Jun 30, 2015 21:43

Dear Author, I've planned to write this letter few days ago, but I have failed. Sorry, lately I'm either too busy or too tired and that's something you don't care about, I know, sorry. The letter!

I wrote in my requests anything I could think of at the moment about the fandoms/pairings I requested. Here I will just fill in the gaps.

First of all, I want you to know I've picked most of those pairings with the "this sounds interesting, tell me all about it". I generally also have the attitude of "this pairing?! okay, tell me how", so really I'm cool with whatever you come up with. Convince me, I'm willing. (I prefer the get together kind of things than established relationships, but I know that's sometimes trickier, so don't feel bound my this preference.)

Things I like to see in fics: magical/supernatural AU, those AUs that are very much AU, but actually very close to canon, AUs in general, clever/funny banter, mix of angst and fluff, happy endings or at least not terribly sad endings, kid fics, soul mates aus of all kinds, Alpha/Beta/Omega AU, I really do like the AUs, time traveling and many others, but my one time true gem always and forever is: crack trope written seriously. I'm all here for porn tropes written for the descriptions of the society in this particular AU, serious tropes written as cracky porn, crack tropes written seriously and basically misused tropes are the best.

Squicks: Non-con. Sometimes dub-con. Yes, that's it. If you manage to squick me anyway, I'm to blame.

Other pairings: Sure thing, but I'd appreciate if the pairing from the request would not end up being broken up by another one. Unless the plot bunny really demands it. But please don't include: Lestrade/Molly or Mulder/Scully.

All ratings happily accepted.

I'm sorry I don't give you any specific prompts, I admit my sign up was a last minute decision and I didn't have anything specific in mind. *shrugs* Good luck and absolutely no pressure, I'm always happy to get fics. :D

ETA: Okay, everyone puts their requests in the post as well and it does make things easier, so here:

Request #1: Teen Wolf

> Allison Argent/Derek
> Hale Chris Argent/Derek Hale
> Derek Hale/Sheriff Stilinski
> Chris Argent/Kate Argent

I don't have any particular prompts, but here are some ideas and some info about how I like the ships mentioned:

- Allison Argent/Derek Hale, Chris Argent/Derek Hale - I mention both in one place as I like them in similiar way. With plenty of antagonism, with Derek being paranoid, with Argent not willing to coddle Derek, some uneasy truce and somewhat forced co-operation that ends in something more shippy. I'm all here for enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, but I'm happy to skip the friends part if you'd rather go that way.

- Derek Hale/Sheriff Stilinski - I think this ship starts with Sheriff trying to help, maybe when most of the pack moves to college or something, Derek having a lot of respect for Sheriff and neither of them really expecting for it to change into anything else and yet it happens. Fluff, co-operation, hurt/comfort with more of the comfort, protecting the town together. (Bonus points for deputy Hale trope. Extra bonus points for not giving the Sheriff any other name than John. PLEASE.)

- Chris Argent/Kate Argent - this ship I only dig, when it's dark and messed up. Please don't make Kate fluffy, unless you manage to make dark, creepy, psychopathic behaviours somewhat fluffy - in this case, go ahead.

Request #2: The X-Files

>Dana Scully/Walter Skinner

I will accept everything, but I admit I find the internet lacking in case of delicious porn for those two. I mean, I'm all happy for the plot and relationship building stuff, etc. Trully! But if you're one of those blessed authors with talent for hot het sex scenes - I will consider this the most delicious treat.

Request #3: Sherlock (TV)

>Irene Adler/Mycroft Holmes
>Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper

Irene Adler/Mycroft Holmes - Give me all the manipulation. All the "I'll tell you a secret, if you let me tie you up" plots. All the "I came here to threaten you and make sure you're not dangerous and how the tables have turned you seem to be a bit tied up at the moment." I don't want fluffy love stories for these two. I want rivalry, trying to one up the other, manipulation and games, but still with some admiration and respect for the oponent. One of the few pairings I will happily read dub-con for. Maybe even non-con, but that depends. (Would have to be 'forced by blackmail not forced by force' kind of thing.) And please don't make either of them straight or asexual. Gay, but forced/manipulated/intrigued or bisexual and happy about it. Pansexual, demisexual, literally any other option. (I don't mean any offense, I just can't headcanon those two as straight or ace, especially, when shipped with each other.)

Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper - all the akward fluff and Mycroft surprised at not hating Molly. Molly showing some more of her character, yet still being a bit of an awkward fluffy sweetie. Molly having a thing for smart, powerful, tall guys. Mycroft being high class gentleman. Sherlock's shock and dismay are more than welcome.

Request #4: MCU

> James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark (MCU)
> James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark (MCU)
> James "Bucky" Barnes/James "Rhodey" Rhodes (MCU)
> Pepper Potts/James "Rhodey" Rhodes (MCU)
> James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson (MCU)
> James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson (MCU)

I'm not very deep in MCU fandom and I don't have any specific prompts. I like all the pairings I've listed and I will happily read any of them. One hint I can give is that I love Tony and he is my favourite baby, so of course I will happily read him being dragged through any and all angst possible, but would not like him to stay in that state at the end. Much. Basically give me Tony feels, lots and lots of them.

For the pairings without Tony anywhere near: I also deeply love Sam.

Request #5: Harry Potter

> Dudley Dursley/Harry Potter
> Regulus Black/Severus Snape
> Narcissa Black Malfoy/Severus Snape
> Draco Malfoy/Moaning Myrtle
> Gregory Goyle/Padma Patil
> Viktor Krum/Ron Weasley

I have no idea what I want with those, because I freely admit I just opened Harry Potter fandom and requested everything that sounded fun to me. Write me whatever you want, I just want to see those pairings in fic. Getting together fics preferable. Angst happily welcomed, but with somewhat happy endings. And no non-cons, please.

Request #6: Cabin Pressure:

> Carolyn Knapp-Shappey/Herc Shipwright
> Douglas Richardson/Herc Shipwright

I'm here for some love and a lots of banter. If you want to indulge any specific prompts, then:

- Carolyn/Herc - THE WEDDING. Or you know, planning of the wedding, the wedding itself, the reception. All the chaos. I bet they wrote their own vows. And Carolyn scoffed at Herc's and Carolyn's were all like "I have decided to marry you and it was a long and careful decision, I look forawd to you trying to make me not regret it." and Herc just grins at her like a man mad in love, while Ruth is rolling her eyes at the spectacle.

- Douglas/Herc - them slowly getting their friendship back, when they fly together again. And then the rest of the feelings they've had for each other start to come back too and it's a tad bit awkward and problematic. And angsty, probably.

(Bonus points if both of those pairings can happily work in the same fic, but I'd be satisfied with either.)

fic exchange, letters to writers, rare pairs

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