Interesting Links for 08-02-2018

Feb 08, 2018 12:00

A Bid to Solve California’s Housing Crisis Could Redraw How Cities Grow (tags: California housing ) Stephen Hammond: Tory MP vows to challenge Theresa May's Brexit policy with vote to keep UK inside single market (tags: uk europe Conservatives ) Vegetarian and vegan: A quarter of UK dinners have no meat or fish (tags: vegetarian vegan uk food ) Elevated Use of Absolutist Words Is a Marker of Anxiety, Depression (tags: depression anxiety language ) Study Shows Women Have Happier Relationships When Their Partners Aren’t Massive Douchebags (tags: relationships happiness satire ) How the Republicans rigged Congress - new documents reveal an untold story Proportional Representation is clearly the answer.
(tags: voting usa politics OhForFucksSake ) Fascinating hypothetical Brexit voting scenarios hereIf Cons were only ones supporting Brexit...If Labour was opposing Brexit...Look at how strategic Remainers are...…" (tags: voting polls UK europe ) Designing Windows 95’s User Interface (tags: design ui ux windows microsoft ) Book of Kells: History of world’s most famous medieval manuscript rewritten after dramatic new research (tags: history religion UK Ireland christianity books ) Woman unknowingly adopts dog she gave up as a child (no, you have something in *your* eye) (tags: dogs ) Police in China have begun using sunglasses equipped with facial recognition technology to identify suspected criminals. (tags: surveillance China augmentedreality police ) The "Connect Four" meme makes me unreasonably happy (tags: meme games children weird ) To know Donald Trump’s faith is to understand his politics (tags: religion politics usa Republicans ) Sex ed must cover respect and consent, say young mums (tags: sex education uk ) Abandoned cars on fire in Edinburgh's derelict robot car park (tags: edinburgh cars automation scotland fire ) European Court of Justice asked to rule on whether UK nationals can keep EU citizenship after Brexit (tags: europe uk citizenship law ) Leaked AI-powered Game Revenue Model Paper Foretells a Dystopian Nightmare (tags: games money OhForFucksSake ) How Motivation Works (tags: psychology motivation brain ) Cognitive approach to lie detection rendered useless by made-up alibi (tags: lying psychology ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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