency officer; only real FSOs had to attend the Institute of Foreign Service for three months before entering the service; naturalized Americans could not become FSOs for at least nine years but they could become agency employees; when agency officers returned home, they did not normally appear in State Department listings; should they appear they were classified as research and planning, research and intelligence, consular or chancery for security affairs; unlike FSOs, agency officers could change their place of work for no apparent reason; their published biographies contained obvious gaps; agency officers could be relocated within the country to which they were posted, FSOs were not; agency officers usually had more than one working foreign language; their cover was usually as a “political” or “consular” official (often vice-consul); internal embassy reorganizations usually left agency personnel untouched, whether their rank, their office space or their telephones; their offices were located in restricted zones within the embassy; they would appear on the streets during the working day using public telephone boxes; they would arrange meetings for the evening, out of town, usually around 7.30 p.m. or 8.00 p.m.; and whereas FSOs had to observe strict rules about attending dinner, agency officers could come and go as they pleased.
(tags: cia Russia spying epicfail ) Street advertising boards banned in Edinburgh (tags: advertising edinburgh ) Finally a reason to be jealous of North Korea (tags: NorthKorea advertising buses ) Online program helps prevent teen depression (tags: depression teenagers web ) More landlords to be forced to improve energy efficiency (but not enough of them) (tags: rental heating uk ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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