Interesting Links for 07-02-2018

Feb 07, 2018 12:00

Love Island women offered less money for other work than men (tags: women men money ) Katie Hopkins detained by passport control for spreading racial hatred (tags: racism southafrica GoodNews ) Theresa May announces review into sustainable print journalism (tags: newspapers uk ) UK crops left to rot after drop in EU farm workers in Britain after Brexit referendum (tags: UK Europe farming OhForFucksSake ) Scotland is now the right size on BBC's new weather map (tags: BBC weather maps Scotland uk ) AI Just Learned How to Boost the Brain's Memory - From the Inside (tags: brains neuroscience ai ) I had no idea paper jams were so complex and fascinating (tags: paper technology design ) Edinburgh arts base "St Mags" under threat from £15m student flats deal (tags: art housing Edinburgh OhForFucksSake beltane ) Elon Musk's Falcon Heavy rocket launches successfully - hopefully sending his car to Mars (tags: mars space ElonMusk Spacex ) California Crops Rot as Immigration Crackdown Creates Farmworker Shortage (tags: farming immigration usa Mexico fail ) Another Star Wars movie series is coming-from Game of Thrones‘ showrunners (tags: gameofthrones StarWars ) Do you live in the Blue Banana (tags: urbanisation europe viaElfy ) This may be the moment SpaceX opened the cosmos to the masses (tags: space Spacex ) Want to help your partner stress less? Listen from the heart (tags: stress psychology communication ) First modern Briton had dark to black skin, DNA research reveals (tags: uk prehistory dna ) Gig economy: Theresa May promises to improve conditions for millions of workers (tags: work law uk Conservatives ) UK could adopt Norway bottle recycling system (tags: norway recycLing plastic uk ) What happens in a working-class town when work is taken away? (they vote for Brexit, because the government blames Europe) (tags: uk jobs Europe poverty fail ) Winter Olympics : US skiers use VR goggles & brain zapping headphones (tags: sport VirtualReality brain usa ) If we gave everyone a decent standard of living, could we sustain it? (tags: life economics earth environment ) Americans are spending less on clothing (casual dress commonplace, ties vanishing) (tags: clothing ) The ReMarkable E Ink Tablet (tags: Technology review ) Germany has a government again! (tags: Germany government ) The Stats on the ‘Star Wars’ Film Universe: Its Creators Are 96% White Men (tags: StarWars diversity ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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earth, art, urbanisation, virtualreality, stress, work, paper, elonmusk, recycling, germany, immigration, goodnews, scotland, women, law, brain, conservatives, life, economics, usa, mars, environment, viaelfy, edinburgh, farming, diversity, links, weather, sport, ohforfuckssake, norway, government, men, plastic, newspapers, technology, uk, bbc, dna, europe, ai, starwars, communication, design, beltane, fail, jobs, money, brains, spacex, maps, neuroscience, prehistory, gameofthrones, space, racism, poverty, psychology, housing, mexico, southafrica, review, clothing

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