Interesting Links for 06-02-2018

Feb 06, 2018 12:00

Four week deadline to use Scottish paper money (tags: Scotland money paper ) Humans (Like P!nk) Have Nipples And People Are Apparently Traumatised By This (tags: breasts women bodies OhForFucksSake society ) Men with higher testosterone levels are less into classical music and opera (tags: music men testosterone ) Smartglasses that project your notifications onto your retina using lasers. I want some so much! (tags: lasers Technology glasses ) How and Why To Write a Rude Q&A (tags: advice questions discussion work ) The Problem With Authority Parenting (tags: parenting children ) Is Brexit the maddest thing England has ever done? Not quite (tags: UK England France history war ) How to deal with children (tags: children advice ) The boy who slept next to a bear (tags: bears ) The true story of Milli Vanilli (tags: music fraud OhForFucksSake ) When brains go (amusingly) wrong (tags: funny life brain mistakes ) The UK Wants To Remain In The EU’s Trade Deals During The Transition Phase After Brexit (tags: UK Europe trade ) Congestion in Edinburgh down by 10% (still rubbish) (tags: transport edinburgh ) UK built half of Europe's offshore wind power in 2017 (turbines nearly as tall as The Shard!) (tags: windpower UK GoodNews ) The Forgotten Renewable: Geothermal Energy Production Heats Up (tags: heat power earth ) Irish Supreme court refuses man's extradition because of Brexit (tags: Ireland Europe uk rights crime ) Lactation hormone cues birds to be good parents (tags: birds hormones behaviour parenting ) Why the UK government shouldn't pardon the suffragettes. (tags: women voting politics government uk history ) No one is making a “Lady Dorito." (tags: women food OhForFucksSake marketing gender viaSwampers ) In London, Sri Lanka's Defence Attache stood opposite peaceful protesters and repeatedly ran his finger across his throat when looking at them. (tags: OhForFucksSake protests ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

earth, music, behaviour, work, paper, fraud, goodnews, scotland, rights, society, discussion, women, marketing, brain, life, advice, bodies, france, trade, hormones, bears, edinburgh, mistakes, transport, breasts, children, links, windpower, history, ohforfuckssake, government, men, protests, technology, uk, testosterone, voting, europe, funny, crime, glasses, heat, money, parenting, lasers, birds, ireland, gender, power, food, england, viaswampers, war, questions, politics

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