#132: Random Fic Recs (Sherlock, Kingsman, How To Get Away With Murder)

Aug 23, 2015 17:16

So, 21st of August is apparently Fanfiction Writer Appreciation Day. I've learned about it a bit too late, but I wanted non the less to contribute to the important holiday and thus have a completely random rec list of a few fics I've read recently and enjoyed greatly.

Seven Times a Night in Baker Street by achray
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing/Characters: Sherlock/Janine. Sort of Sherlock/John.
Words: 4.176
Ratings: Explicit/NC17
Warnings/Triggers: graphic descriptions of sex.
Other Info: angst, pining.
Summary: “What if we experimented? Kept count? Would you be…amenable?” “Oh my God,” said Janine. “I’m never letting you go.”

Reccers Comment: While I rather prefer reading Sherlock as ace and treating the fact he never slept with Janine as one more tiny suggestion confirming my headcanon, I occasionally do enjoy some nice Sherlock/Janine. This is very nice, very nice indeed. Also hot. And so very angsty, because unrequited Johnlock. Basically missing scenes between Sherlock and Janine and an explanation of how the articles were more of an exaggeration than a lie.

Coins on My Eyes by Indybaggins
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing/Characters: Sherlock/John, Mycroft.
Words: 35.197
Ratings: Mature/R
Warnings/Triggers: gore, body horror, temporary character death.
Other Info: Zombie Apocalypse AU, angst, pining, h/c, disability.
Summary: Sherlock spent nights lying awake, listening to the rustling of John’s hands on the bedcovers. The dull thumps of John’s head against the headboard. The rhythmic grinding of his teeth. The soft, hungry sounds of his mouth and throat.

There is an unknown infection rapidly spreading through London, fear, unspoken love, dead who cannot die... and a way for them to come back. Post-zombie AU!

Reccers Comment: OK, the things is: everything written by indybaggins is worth reading and reccing, so yeah. This is just the latest fic I've read. (Since I'm still putting off reading the newest one.) It's a terribly angsty (but with a happy ending) story about the world post-zombie apocalypse. Basically, think about "In the Flesh" levels and types of angst. It's a fascinating description of grief and desperation, and denial, and no easy answers or solutions are forthcoming. Heartbreaking and beautiful.

Five times Mycroft failed Sherlock by WordOfAll
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing/Characters: Mycroft, Sherlock. Mycroft/Lestrade, Sherlock&John.
Words: 21.173
Ratings: Mature/R
Warnings/Triggers: dysfunctional family, child abuse, emotional abuse, emotional manipulation, non-con/dub-con, mental issues, guilt, drug use.
Other Info: angst, relationship (between the Holmes brothers) study.
Summary: Follows Mycroft Holmes from the age of seven up to the time of the series. Dark and sad. Basically just Mycroft desperately trying to be a decent human being and a good brother - and often failing miserably. First few chapters are focused mainly at the Holmes brothers’ relationship, Lestrade will emerse in the Failure No3.

Reccers Comment: This fic again at some point got too dramatic for me, but I still think it's a delightful angsty feast. There is a second part in the series for which I'm both grateful and not. On one hand it helped with the angsty, dramatic cliff-hanger that ends the first part, on the other. On the other it somehow mellowed the story into more of this soap-opera drama I've mentioned.

Avia by Cortesia
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Eggsy
Eggsy/OMCs, Lee Unwin/Michelle Unwin, Dean Baker/Michelle Unwin, Michelle Unwin/OMCs, Amelia/Roxy Morton, Merlin/Roxy Morton.
Words: 73.967
Ratings: Explicit/NC17.
Warnings/Triggers: Non-Con, Underage Prostitution, Domestic Violence, Drug Use, Verbal Abuse, Child Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Addictions, Torture. Graphic descriptions of sex.
Other Info: Soulmate AU, Wing Fic, Epic Pining.
Summary: There was little to be done the day Gary Unwin was born. Like any other child, he was born into the world small and weak. But unlike other children in his neighborhood, he was born different.

Reccers Comment: This was the very first fic I've started reading in the Kingsman fandom. The very first. And it was a wing fic and soulmate au, so I fell in love with the fandom, because that's just what I love in fics. The universe is also created in a careful, detailed way, though it seems to lose the momentum in last parts, at least for me. The story is in places over-dramatic and overly-sappy (in this way that both fics and soap operas sometimes have, when some real traumatic drama is happening and you're like: omg, and what else? Is this the part, when we find out his new girlfriend is a secret daughter of that guy who sold him to the sleazy rapist for ten bucks when he was a kid?), but not too much for most of it. Eggsy's accent and voice are spot on too and Merlin/Roxy bonus gave me the thrills. All in all, good, exciting read.

Care and Custody by esama
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Eggsy, Daisy, Merlin, Original Lancelot, Percival.
Words: 50.428
Ratings: Teen and Up/PG13
Warnings/Triggers: Murder, Abuse, Child Abuse, Swearing, Canonical Character's Death, Non-Canonical Character's Death, Domestic Fluff.
Other Info: AU-ish, Domestic Fluff, H/C, Kid Fic.
Summary: Eggsy takes out the medal in slightly worse circumstances, asking for a miracle.

Reccers Comment: This fic I was recced by r_a_j_ka who knows that kid fics are my kryptonite. (Another thing I love about this fandom.) Once again there is quite heavy dose of those soap-opera-like over-dramatics, but it's worth it. Basically Michelle gets killed and Eggsy is blamed for it, so when he calls from arrest he is in much more trouble than in the movie. Also, he has a little sister to take care of.

There's so much fluff and domestic cuteness, and Eggsy still remains a bad ass. And Harry's romantic gesture at the end is one of the sappiest, sassiest and crackiest things ever. (I loved it.)

be kind to your dentist, he has fillings too by connordont
Fandom: How To Get Away With Murder
Pairing/Characters: Connor/Oliver, Asher.
Words: 2.629
Ratings: Gen
Warnings/Triggers: Dentists.
Other Info: Dentist AU, Aher's POV, dreadful puns and pick-up lines if the title wasn't a warning enough.
Summary: Connor flashes him one of his best, pearly-white grins, and Asher detects absolutely no jokes at his expense. He's confused for half a second before he realizes the way that Connor is looking at the Mr. Hampton.

“Dude,” Asher says. “Are you kidding me?”

(in which Connor accompanies Asher to the dentist for moral support but gets a little distracted.)

Reccers Comment: If I wasn't friends with megan_moonlight fics like this would pass me by. I will hold my judgement in regards of whether it's a bad thing or the exact opposite.

The fic is funny and cracky. Asher is spot on and I actually really liked him in this fic. Oliver is awkward and blushy and adorable cinnamon roll that he is and Connor is unstoppable flirt. Very canonic, just without all the grim murders and stuff like that.

(Reccers Notes: Comments are always appreciated. Especially if they involve constructive criticism regarding what you'd like to correct about those rec, is there some info you need in a rec that I'm missing? Let me know. Also, feel free to let me know if you'd like a certain specific rec showing up, for example specific pairing/fandom/trope/etc. Cheers.)

fic recs: random, fic recs: kingsman, fanfiction writers appreciation day, fic recs: how to get away with murder, fic recs: sherlock

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